

What is the process of mixing acrylic paint?

Hi, I’m Rei! I love painting easy designs on small surfaces like rocks, cards, and mini canvases. Grab your paint brushes, and let’s make some art!

How To Mix And Blend Acrylic Paint For Rock Art

One of the most important aspects of rock painting is color mixing and blending. In this blog, we’ll explore and learn how to mix different hues and shades and discover a variety of blending techniques to achieve beautiful and unique effects.

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Mixing Acrylic Paint For Rock Art

Mixing acrylic paints to create new colors is one of the necessary skills for creating stunning and vibrant rock art using acrylic paint. While this article is focused on rocks and stones, this skill can be applied to other painting surfaces as well.

In this section, we will get our brushes dirty and practice the basics of color theory. We will do this by making our own color wheel palette, which will be our base to explore other aspects of colors.

After that, we will play with value, saturation, opacity, and other aspects of acrylic paint colors.

How To Mix Acrylic Paint: Color Wheel Palette Tutorial

To make the color wheel palette, we will start by using primary colors and combining them to create secondary, and then use them to create tertiary colors.



Steps in Creating Color Wheel Palette Using Acrylic Paint

1. Use Primary Colors.

Start by placing a blob of each primary color(blue, red, & yellow) spaced out evenly. Beside each blob put 2 dots of the same colors, these will be used to create tertiary colors later.

Leave space for secondary colors in between each set of primaries.

*Make sure to always clean the knife between each color.

2. Create secondary colors.

Use the spaces between each of the primary colors to combine each of the 2 colors adjacent primary colors.

  1. Red + blue = violet
  2. Blue + yellow = green
  3. Yellow + red = orange

3. Create tertiary colors.

Add a bit of secondary color to the dots of the primary color beside them.

  1. Red + Violet = Red-violet
  2. Blue + Violet = Blue-violet
  3. Blue + Green = Blue-green
  4. Yellow + Green = Yellow-green
  5. Yellow + Orange = Yellow-orange
  6. Red + Orange = Red-orange

Now we’ve created the secondary and tertiary colors, we can begin to experiment with values, saturation, opacity, and other aspects of color. My article “Basic Color Theory” discusses these and the color wheel in more detail.

Color Wheel Palette Plus Black and White Paint

Adding more white to a color creates a lighter tint while adding black creates a darker shade. And by mixing in small amounts of complementary colors, you can create unique and unexpected variations.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and play around with different color combinations. Mixing and blending paint is a fun and creative process, and there are endless possibilities for creating new and exciting colors for your rock paintings.

In the next section, we’ll explore different blending techniques to help you create smooth and seamless transitions between colors. Feel free to use the paint you just mixed. You can spray or mist it with water to keep it wet.

Blending Acrylic Paint

Now that we’ve mixed up some beautiful colors, it’s time to start blending them together on our rock.

Blending acrylic paint can be challenging since it tends to dry faster than other mediums( like oil).

While there are several blending techniques, we will focus on the very basic one in this section. Gradient blending is the process of smoothly transitioning from one color to another, creating a seamless and beautiful effect. We will use this a lot for our rock painting projects.

How to Blend Acrylic Paint on Rocks: Basic Gradient

Gradient Blending Technique on Rock Art

1. Apply the first color from one end, to the middle.

Using a flat brush, apply the first paint color on one end of the rock. Brush it from side to side until you reach the middle.

In the gradient rock above, I started by applying red paint from the top to the middle of the rock.

2. Apply the next color from the opposite end, to the middle.

Add the next color to the other end of the rock. Apply it by brushing from side to side until you reach the middle.

Using a clean brush I applied the yellow paint from the bottom of the rock.

3. Blend two colors.

Let the colors meet in the middle and gradually blend with the flat brush creating a smooth gradient. Add more paint if necessary.

Using the same brush, I blend the red and orange until I achieve a gradient effect.


  • Since acrylics dry fast, It helps to prepare all materials and plan what you will paint before putting any paint in your palette.
  • Use a DIY or store-bought ‘stay-wet palette’ to keep your paint wet longer.
  • Be careful not to add too much water. Adding more paint is better if you like smoother brush stroke flow.
  • Use a light touch. Apply the paint lightly and gradually build up the color intensity, rather than trying to apply too much paint at once.
  • Make sure to clean your brush thoroughly between each color to avoid muddying the colors together.
  • Using a makeup sponge instead of a brush can make blending easier.
  • The natural texture and surface of the rock can be rough and uneven. This could add some extra challenges. In my article on how to prepare rocks for painting, I discussed these and their solutions.

With these techniques and tips in mind, you can create beautiful blends and transitions between colors in your rock paintings. In the next section, we’ll explore fun effects that can be created using different blending techniques.

