

Art creation with heartfelt intentions


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Written by
Kenneth Rexroth

Poet, writer, and painter. Special Lecturer, University of California, Santa Barbara. Author of Classics Revisited and others.

Kenneth Rexroth
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Last Updated: Oct 5, 2023 • Article History
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Category: Arts & Culture
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Nov. 1, 2023, 12:17 PM ET (The Indian Express)

literature, a body of written works. The name has traditionally been applied to those imaginative works of poetry and prose distinguished by the intentions of their authors and the perceived aesthetic excellence of their execution. Literature may be classified according to a variety of systems, including language, national origin, historical period, genre, and subject matter.

Definitions of the word literature tend to be circular. The 11th edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary considers literature to be “writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest.” The 19th-century critic Walter Pater referred to “the matter of imaginative or artistic literature” as a “transcript, not of mere fact, but of fact in its infinitely varied forms.” But such definitions assume that the reader already knows what literature is. And indeed its central meaning, at least, is clear enough. Deriving from the Latin littera, “a letter of the alphabet,” literature is first and foremost humankind’s entire body of writing; after that it is the body of writing belonging to a given language or people; then it is individual pieces of writing.

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But already it is necessary to qualify these statements. To use the word writing when describing literature is itself misleading, for one may speak of “oral literature” or “the literature of preliterate peoples.” The art of literature is not reducible to the words on the page; they are there solely because of the craft of writing. As an art, literature might be described as the organization of words to give pleasure. Yet through words literature elevates and transforms experience beyond “mere” pleasure. Literature also functions more broadly in society as a means of both criticizing and affirming cultural values.

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The scope of literature

Literature is a form of human expression. But not everything expressed in words—even when organized and written down—is counted as literature. Those writings that are primarily informative—technical, scholarly, journalistic—would be excluded from the rank of literature by most, though not all, critics. Certain forms of writing, however, are universally regarded as belonging to literature as an art. Individual attempts within these forms are said to succeed if they possess something called artistic merit and to fail if they do not. The nature of artistic merit is less easy to define than to recognize. The writer need not even pursue it to attain it. On the contrary, a scientific exposition might be of great literary value and a pedestrian poem of none at all.

The purest (or, at least, the most intense) literary form is the lyric poem, and after it comes elegiac, epic, dramatic, narrative, and expository verse. Most theories of literary criticism base themselves on an analysis of poetry, because the aesthetic problems of literature are there presented in their simplest and purest form. Poetry that fails as literature is not called poetry at all but verse. Many novels—certainly all the world’s great novels—are literature, but there are thousands that are not so considered. Most great dramas are considered literature (although the Chinese, possessors of one of the world’s greatest dramatic traditions, consider their plays, with few exceptions, to possess no literary merit whatsoever).

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The Greeks thought of history as one of the seven arts, inspired by a goddess, the muse Clio. All of the world’s classic surveys of history can stand as noble examples of the art of literature, but most historical works and studies today are not written primarily with literary excellence in mind, though they may possess it, as it were, by accident.

The essay was once written deliberately as a piece of literature: its subject matter was of comparatively minor importance. Today most essays are written as expository, informative journalism, although there are still essayists in the great tradition who think of themselves as artists. Now, as in the past, some of the greatest essayists are critics of literature, drama, and the arts.

Some personal documents ( autobiographies, diaries, memoirs, and letters) rank among the world’s greatest literature. Some examples of this biographical literature were written with posterity in mind, others with no thought of their being read by anyone but the writer. Some are in a highly polished literary style; others, couched in a privately evolved language, win their standing as literature because of their cogency, insight, depth, and scope.

Many works of philosophy are classed as literature. The Dialogues of Plato (4th century bc ) are written with great narrative skill and in the finest prose; the Meditations of the 2nd-century Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius are a collection of apparently random thoughts, and the Greek in which they are written is eccentric. Yet both are classed as literature, while the speculations of other philosophers, ancient and modern, are not. Certain scientific works endure as literature long after their scientific content has become outdated. This is particularly true of books of natural history, where the element of personal observation is of special importance. An excellent example is Gilbert White’s Natural History and Antiquities of Selbourne (1789).

Oratory, the art of persuasion, was long considered a great literary art. The oratory of the American Indian, for instance, is famous, while in Classical Greece, Polymnia was the muse sacred to poetry and oratory. Rome’s great orator Cicero was to have a decisive influence on the development of English prose style. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is known to every American schoolchild. Today, however, oratory is more usually thought of as a craft than as an art. Most critics would not admit advertising copywriting, purely commercial fiction, or cinema and television scripts as accepted forms of literary expression, although others would hotly dispute their exclusion. The test in individual cases would seem to be one of enduring satisfaction and, of course, truth. Indeed, it becomes more and more difficult to categorize literature, for in modern civilization words are everywhere. Man is subject to a continuous flood of communication. Most of it is fugitive, but here and there—in high-level journalism, in television, in the cinema, in commercial fiction, in westerns and detective stories, and in plain, expository prose—some writing, almost by accident, achieves an aesthetic satisfaction, a depth and relevance that entitle it to stand with other examples of the art of literature.

