

What tones merge to create white

Takes the hue of the blended layer, while keeping the brightness and saturation levels of the base layer.


Constants and functions for colour values, suitable for working with term and redstone .

This is useful in conjunction with Bundled Cables from mods like Project Red, and colors on Advanced Computers and Advanced Monitors.

For the non-American English version just replace colors with colours . This alternative API is exactly the same, except the colours use British English (e.g. colors.gray is spelt colours.grey ).

On basic terminals (such as the Computer and Monitor), all the colors are converted to grayscale. This means you can still use all 16 colors on the screen, but they will appear as the nearest tint of gray. You can check if a terminal supports color by using the function term.isColor .

Grayscale colors are calculated by taking the average of the three components, i.e. (red + green + blue) / 3 .

Default Colors
Color Value Default Palette Color
Dec Hex Paint/Blit Preview Hex RGB Grayscale
colors.white 1 0x1 0 #F0F0F0 240, 240, 240
colors.orange 2 0x2 1 #F2B233 242, 178, 51
colors.magenta 4 0x4 2 #E57FD8 229, 127, 216
colors.lightBlue 8 0x8 3 #99B2F2 153, 178, 242
colors.yellow 16 0x10 4 #DEDE6C 222, 222, 108
colors.lime 32 0x20 5 #7FCC19 127, 204, 25
colors.pink 64 0x40 6 #F2B2CC 242, 178, 204
colors.gray 128 0x80 7 #4C4C4C 76, 76, 76
colors.lightGray 256 0x100 8 #999999 153, 153, 153
colors.cyan 512 0x200 9 #4C99B2 76, 153, 178
colors.purple 1024 0x400 a #B266E5 178, 102, 229
colors.blue 2048 0x800 b #3366CC 51, 102, 204
colors.brown 4096 0x1000 c #7F664C 127, 102, 76
colors.green 8192 0x2000 d #57A64E 87, 166, 78
colors.red 16384 0x4000 e #CC4C4C 204, 76, 76
colors.black 32768 0x8000 f #111111 17, 17, 17

See also

  • colours

White: Written as 0 in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #F0F0F0 .

Orange: Written as 1 in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #F2B233 .

Magenta: Written as 2 in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #E57FD8 .

Light blue: Written as 3 in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #99B2F2 .

Yellow: Written as 4 in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #DEDE6C .

Lime: Written as 5 in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #7FCC19 .

Pink: Written as 6 in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #F2B2CC .

Gray: Written as 7 in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #4C4C4C .

Light gray: Written as 8 in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #999999 .

Cyan: Written as 9 in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #4C99B2 .

Purple: Written as a in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #B266E5 .

Blue: Written as b in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #3366CC .

Brown: Written as c in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #7F664C .

Green: Written as d in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #57A64E .

Red: Written as e in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #CC4C4C .

Black: Written as f in paint files and term.blit , has a default terminal colour of #111111 .

Combines a set of colors (or sets of colors) into a larger set. Useful for Bundled Cables.


  1. . number The colors to combine.
  1. number The union of the color sets given in .
colors.combine(colors.white, colors.magenta, colours.lightBlue) -- => 13 

How do I combine 3 objects with RGB colors to make it pure white in EEVEE

I made 3 planes on EEVEE and gave them a separate RGB materials each: Material for RED One for red, one for blue, one for green. I tried both Alpha Blend and Alpha Hashed blend mode: blend mode I also made my colour space to standard. how do I make the combination of the 3 to be as white as possible, not like grey. my output is not pure white I tried to increase my exposure to achieve my desired result: enter image description here enter image description here But, is this the right way of doing it? I know people here have a lot of creative ways of doing things in Blender, I’m curious what one can do to achieve this that doesn’t require changing the exposure. EDIT: Thanks, Rich Sedman; your solution is the proper solution. I don’t know why I forgot about the Add Shader, quite embarrassing. I’m able to pull down the emission and exposure to one which is what I’m after. Rich Sedman



asked Aug 28, 2021 at 1:16

Sophia Sophia

541 3 3 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges


2 Answers 2

Sorted by: Reset to default


In this situation you should be using an Add Shader rather than a Mix Shader – since you’re expecting 100% transparency from each of the overlapping planes.

An emission surface is actually 100% opaque (if you set the strength to zero you’ll just get a black surface, not transparent). In your case you’re making each plane effectively 50% opaque so it is blocking the light from behind. By using the Add shader you’re taking the Emmision properties and adding it to the light that is coming through from behind the surface using the full transparency.


answered Aug 28, 2021 at 7:23

Rich Sedman Rich Sedman

44.2k 2 2 gold badges 104 104 silver badges 220 220 bronze badges

Layer blending in Sketchbook Pro for desktop

In the Layer Editor, with a layer selected, tap the arrows (below the Layer Editor toolbar) to cycle through and select a layer blending method.

Layer blend mode menu highlighted in Sketchbook

Blend modes are also available in the form of Shading brushes.

Changing your image to black and white

Solid fill icon

  1. In the Layer Editor, add a layer to the top of the layer stack.
  2. In the toolbar, select Flood Fill, select (Solid Fill), and fill the layer with black.
  3. Below the Layer Editor toolbar, tap the drop-down menu arrow and select Hue from the list.

Layer blending in Sketchbook for mobile devices

To add a blend mode, do the following:

  1. In the Layer Editor, tap the layer the blend mode will be applied to.
  2. Tap the layer to access the Layer Menu.
  3. Tap the Blending section for a list of blend modes.
  4. Select a blend mode from the list and see the effect instantly.

Accessing blending in the Layer Menu in Sketchbook for mobile

Changing your image to black and white on Mobile

The version of Sketchbook you are running and device determine the location of the tools.

For tablet users

  1. In the Layer Editor, add a layer to the top of the layer stack.
  2. In the toolbar, select Fill iconFlood Fill.
  3. Select Solid Fill(Solid Fill) and fill the layer with black.
  4. Double-tap the new filled layer to open the Layer Menu.
  5. Tap Blending and select Hue from the list.

For handheld device users

  1. In the Layer Editor, add a layer to the top of the layer stack.
  2. In the toolbar, select Tools iconTools >Fill iconFlood Fill.
  3. Select Solid Fill(Solid Fill) and fill the layer with black.
  4. Double-tap the new filled layer to open the Layer Menu.
  5. Tap Blending and select Hue from the list.

Additional Informations

  • Layer Editor marking menu Jump to Mobile On Sketchbook Pro for desktop In the Layer Editor, select a layer .
  • Introduction to Layer Editor Jump to Mobile The Layer Editor contains all your layers and layer tools. You ca.
  • Setting a background color Jump to Mobile The color of the background can be used to compliment the main col.
  • Changing layer opacity Jump to Mobile Want to create either a striking or subtle effect? Change layer op.
  • Layer Editor marking menu Jump to Mobile On Sketchbook Pro for desktop In the Layer Editor, select a layer .
  • Introduction to Layer Editor Jump to Mobile The Layer Editor contains all your layers and layer tools. You ca.
  • Setting a background color Jump to Mobile The color of the background can be used to compliment the main col.
  • Changing layer opacity Jump to Mobile Want to create either a striking or subtle effect? Change layer op.

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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