Can You Mix Milk Paint with Acrylic Paint?

Have you ever wanted to give an old furniture piece a playful twist? Combining milk paint with acrylic paint can be the most effective way to do just that.

Milk paint is an ancient, organic paint made with natural ingredients that give your project great depth and texture. In contrast, acrylic paints are fast-drying and water-resistant when dry, providing a layer of vibrant colors to really make things pop. Acrylic paint can be used for a variety of purposes. You can use acrylic paint as finger paint. But in what manner can you mix milk paint with acrylic paint?

Can You Mix Milk Paint with Acrylic Paint

Throughout this article, we’ll walk you through the steps for easily mixing milk paint with acrylic paint so you can breathe new life into any piece of furniture. So let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Steps On How Can You Mix Milk Paint with Acrylic Paint

How To Create Smooth Blends with Ac.

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Milk and acrylic paint are two different types of paint that can be mixed to create unique color combinations and effects. Here are eight steps on how to mix milk paint with acrylic paint:

Step 01: Choosing Colors

When mixing milk paint and acrylics, choosing colors that work well together and complement each other is essential. Consider the overall impact of the painting you are creating and the color palette you are working with.

If you are unsure what colors to use, consider consulting a color wheel or chart for inspiration. Also, look at other pieces of artwork that combine milk paint and acrylics to inform your choices.

Step 02: Gather Materials

Before beginning to mix milk paint and acrylics, ensure you have all the necessary materials. This includes a palette, knife, measuring cup, mixing container, and water.

The palette will mix the paint, while the palette knife will help scrape off excess paint from the surface once it is dry. Use measuring cups to measure out specific amounts of milk paint. A mixing container will be necessary for combining all the ingredients into one cohesive mixture.

Finally, water can be added in small amounts if needed to ensure enough consistency within the mixture for optimal coverage when applied onto surfaces.

Step 03: Measure Milk Paint

Once you’ve gathered all your materials and chosen your colors, it’s time to measure out how much milk paint you need by pouring it into a measuring cup. Milk paint comes in powdered form, so make sure you add enough water according to the instructions on the package before beginning to mix it with acrylics.

Step 4: Mix Milk Paint

Mixing Milk Paint

Once all of the individual ingredients, such as pigment and resins, have been measured out accurately and placed into a container or palette, they must be mixed together until the mixture becomes one cohesive substance without the presence of any clumps of powder within it.

And use a stirring motion that ensures a uniform blend between both paints so they dry evenly and can be applied easily. This will also allow for a smooth application process with minimal cracking or bubbling occurring afterward.

Step 05: Mix the Acrylic Paint

Mix milk paint with acrylic paint

Start by squeezing a small amount of acrylic paint onto a palette or mixing container. Use either a palette knife or a stir stick to mix the paint until it is smooth and even. Keep scraping off any accumulations from the sides of the container as you go. This will ensure that your resulting mixture is properly blended and lumped-free.

Step 06: Combine the Paints

Once your acrylic paint has been mixed, pour it into a mixing container with your desired amount of milk paint. Using the same palette knife or stir stick, mix both ingredients until they are thoroughly combined. If the consistency is too thick, add small amounts of water while stirring until you achieve your desired result.

Combine milk paint with acrylic

Step 07: Check the Consistency

Once both paints have been combined, check the texture and consistency of your mixture before applying it to any surfaces. The ideal texture should be slightly dense but not overly thick or runny; if it’s too thin, add additional layers of either paint until it reaches an optimal state.

Be sure to check for any lumps or debris from previous mixing and remove them before continuing with the application process.

Step 08: Apply the Paint

Once you’ve achieved an even consistency in your mixture, use a brush to apply it to whatever surface you would like to use it on, such as wood, canvas, or paper. Apply thin layers first and let them dry completely before adding another layer for increased opacity and color intensity.

When finished, wash all brushes used between applications to preserve their life span and maintain good hygiene practices when working with different paints.

Use Milk Paint and Acrylic Paint to Make Eye-Catching Items

Mixing Milk Paint and Acrylic Paint together is possible and can be a great way to get a stunning one-of-a-kind finish. To ensure beautiful results, you should pay attention to the ratio of each material used and the technique employed in layering them.

Whether you prefer subtle or bold design elements, creating eye-catching furniture pieces with a unique blend of Milk Paint and Acrylic Paint is possible.

Turning your ideas into reality may require some trial and error. But in the end, it’s worth the effort to produce something truly special that will endure for years to come.

S. Pushon

S. Pushon is a paint expert, self-taught artist, and currently working as an adviser in the paint industry as a Quality Improvement and Development Assistant.
An artist by heart, he draws remarkable art pieces and as a professional paint industry individual, he seeks the insight and shares with enthusiasts. Read more…

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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