
Month Archives: September 2023


How to paint over sharpie

Wallpaper can be expensive! But did you know you can create a unique, customized wall for cheap using Sharpie? In this DIY Sharpie wall tutorial, I show you the wall I created and exactly how I did it!


Creating artwork of hydrangeas using acrylics

It has been an unusually rainy week at the beach, so I haven't been able to paint on the porch I have been watching Wimbledon and reading which I've really enjoyed, but sadly I've no new paintings to share Limelight Hydrangeas are one of my favorite summer flowers They are at their peak right now,…


Very vivid purple red colour

Very vivid purple-red color Find out Very vivid purple-red color Answers. CodyCross is a famous newly released game which is developed by Fanatee. It has many crosswords divided into different


Can you buff acrylic paint?

Hey guys, So I've recently resprayed my r32 from Acrylic green/clear to Acrylic metallic black/clear and I'm now looking at cutting it back and polishing it up to bring out a nice reflection and the metallic flecks alittle more. First off I'd like to say that this was my first time attempting pai...

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