


Beginner’s guide to carving pumpkins

Learn how to carve pumpkins using this technique developed by professional carvers and perfected by the Martha Stewart team. Whether you tackle an elaborate design or put your own spin a classic, you'll create pretty, playful—and sometimes spooky—scenes to add an eerie element to your autumn aesthetic.


Carvings to carve onto pumpkins

Precision Pumpkin Carving: Every year I carve at least a half dozen pumpkins. My wife usually does a few as well. Recently, we've been getting other friends and family on board, teaching them how to carve their own fantastic-looking pumpkins, using stencils and basic tool…


Customizing a pumpkin with a witch face

Wicked Witch Pumpkin: You will need: - Pumpkin - pick one with a good stem - Acrylic paint - greens, black, white, yellow, red - Glue - Black craft foam - Ribbon and sticks - optional - Yarn, raffia or sticks (for hair) - Fishing line

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