

How to create a koi carp drawing

Patterns help us understand repetition in art and help us understand different subjects that we are studying for a more realistic interpretation.

Koi Fish in Aboriginal Form

– Use simple shapes to create a more complex drawing.

– Show forms through overlapping shapes.

– Use personal creative touches to create more interest.

– Create movement through shapes and overlapping.

– Understand how to incorporate aboriginal style work with creating a koi fish.

Indigenous Australian people. It includes work made in many different ways including painting on leaves, wood carving, rock carving, sculpting, ceremonial clothing and sand painting. Aboriginal art is closely linked to religious ceremonies or rituals. It is an important part of the world’s oldest continuous cultural tradition, based on totems and the Dreaming. All the designs, painted or drawn, have a story infront of rocks.

Symbols are used in aboriginal art, to show different things. While the meaning of these symbols are often shared, they can change meaning within the same piece, and they can be different between different groups. Aboriginal art is a language in itself, communicating through beautiful patterns.

How do you speak to others using symbols?

Do you and your friends have codes to communicate?

We have talked previously about symbols and how they can be used to express certain things, what kind of symbols or shapes could you add to communicate a particular expression or mood?

How can colors help us express those moods or feelings?

Dot Paintings

Dot painting is made up of small dots of paint colours like yellow (representing the sun), brown (the soil), red (desert sand) and white (the clouds and the sky). These are traditional Aboriginal colours. Dot paintings can be painted on anything, including on rocks, in caves, etc. The paintings were mostly images of animals or lakes, and the Dreamtime. Stories and legends were shown on caves and rocks.

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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