

Storing acrylic artwork for longevity

Water can cause significant damage to your artwork. It can cause warping, staining, or mould growth. Therefore, it is essential to avoid placing your artwork near water sources or exposing it to moisture. If your artwork gets wet, blot it gently with a clean cloth and allow it to air dry.

Storing acrylic artwork for longevity

Specifically for paper prints, relative humidity (RH) above 60% accelerates both chemical and biological deterioration and paper distortion. Similarly for paintings, RH above 60% encourages the growth of mould, while RH below 35% can cause paint to become brittle and prone to cracking, lifting paint and eventual paint loss.

Because of this, leading institutions maintain relative humidity at around 50%. Temperatures are advised to be at around 21°C or 69°F.

Humidity is affected by both internal and external temperatures and it is therefore advised to select a climate-controlled area for storage. You can test the humidity level of your space using a hygrometer; some homes have pre-installed hygrometers, however these can also be purchased from your local hardware store. Maintaining the appropriate RH can be achieved by adjusting spatial heating, the use of a humidifier, and proper ventilation.

Caution must be taken not to place the art near the heat source and humidifier/vent as close proximity to these will adversely affect the pieces you want to protect (this also includes your art currently on display!). In addition, it is best not to place art on the inside of an exterior wall as these experience temperature fluctuations and excessive moisture.

For how best to establish and maintain a climate-controlled space, consult your local heating and ventilation company.

Lighting is also an important consideration in the storage space. Do not store art in the path of direct UV light, or under an exposed fluorescent lamp as these will cause rapid colour fading.

Digital hygrometer

Printed Matter
It is important to prepare your artwork prior to storage. In the case of printed matter, first remove any dust and dirt using a soft brush, taking care not to smudge or mark delicate charcoal, pastel, or chalk works. Be aware of plastic envelopes or sheeting, newspapers, acidic wrapping papers, cardboard mats or backings, dried adhesive tapes, metal fasteners, or other foreign substances which can contribute to the degradation of the artwork. When possible, remove foreign materials prior to storage unless their removal will affect the integrity of the piece. Substances which will permanently alter your printed matter (such as glue or tape residue) are not considered conservation quality and should be avoided.


Solander Box

Map Cabinet

Proper storage

Proper storage is essential in protecting your artworks. Heat, moisture, and direct sunlight can cause irreversible damage to your artwork. Therefore, storing your artwork in a cool and dry place is essential.

Avoid placing your artworks near windows or heat sources, as this can cause warping, fading, or discolouration. Instead, choose a cool, dry, and dark place to store your artwork. You can also use protective sleeves or acid-free archival boxes to keep your artwork safe from dust, moisture, and other harmful elements.

UV-protective glass

UV-protective glass or acrylic is an excellent way to protect your artwork from fading or discolouration caused by sunlight. UV radiation can cause irreversible damage to your artwork, and overexposure can cause the colours to fade or change over time.

Therefore, it is essential to choose UV-protective glass or acrylic when framing or displaying your artwork. This type of glass or acrylic filters out harmful UV rays and protects your artwork from damage.

Control humidity levels

High humidity levels can cause mould, warping, and other damage to your artwork. Therefore, it is essential to control the humidity levels in your home or studio. You can use a dehumidifier or air conditioner to reduce the humidity levels in your space. Keep the humidity level between 45% to 55% to prevent damage to your artwork. You can also use a hygrometer to measure the humidity level in your space.

When handling your artwork, be careful not to touch the surface with your hands, as oils and dirt can damage it. Use gloves or a clean cloth to handle the artwork. Avoid bending or folding the artwork, as this can cause creases and damage to the paper or canvas. When transporting your artwork, use protective packaging to prevent damage.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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