

Steps to prep canvas for acrylic paint

Starting on one side, fill any folds first so that you don’t have to go back to them.
Working quickly and using long strokes paint the sides.
Just paint until the side is covered then move round to the next side.

How To Prepare A Canvas With A Warm Yellow Mix

Outlines Art Materials

How to Prepare A Canvas With A Warm Yellow Mix

This Tutorial discusses how to prepare a canvas with a warm yellow mix to use it as a ground for a painting. Using Acrylic paint, we show how thick the paint should be and Why a colour ground is useful when painting a picture.

Easy for Beginners.

Some artists like to plan their paintings, but sometimes they just want to jump in and start painting. But what if it’s some time since you painted anything or you have never painted before?

When you’re a little out of the habit, it’s useful to handle some paint and get a feel for it again. If you paint regularly it’s good to have some canvases ready for use, and a coloured ground gives you a head start.

Table of Contents

Why painting a ground is good

Painting a ground is a useful first step for beginners as both of those points apply. You will get a feel for the texture of acrylic paints and how it behaves and the colour will show through any gaps, giving the painting a finished look.

  • A ground can give depth to transparent colours and serve to give harmony all over a picture when it shows through in places.
  • If you have ever balked at the sight of a glaring white canvas, painting a coloured ground will help to remove that feeling.
  • You can prepare several canvasses in advance for a series of paintings, so that they have some unity throughout the series.
  • Some new canvasses have flaws or substances that resist paint. This prevents paint from adhering properly or interrupts the flow. A ground fixes the problem.
  • You can use a coloured acrylic ground as an under painting for oils.

Full written details are below the video.

Video Showing mixing and applying the paint

Colours in this mix are:
Yellow Ochre – Lemon Yellow – Titanium White

Yellow ochre can be used on its own, but I like to experiment with mixes.
I chose to mix it with a little lemon yellow to brighten it and white to make a lighter colour. You may prefer to mix with different colors e.g. cadmium yellow, cadmium red.

Mix the colours first until you have the colour you want.
I used a palette knife to mix it separately so that I could choose how much to use for the canvas,
This approach allowed me to continue to mix more colors for other canvasses.

Notice I have very little water in my jar.

Water should be added very slowly, a few drops at a time to get the right consistency.
If it is too wet the coating will be too thin and could make bubbles.
Too thick, and it will be difficult to apply.
The consistence of the finished mix should be creamy, a bit like a slightly runny single cream but not as thin as milk.

Mix it well to get rid of lumps and use it straight-away.

Resin Art Video Tutorial

There are several things which are difficult to fully explain with words and images, so be sure to check out the video tutorial below!

Additionally, I used 2×4’s around the table below the plywood top to create a tub.

I sealed the underside of the table with silicone caulk to prevent leaking.
Ultimately, the underside of the outfeed table is a tub which collects the epoxy as it runs off the workpiece.

The outfeed table is attached to my table saw with magnets.

To use the table, I pull it away from the table saw and flip it over.

Prepare Paint and Epoxy Resin

First, I added the white acrylic paint in a plastic cup.
Also, the acrylic paint will add color to the epoxy resin.

White was my base color, so I used a large measuring cup because I needed roughly 8 ounces.
Next, I mixed the other colors in a small plastic cup.

Then, I used roughly 1 tablespoon per 4 ounces of epoxy resin.

Keep in mind, the amount of acrylic paint is not an exact science.
Ultimately, one tablespoon per 4 ounces produced a nice color for me.

Next, I mixed 24 ounces (12 ounces of epoxy, 12 ounces of hardener) of epoxy resin.

Mix Paint and Epoxy Resin

First, I mixed the 24 ounces epoxy resin by stirring gently with a mixing stick.

While stirring, the epoxy resin will get thick and cloudy.
Also, it will start to get easier to stir and become clear again after a few minutes of mixing.

Next, I poured roughly 4 ounces in each small cup with acrylic paint.
Furthermore, I poured 8 ounces into the large mixing cup with my white base color.

Then, I mixed the paint with the epoxy resin.
It is important to make certain the paint is completely mixed with the resin.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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