Art creation with heartfelt intentions


Эстетичный скетчбук для рисования Royal Talens “Art Creation” непременно понравится как начинающим художникам, так и профессионалам.
Красивая твердая обложка с фиксацией на резинку будет особенно хороша для поездок: в таких блокнотах можно рисовать “на ходу”, а скругленные углы не повредят ни сумку, ни карман.

Бумага для рисования в блокнотах изготовлена из высококачественной целлюлозы высокой плотности, благодаря чему гелевые и масляные чернила не просачиваются и способна выдержать многократные правки работы. Поверхность бумаги – мелкозернистая, идеальна для рисунка карандашом, пастелью, углем, ручками и линерами, в том числе в техниках дудлинга, пуанте и зен-арта.
Также скетчбук “Art Creation” (Арт Криэйшн) можно использовать в качестве записной книжки или творческого ежедневника.

  • Плотность 140 г/м²
  • Размер А5 13х21 см
  • Количество листов – 80
  • Цвет бумаги – слоновая кость
  • Цвет обложки – коралловый
  • Резинка фиксатор и закладка ленточка


Код магазина 03019
Производитель ОЕМ
Страна производства Китай
Гарантия производителя Да
Срок гарантии 1 год
Серия Art Creation
Цвет Розовый
Формат А5
Количество листов 80
Вид крепления листов прошивка
Поверхность мелкозернистая
Плотность г/м² 140
Состав 100% целлюлоза
Кислотность Бескислотная
Вес (в упаковке) грамм 372.0000
Штрихкод 8712079455835
Сертификат Не подлежит сертификации

Mastering Your Reality: The Art of Deliberate Intent and Creation

In a world where the lines between science and spirituality continue to blur, the Law of Deliberate Intent, also known as the Law of Creation, stands as a beacon of empowerment and transformation. Pioneered by the profound teachings of Abraham Hicks, this concept delves into the realm of conscious manifestation, inviting individuals to become the architects of their own destinies. In this article, we embark on a journey through the intricate tapestry of the Law of Deliberate Intent, exploring its key principles and unveiling its remarkable potential to shape a reality that aligns with your deepest desires.

Unveiling the Essence: Abraham Hicks and the Law of Deliberate Intent

Abraham Hicks, a channel of higher consciousness, has bestowed upon humanity a paradigm-shifting revelation — the power of deliberate intent. At its core, this law revolves around the notion that our thoughts, emotions, and actions are not mere spectators in the grand theater of life but rather the masterful artists who craft the scenes. By wielding the brush of intent, we become co-creators, capable of painting our aspirations into existence.

The Blueprint of Creation: Key Principles of Deliberate Intent

Thoughts and Emotions: Consider your thoughts as the seeds and your emotions as the fertile soil. The Law of Deliberate Intent posits that nurturing positive thoughts and cultivating harmonious emotions act as a magnetic force, attracting experiences that resonate with your inner desires.

Vibration and Attraction: Just as a tuning fork resonates with its counterpart, your energetic vibration resonates with circumstances and people of similar frequencies. By elevating your vibration through positivity and clarity, you pave the way for the universe to harmonise with your aspirations.

Clarity and Focus: Think of your intentions as a compass guiding you toward your desired destination. The Law of Deliberate Intent underscores the importance of being crystal clear about your goals and directing your focus like a laser beam, igniting the manifestation process.

Alignment: Picture a symphony where every instrument plays in perfect harmony. Aligning your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions in congruence creates a powerful resonance that orchestrates the fulfillment of your dreams.

Allowing and Receiving: Imagine yourself as a vessel, ready to receive the abundant blessings the universe offers. Let go of doubt and resistance, and practice the art of allowing to welcome your desires with open arms.

Joy and Well-being: Delving into the realm of deliberate intent isn’t just about wish fulfillment; it’s about cultivating a life filled with joy, vitality, and fulfillment. By mastering this law, you step into the river of well-being that flows through the tapestry of existence.

The Dance of Mastery: Integrating Deliberate Intent into Your Life

Embracing the Law of Deliberate Intent requires a conscious commitment to self-awareness and growth. As you embark on this transformative journey, keep in mind the following steps:

Mindful Awareness: Begin by observing your thoughts and emotions. Notice any negative patterns and gently redirect them towards more positive directions.

Emotional Alchemy: Convert negative emotions into positive ones through conscious effort. Shift your focus from what you lack to what you desire, amplifying your vibrational frequency.

Visualisation and Affirmation: Envision your desires as vividly as possible. Engage in daily affirmations that reinforce your intentions, embedding them into your subconscious mind.

Inspired Action: Take purposeful steps towards your goals. The universe responds to action that stems from inspired intent.

Gratitude Practice: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude, amplifying your positive vibration and inviting even more blessings into your life.


The Law of Deliberate Intent, as channelled through Abraham Hicks, stands as a testament to the limitless potential that resides within every individual. By harnessing the power of focused thought, aligned emotion, and purposeful action, you become the maestro of your reality, conducting a symphony of creation that resonates with your deepest desires. As you embark on this enchanting journey of deliberate intent, remember that you hold the brush, and the canvas of your life awaits your masterpiece.

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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