

How do you create a pine tree drawing?

Learn How to Draw Pine Trees in Charcoal

At first I roughly marked the outlines of the tree trunk but started to add characteristic structures of the bark very soon. Typically one can see the many layers of the bark pieces on pine trunks at the two sides or outline of the trunk. (see video below).

Towards the viewer the bark appears as a more or less regular pattern of stretched,vertical irregular forms with more or less deep,dark wells in between.

tree bark

I did not try to copy what I saw exactly one to one, that could take a very long time to do and often such drawings look stiff later. Instead I started with characteristic forms at the base of the trunk and then worked upwards by adding structures from the sides working inwards. My guideline were the dark wells, that I drew between the bark pieces. Over time the structures got more and more dense and the impression of pine tree bark developed without painstaking efforts to copy each and every detail.

To represent the surface of the bark pieces I rolled a charcoal pieces slightly with my index fingers over the white paper (see video below).

Thus I could create an irregular, light pattern that resembles the appearance of the bark. Up to then I had not paid attention to the shadows on the tree trunk.

drawing bark, charcoal tree lesson

On the right : the Initial outline drawing

tree bark art lesson charcoal tree demo, drawing in charcoal

Left: Initial state, adding dark lines and the deep wells right: The dense pattern of bark pieces and dark wells in between.

At the end I tried to add some shadows by moving a bigger piece of charcoal over those parts that I saw in shadows. As the light moved fast in the evening I had to study the form of the shadows at some other trees because the shadows on my study subject had gone already.

tree art study bark trunk study

Left: Finished study Right: detail of the trunk base

Exercise 3

drawing groups of trees

This exercise begins in the same way as the previous ones: With light touch the bigger forms and Proportions of tree tops,the position and length of the trunks and the surroundings are explored. At that stage corrections can be made easily and indeed I wiped out some initial lines once or twice in this case.

Then more details and structures are added until the final stage of the drawings is reached.

The form of the charcoal pieces is very well suited to represent the structure of the typical needle bundles in pine tree tops. By varying the pressure on the charcoal one can create parts in shadow or parts in light. Again the eraser helped to put in light strokes into areas already covered with charcoal pigments. Short dark strokes or dots were added to enhance the impression of the short needle bundles.

I also tried to imitate the quirky growth of the pine branches and twigs. Typical for pines are also those short, dark dead branches below the tree top.

drawing groups of trees, charcoal demo sketching trees

Left: after the basic proportions are laid down further detail was added.The eraser was used to rework some dark areas with structures. That process was repeated several times until the desired look was achieved.

Right: After the pine tree were mostly finished the undergrowth was added in broad strokes with a bigger charcoal piece and various pressure. The tree top of small tree in sunlight at the edge of the forest was left in almost untouched white.

drawing trees en masse, charcoal demo charcoal foliage, drawing trees, free art demos

Left: detail of the tree tops, on top of the medium and light layers there are dark marks, some of them lightened up with the eraser, additional short marks and dots were added to resemble the needle bundles.

Right: Detail of the undergrowth ,the eraser was formed to a round tool to create the structures that look similar to the foliage of shrubs and beech trees.

drawing trees in charcoal

The eraser was used to create the structure of deciduous foliage of shrubs and beech trees as well as for the grass in the foreground. Near the bench one can see how light grass was added by drawing with the eraser into dark areas.

How do you create a pine tree drawing?

Want to learn more? Download Lee Hammond’s tips for drawing birds and purchase Drawing Animals in Nature.Use little dots, like stippling, for the smaller leaves on the outer edges. Continue building the illusion of leaves with the circular strokes, varying the tones. Use small, tight circular pencil strokes to start the look of leafy clumps. Pine Forest Sketch Print, Vintage Pine Tree Drawing Enhanced, Printable Digital Art, Farmhouse Wall Art ApoloPrints (78) 4.50 6.00 (25 off) The Lone Pine (prints), pine tree drawing, pen and ink pine tree, nature, tree drawing, florida pine tree drawing, 12×16 NategeoGraphics (30) 24. Start with a vertical line to represent the trunk. Leafy trees generally have more limbs and small branches. Continue building the tones with squiggly lines until you create the pine Create the repetitive shapes of the branches with squiggly lines. Start with the vertical line to represent the trunk. The larger components become like puzzle pieces. Pine trees have a distinct shape and are usually easier to draw because the overall shape is more evident and repetitive. Little things like this can make even a small drawing look impressive. While it may look complicated, it is easy if you look at it as a puzzle of connecting shapes. Just for fun, I added the monarch butterfly. The light area on the left limb gives the illusion of being lit by sunshine. This makes the tree look more dimensional. Lift highlight areas out with a kneaded eraser.

pine tree drawing

This gives it the illusion of being a birch tree. Add some curved strokes on the right limb to make its roundness more obvious. Pine Trees Cliparts – Pine Tree Vector Png. Winter Pine Tree Png Clip Art Image – Winter Pine Trees Clipart. With firm pencil strokes, continue adding the look of texture to the tree bark. Pine Tree Drawing Heritage Images 86 69 Pine Tree, 1932. Watercolor Pine Tree Branch Png – Pine Tree Branch Png. The trunk and branches helps the tree look rounded and cylindrical.ģ Deepen the Tones and Add Texture and Highlightsĭeepen the tones in the background and blend again. Notice how the reflected light along the edges of Deepen the dark details around the knothole and in the bark using firm pencil strokes. Blend it out with a tortillion until it looks smooth. Keep the form of a cylinder in mind as you work.Īdd more tone with your pencil to the tree and the background.

pine tree drawing

The form being created resembles a cylinder. With a small amount of shading, apply the tones to the left of the tree and on the tree using your pencil. This exercise will give you an idea of how to create lifelike texture in tree bark.ĭraw the shapes of the tree lightly. You don’t need a lot of tools, so drawing trees has never been so easy!Ī silhouette shows a tree’s basic shape, but a close-up shows the detail and texture.

pine tree drawing

The differences are subtle, yet lend your landscape drawings a sense of realism. And as a bonus, we’ve also included her techniques for drawing pine trees vs. In the following demonstration extracted from Draw Animals in Nature, artist and longtime North Light author Lee Hammond demonstrates how to draw tree bark using simple techniques and materials.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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