

What genre of art is starry night?

Tom Gurney in an art history expert. He received a BSc (Hons) degree from Salford University, UK, and has also studied famous artists and art movements for over 20 years. Tom has also published a number of books related to art history and continues to contribute to a number of different art websites. You can read more on Tom Gurney here.

Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh

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by Tom Gurney
Tom Gurney BSc (Hons) is an art history expert with over 20 years experience
Published on June 19, 2020 / Updated on October 14, 2023
Email: [email protected] / Phone: +44 7429 011000

Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh is a cityscape oil painting from the summer of 1889, when this famous post-impressionist artist was at his boldest

The painting by Vincent Van Gogh is of the view he experienced from his sanatorium room window at night. In order to achieve best results he would normally paint during the day when light was at it’s brightest, allowing him greatest possible accuracy with his chosen colour scheme. As such The Starry Night had to be painted entirely from memory. The sanatorium was in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, which is deep into Southern France and it was in this part of the country that Vincent had discovered vivid colours, having initially been much darker in his work, as seen with the likes of Potato Eaters which is generally regarded as his first notable work.

Irises was another painting to come around the same time as Starry Night, and this also is emblazoned with bright colour throughout. This period of the artist’s work is the most popular among mainstream art fans and marks the pinnacle for his career, with regards the fame and academic respect which was to occur after his death. One interesting theory regarding this painting was the link to Eugene Delacroix, made by art historian Lauren Soth. She believed that this artwork captures influences of the French painter on Van Gogh and that his selection of colours here is an approximate match to those of Delacroix’s, early in his own career. Try the video below to have a go at creating this stunning oil painting at home! This skillful artist creates a reproduction of the original, step-by-step in this impressive and enthralling YouTube video.

Wikipedia contains extra information on this painting, as well as on the life of it’s creator, more generally. All of the major highlights of Van Gogh’s career are detailed through a number of articles available in this extensive website which remains one of the first ports of call for researchers on almost any mainstream subject. Ever since 1941 The Starry Night has been in the stored in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, United States. It is no surprise to say that this painting is among the key attractions of this gallery because of it’s popularity and critical achievement, despite the high level of other quality paintings that exist within MoMA. Starry Night is oil on canvas, as with the vast majority of Van Gogh’s works and stands at an impressive 73.7 cm × 92.1 cm (29 in × 36¼ in) in total.

A lesser known fact is that Vincent produced a Reed pen drawing version of it afterwards, following exactly the same layout with the only differences being due to the different media used, giving a truly alternative style with the bright colours removed and a different feel completely inserted instead. Van Gogh surprisingly felt that Starry Night did not work as a complete painting as much as other works in his career recently had, and so he explained his dis-satisfaction with it through letters to his brother Theo Van Gogh, whilst staying in Saint-Remy. Whilst brilliantly skilled, Vincent was extremely critical of his own work, and others will understand that when seeing such an outstanding work with their own eyes. Vincent felt that the deliberate nature of the lines made it look to mucho like a picture, even with the extreme swishes which he used to exaggerate the painting itself. He always wanted to get across his own unique mind and hadn’t achieved that in Starry Night, or as he thought.

This website offers prints of this famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh. Just click on the image to see all the different prints available including framed, unframed, giclee prints and tapestries. You can also read more about Starry Night Van Gogh below. It is our desire to help people to find a trusted store to buy framed or unframed Starry Night prints online as well as learn more about the Vincent Van Gogh himself, and the history around each individual painting.

Van Gogh’s Starry Night has become the inspiration for all of the following, helping to spread it’s success and legacy even further:

  • French composer Henri Dutilleux produced his orchestral work Timbres, Espace, Mouvement
  • American poet Anne Sexton’s poem titled The Starry Night
  • Canadian composer Giancarlo Scalia’s piano based composition Starry Night
  • Don McLean’s song “Vincent”, which uses the opening words “Starry Starry Night”
  • Jack’s Mannequin and Something Corporate singer Andrew McMahon went to the lengths of getting a tattoo of the painting on his arm

Звездная ночь

Винсент Ван Гог. Звездная ночь

Цифровая версия – это файл высокого разрешения, загруженный автором произведения или его уполномоченным представителем. Стоимость включает также право на однократное воспроизведение изображения в цифровой или печатной форме.

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В подборку
О работе
Вид искусства: Живопись
Сюжет и объекты: Пейзаж, Городской пейзаж
Стиль: Постимпрессионизм
Техника: Масло
Материалы: Холст
Дата создания: Июнь 1889
Размер: 73.1×92.1 см
Регион: Нью-Йорк
Местонахождение: Нью-Йоркский музей современного искусства (МоМА), Нью-Йорк
Работа в подборках: 456 подборок
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История выставок
2 марта − 2 апреля 2019
20 января − 24 марта 2019

Пожалуй, нет в мире ни единого человека, хоть немного разбирающегося в искусстве (а порой и не разбирающегося в нем вовсе), который не видел бы «Звездную ночь» . Это одна из тех знаменитых картин, что способны, несмотря на свою несомненную гениальность, набить оскомину частотой цитирования и копирования. За десятилетия «Звездная ночь» Ван Гога превратилась в художественный архетип. Ей посвящали песни, ее цитировали в кино и анимации (от Куросавы до «Симпсонов»), использовали в постерах к фильмам. А в мультфильме «Дом» («Наконец-то дома», Home (III)) именно с ее помощью девочка объясняет инопланетянину, что такое искусство. Странно осознавать, что полотно, ставшее вершиной творчества Ван Гога, было написано им в психиатрической лечебнице.

Начало 1889 года было для Винсента очень тяжелым. Он остался в одиночестве после отъезда Гогена, был, как обычно, стеснен в средствах, а вдобавок к этому еще и не мог писать. Несколько месяцев плохое физическое самочувствие и повторяющиеся припадки мешали Ван Гогу работать. В конце концов, художник утвердился в мысли, что ему необходимо психиатрическое лечение. Брат Тео помог Винсенту перебраться в лечебницу при монастыре Сен-Поль-де-Мозоль вблизи города Сен-Реми-де-Франс. Лечение было гуманным и щадящим, Винсенту позволяли рисовать и отпускали на прогулки. Но нередко во время работы его заставали припадки, во время которых он терял сознание.

«Звездная ночь» изображает вид из окна комнаты Ван Гога в Сен-Реми. Принято считать, что она является редким исключением в творчестве художника, поскольку он писал ее по памяти. На самом же деле в темное время суток он делал наброски чернилами и углем на бумаге, а днем переносил изображение на холст в специально оборудованной для него маленькой студии. Вряд ли Винсент сам осознавал ценность этого полотна, поскольку практически не упоминал о нем в письмах брату. Как бы там ни было, поднять голову и увидеть «дышащее» летнее ночное небо способны многие. Но именно Ван Гогу удалось первым оживить это небо на холсте.

Автор: Евгения Сидельникова

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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