
painting reef

paintingpainting reef

Elementary coral reef acrylic painting

Year 3/4 have been learning about different biomes in their classroom, and in art lessons we have been making artworks about various biomes too. These artworks are focusing on aquatic biomes, specifically coral reefs. For inspiration we looked at the illustrations in the book, 'Hidden in the Sea' by Peggy Nille, and the art of…

paintingpainting reef

Simple coral reef acrylic painting

Coral Reef Abstraction is a hand-painted acrylic painting on high-quality 300g paper by artist Ryan Rivadeneyra. These painting, influenced by modernist artists of the 50's, 60's, and 70's, explore abstract geometric shapes and overlapping transparencies to create simple and elegant compositions.

paintingpainting reef

Novice easy coral reef painting

"I was born and raised in Florida, swimming in the Gulf of Mexico as a toddler, fishing with my Dad, and going to the beach. This instilled in me a love of Nature, the perfect little details in a seashell, the random patterns of a landscape or the bright red and green feathers of a hummingbird I found with its beak tra

paintingpainting reef

Beginner simple coral reef painting

Minimalist Living: A Guide to Simple Living, Declutter & Frugal Living (Speedy Boxed Sets): Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting : Minimalism, Frugal Living and Budgeting Minimalism is not about having almost nothing. Rather, it’s about stripping down to the bare...

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