
colorscolors produce

What colors can be blended to produce blue?

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What two colours make blue?

Blue is a primary colour that is also a dominant colour. As a result, painters frequently use blue, and it appears in the colour scheme more often than many other colours. Therefore, if you are into painting whether it is professional or just for hobby; you should study more about mixing and matching shades of blue and improve your colour blending skills. What two colours make blue? The answer is none; we can make different shades of blue by mixing other colours with blue.

Dark blue, light blue, subdued blues, and warm blues are just a few of the various shades, hues, and tints of blue. The list could go on and on, which is why here I am telling you how to make different hues of blue by combining two colours. You might be wondering at this point what two colours constitute blue. Because blue is indeed a primary colour, it does not require mixing any other colours to produce it. You can, however, make it blue by combining two hues. Then, after you’ve created your true blue colour, you can experiment with every blue colour you can think of.
So, what two colours can you combine to make blue? Combine cyan (greenish-blue) and magenta (purplish-red) to make true blue. You can now experiment with other shades of blue after you’ve established your pure blue. These colours are generally used to create the ocean or the sky.

What Colours Are Used to Create Light Blue Paint?

Let’s learn how to make a light blue colour by combining several tones of blue. So, what two colours make light blue? You may obtain three different colours of blue by combining ultramarine blue with white and cobalt blue with white. The ultramarine and white provide a slightly darker light blue than cobalt and white. When these light blue tones are combined with orange, a muted colour is created. Ultramarine blue is a lighter shade of blue that tends toward purple. Cobalt blue provides a lighter shade of blue that tends toward green.

Follow this approach when working with acrylic paints. Mix a small amount of light blue and green acrylic paint to achieve the desired tint. This will produce a faint cyan colour, but you’ll need to darken it because you’re working with paint.
Divide the mixture in half. Add a few drops of yellow acrylic paint to the first batch and stir until the colour is near cyan. Next, add the same amount of white acrylic paint to the second batch and mix until the colour is similar to cyan. Finally, examine the two sets and choose the one that most closely resembles cyan.

How to Create a Variety of Dark Blue Shades

Blue may be used to create beautiful dark colours. So, what two colours make dark blue? Ultramarine, for example, is already a dark blue colour, but it may be used to create stunning dark blue tints. For example, you may get a beautiful dark blue by mixing dioxazine purple and ultramarine blue. The dioxazine purple tends to darken the ultramarine blue while giving it a subtle purple tint. When you combine the dark blue you made with dioxazine purple and ultramarine blue with phthalo green, you get an even darker blue with a bit of a green tint.
When you mix burned umber with ultramarine blue, you get a dark blue colour that can also be used as an intense muted blue. This means that if you want a dark blue hue that isn’t too saturated or dazzling, you should include burnt umber in your mix. When you blend phthalo green with alizarin red, you get a lovely black colour. So, if you want to make a deep dark blue colour, combine phthalo green and alizarin crimson. Then, the most profound and most striking blue colour is created by adding ultramarine blue.

Most painters rarely use blue straight from the tube, so they spend a lot of time blending muted blues, drab blues, or blues with low saturation. So, let’s have a look at how to make several subdued blue tones. Complementary colours are crucial when it comes to creating muted hues.
When ultramarine blue is mixed with cadmium orange, the blue colour’s brilliance is lost, and the pigment becomes slightly duller. This effectively reduces the blue’s intensity, resulting in a rich, muted blue. However, be careful not to go overboard with the orange, as this can result in a colour that leans toward green. When you mix burned umber with ultramarine blue or cobalt blue, you’ll get a brownish blue tint, which is useful for creating a more muted brownish form.

What colors can be blended to produce blue?

Color creation for leather comes as a result of the subtractive color blending process. This method focuses on the primary colors and how they combine to create a more diverse palette. For example, using yellow and blue to create a range of green shades.

Miss our first post on creating color for leather? Check it out here.

New colors develop from the three primary colors of red, blue, and yellow. When you mix the primary colors in equal amounts, you create secondary colors like orange, violet, and green. Combining a primary and secondary colors creates a tertiary color. The rest of the colors are variations of ten basic colors as adapted from the following color chart.

When all the colors mix in equal amounts, no wavelengths emit, so we see black as a result.

FSW leather color chart

The color wheel serves as a tool to visually show the relationship between the primary colors and the other hues produced by mixing them. The position of a mixed color on the wheel indicates both its parentage and intensity. The range of shades available by mixing any set of colors is also represented in the layout of the color wheel.

Reviewing the Color Wheel Categories

Primary Colors

It is impossible to mix colors to create a primary color. Yet, when mixed with other primaries it produces almost all the other colors.

Secondary Colors

We create secondary colors by mixing equal amounts of two primary colors. Most are quite familiar with these colors: Red and Blue make violet, Red and Yellow make orange, and Blue and Yellow make green.

Tertiary Colors

Describes a color composed of each of the three primaries. The colors designated as the major tertiaries consist of two combined secondary colors. The major tertiaries for leather are: Olive (orange and green), Rust (orange and violet), and Navy blue (green and violet).

Tertiary colors are less intense since they contain each of the three primary colors in their mix. Combining more than two colors leaves a graying effect caused by the subtractive mixture. This is often why when looking at low-cost dye mixes, you’ll see multiple colors when the dye is tested on a spray-out on paper. The more blended the dye, the more color work that needs to go into formulating it to be the desired shade.

Download a copy of our color wheel for your lab and design teams.

Using the Color Wheel to Mix and Adjust Hues

By taking advantage of the dyes available today it is possible to mix practically any color. The color chart makes it more clear how dye mixes can enhanced with a visual guide to color mixing science. We take an approach that utilizes this color science with our technicians’ trained eyes.

The first step when planning a color mix is to figure out the color’s three dimensions: hue, intensity, and value. Then by matching the desired color to a similar color on the wheel, we can determine which colors to mix and how much of each parental shade to use. We know this since the position of a color on the wheel indicates the theoretical amounts of each color used to produce it.

Using a specific industry color wheel can give insight into how to best create a dye mix. Here we show a general leather dye mix color chart. For a specific chromatic wheel for industries like upholstery, shoe, or garment, please contact us.

Click here to request a leather subtractive color chart for your application.

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Inkscape is an RGB application, designed for making SVGs and graphics for display on the web in web browsers, which also use RGB colours, as do computer screens.

Crayon colours (and paint/inks) use a subtractive colour system, they work by absorbing and reflecting light, so they don’t work the same as RGB colour which is an additive colour system which emits light.

In the RGB colour model red and green make yellow. This may seem unintuitive, but it’s the way the physics of light works. This can be seen in Inkscape by setting the overlapping object blending modes to “Difference”.

enter image description here

You can kind of force Inkscape to mix blue and yellow to get green, however the blue you chose is too dark. You can set the yellow object to have a “Multiply” blending mode in the Objects panel.

Here’s the result, which is a kind of muddy green. If you use an even lighter blue like cyan, you would get a brighter green.

If you are interested in learning more about how colour works, check out this link which discusses additive versus subtractive colour.

Edit: In case you just want a green overlap and don’t really care about it being created with blending modes, then it is entirely possible to fake it in Inkscape.

This example has a shape created by using the boolean operation “Intersect”, copying the resulting shape, undoing using CTRL+Z, then pasted in place, on top of two circles, and just set to a green fill.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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