

Easy steps to draw a koala bear

Draw the trunk of the tree. Depict the tree on which the koala sits, using straight lines.

How to Draw a Koala: Easy Step-By-Step Koala Drawing

There’s nothing as soft and cuddly as a koala bear. These gentle creatures spend their days eating and napping in the eucalyptus trees of Australia and you just get a happy feeling looking at them! It’s no wonder that they’re a favorite subject of illustrators and painters. That’s why we decided to show you how easy it is to draw and paint a koala bear in just six steps. By following these steps, you’ll have your own cute koala drawing in no time!

For this project, we used the Arteza Watercolor Artist Paint Half Pans set. Each half pan is filled with 12 solid and vibrant paint colors. This handy set is in a metal tin and makes painting convenient and easy to clean up. All you need is a brush and some water and you’re ready to go. You can even use the tin’s lid as a palette for mixing your colors!

Let’s get started.

List of Supplies

  • HB pencil
  • Arteza Watercolor Artist Paint, Half Pans – A001 Noir, A605 Fern Green, A307 Sepia Brown
  • Arteza Expert Watercolor Paper

The best pencil to use for this drawing is one with a hard lead, such as an HB. Hard lead lines are lighter than soft lead lines. This allows the artist to paint over the initial sketch without the lines showing through. It also makes it possible to fully erase the original and unnecessary sketch marks.

It’s also important to use heavyweight paper when working with watercolor paint. Papers that are less than 140lb/300gsm tend to buckle and warp once they get wet.

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Step 1

When drawing a subject with many parts, it’s best to begin with simple basic shapes. Draw a big circle for the koala’s body and a small one on the upper part of the first circle for its head.

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Step 2

Next, draw two small circles on either side of the head for the koala’s ears. Place two lines diagonally across the lower part of the koala’s body. This will be the branch on which the koala is sitting.

Now, sketch two large ovals along the side of the koala’s body to represent the front and back legs. At the ends of these long ovals, place smaller ovals for the paws. Add another smaller oval below the bottom line of the branch to signify the koala’s other paw.

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Step 3

To get the placement of the eyes, nose, and mouth correct, divide the face into four sections using a horizontal and vertical line. Draw two circles for the eyes on the horizontal line and another two circles on the vertical line for the nose and chin.

For the tip of the nose, draw an upside-down triangle overlapping the circle for the chin. Next, add another inverted triangle under the head for the chest.

Use a curved line to indicate where the other front leg is behind the branch. Add some lines to form the toes on all the paws.

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Step 4

To show the depth of each ear, draw a curved line inside each ear. To form the koala’s large nose, connect the circle with the triangle on the face. Now, add small lines for the mouth and nostrils.

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Step 5

It’s time to add color! Start by adding quite a bit of water to the Noir paint and lay down a wash over the entire koala, leaving the lower tips of the ears and the lower part of the arm blank. These areas represent where the light is shining the brightest on the koala’s fur. Once this layer has dried, add more Noir over the areas where there would be less light—inside the ears, on the lower part of the face starting at the eyes, under the chin, on top of and under the arm, and along the side of the body. Adding layers like this is called glazing and is an effective technique for building up dark areas. Can you see how adding these shadows makes the koala look more three-dimensional?

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Step 6

Next, use the Sepia Brown to paint the tree branch and Fern Green for the leaves. Let your painting dry before adding details to the face and body. All finished!

Good for you! You’ve just completed a cute koala drawing and painted it with watercolors!


  • Make sure to always choose paper that’s at least 140lb/300gsm when using watercolor paint or other water media. This will ensure your paper won’t warp.
  • By adding water to the paper first and then adding the paint, the paint will spread and create a soft and subtle look.
  • You can achieve sharp edges by applying wet paint to a dry surface.

Since it’s not always possible to draw a koala from life, you can find lots of pictures on the internet to use as a reference. This will not only let you take your time to make an accurate drawing, but will give you other poses to try. Once you get the hang of how to draw a koala, you’re going to want to add them more and more to your artwork and use them on everything from greeting cards to framed art. We hope you’ve enjoyed this mini-lesson in koala drawing and we’d love to hear from you.

How to Draw a Koala

This drawing lesson will be very useful to you because you will learn how to draw a koala. I’m sure this tutorial will help you develop your drawing skills. You should draw as often as possible, then you’ll get great results!

Do you like koalas? I think you find these animals very cute and kind, too. Koalas are not bears. They are members of a group of pouched mammals called marsupials. The koala is an iconic Australian animal. Eucalypt forests are home, shelter, and food for koalas. They need to sleep a lot to give them time to digest their food.

I think you have found it interesting to learn new information about koalas. Now let’s draw a koala step by step.

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a Koala

how to draw a koala step by step

    Draw the outline of a koala’s head. Draw this at the top of the sheet of paper as an oval shape, using a curved line.

how to draw a koala easy

Add the animal’s torso. Draw this as an arc, similar to an unfinished oval below the koala’s head.

how to draw a koala easy for kids

Draw the ears. Depict these elements placed on both sides of the head and similar to each other.

how to draw a koala easy step by step

Add facial features. Draw the eyes as circles, the nose as an oval and the mouth as curved lines.

how to draw a koala for kids easy

Depict a koala’s paw and tail. Outline a koala’s paw raised upwards. Draw the animal’s tail as a semi-circle.

a koala drawing guide

Add another koala paw. You can depict this element with a semi-circle and a curved line.

a koala drawing tutorial

Draw the trunk of the tree. Depict the tree on which the koala sits, using straight lines.

easy way ro draw a koala

Erase the auxiliary lines. Take an eraser and remove all unnecessary lines from your drawing.

how to draw a koala step by step easy

Color the drawing. Color the koala’s body grey, its nose and eyes black and the tree trunk brown.

Now you know how to draw a koala step by step. I will also be very happy if you tell us about your impressions of this lesson and suggest your ideas for the next drawing lessons step by step. Subscribe to us on social networks and share the lessons that you liked the most. You can download a PDF file with a short version of the lesson. It will help you draw a koala even without the internet.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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