


How to color a basket

By now you might be able to tell that: 1) we love color around here, and 2) we're vibing on this rainbow theme we have going for our craft room makeover - even for accessories like baskets! Baskets are a great way to get organized and they're way prettier to look at than file drawers or basic plastic bins. But of cours


Color my pet by number

Enjoy a home paint your pet paint kit in the style of paint-by-number of your favorite photograph transformed into a hand-drawn canvas for you to paint your pet. *** Texture Brush recommended, but NOT Included*** (Purchase for $5 online store with your order) Great for adults and kids 9+ NO ART EXPERIENCE NEEDED SINGLE Pet Kit Includes: * (3) Paintbrushes * 11”x14” Hand-drawn canvas of a select pet photograph * Numbered paint palette of acrylic paint * Instruction Sheet with a color photograph with the paint-by-number digital image *** Texture brush recommended, but not included. (shop online store) DUO Pet Kit Includes: * (3) Paintbrushes * 16” x 20” Hand-drawn canvas of select pet photograph of two pets * Numbered paint palette of acrylic paint * Instruction Sheet with a color photograph with the paint-by-number digital image Your personalized pet canvas will be completed 5-7 business days after receiving the photo and shipped when complete. Photo Tip: Good lighting, high-resolution/size photo of chest and head. WHEN ADDING THIS ORDER TO YOUR CART — FULLY COMPLETE THE PROMPTED FORM FOR EACH ORDERED PORTRAIT. PLEASE UPLOAD ONE CLEAR UPPER BODY PHOTO TO ALLOW THE ARTIST TO SEE PORTRAIT DETAILS (SEE AN IMAGE OF “SELECTING PHOTO TIPS”). Please upload photo with name as YourLastName.NameOfPet

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