

What hue is a unicorn?

Unicorns go industrial in glowing shades of indigo, purple, emerald and magenta hair.

Resene Unicorn V72-063-292 / #9f90d0 Hex Color Code

The hexadecimal color code #9f90d0 is a medium light shade of blue-magenta. In the RGB color model #9f90d0 is comprised of 62.35% red, 56.47% green and 81.57% blue. In the HSL color space #9f90d0 has a hue of 254° (degrees), 41% saturation and 69% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 444.49 nm.

  • Inverted
  • 25% saturated
  • Grayscale
  • 25% lighter
  • Original
  • 25% darker
  • Web safe: fuchsia
    #ff00ff / #f0f
  • 25% desaturated
  • HTML: cornflowerblue
  1. Light pastel purple
  2. Lenurple
  3. Bright lavender
  4. African violet
  5. Lavender (floral)
  1. Rich black (FOGRA39)
  2. Vampire black
  3. Smoky black
  4. Chinese black
  5. Rich black (FOGRA29)

Color Schemes

#9f90d0 to white

#9f90d0 to black

Unicorn V72-063-292

Pantone / PMS

★ 2086 U
#a290cd ΔE = 0.975 / LRV ≈ 32.0%





IST 199-04
#9b90c4 ΔE = 2.730 / LRV ≈ 30.9%

Valspar Paint

Rocker Girl
#aa95d8 ΔE = 2.826 / LRV ≈ 35.0%


GM / General Motors

#a097ce ΔE = 2.921 / LRV ≈ 34.1%

Brighto Paints


  • Achromatopsia
  • Achromatomaly

Creativity takes courage. Henri Matisse

There’s no retirement for an artist, it’s your way of living so there’s no end to it. Henry Moore

I wish they would only take me as I am. Vincent Van Gogh

Decimal 10457296 Binary 10011111, 10010000, 11010000 Hexadecimal #9f90d0 LRV ≈ 31.9% Closest short hex #98c ΔE = 2.867 RGB rgb(159, 144, 208) RGBA rgba(159, 144, 208, 1.0) rg chromaticity r: 0.311, g: 0.282, b: 0.407 RYB red: 62.353%, yellow: 56.471%, blue: 81.569% Android / android.graphics.Color -6319920 / 0xff9f90d0 HSL hsl(254, 41%, 69%) HSLA hsla(254, 41%, 69%, 1.0) HSV / HSB hue: 254° (254.062), saturation: 31% (0.308), value: 82% (0.816) HSP hue: 254.062, saturation: 30.769%, perceived brightness: 61.586% HSLuv (HUSL) H: 273.982, S: 52.945, L: 63.236 Cubehelix H: -111.114, S: 0.444, L: 0.610 TSL T: -3.546, S: 0.075, L: 0.611 CMYK cyan: 24% (0.236), magenta: 31% (0.308), yellow: 0% (0.000), key: 18% (0.184) CMY cyan: 38% (0.376), magenta: 44% (0.435), yellow: 18% (0.184) XYZ X: 35.654, Y: 31.871, Z: 63.936 xyY x: 0.271, y: 0.242, Y: 31.871 CIELab L: 63.236, a: 19.065, b: -30.864 CIELuv L: 63.236, u: 3.535, v: -50.784 CIELCH / LCHab L: 63.236, C: 36.277, H: 301.704 CIELUV / LCHuv L: 63.236, C: 50.906, H: 273.982 Hunter-Lab L: 56.455, a: 13.936, b: -27.629 CIECAM02 J: 53.729, C: 36.944, h: 287.543, Q: 144.416, M: 32.307, s: 47.297, H: 326.475 OSA-UCS lightness: -10.263, jaune: -5.571, green: -1.535 LMS L: 29.436, M: 29.405, S: 63.415 YCbCr Y: 149.823, Cb: 153.876, Cr: 130.041 YCoCg Y: 163.750, Cg: -19.750, Co: 27.500 YDbDr Y: 155.781, Db: 78.562, Dr: -6.107 YPbPr Y: 151.803, Pb: 30.275, Pr: 4.556 xvYCC Y: 146.372, Cb: 154.595, Cr: 132.002 YIQ Y: 155.781, I: -11.625, Q: 23.084 YUV Y: 155.781, U: 25.698, V: 2.824 Okhsl h: 294.575, s: 0.486, l: 0.640 Okhsv h: 294.575. s: 0.393, v: 0.830 Okhwb h: 294.575, w: 0.503, b: 0.170 Oklab l: 0.690, a: 0.039, b: -0.085 Oklch l: 0.690, c: 0.094, h: 294.575 Munsell Color System 2.5P 6/8 ΔE = 3.248 Brand Color Mixpanel ΔE = 3.873

Contemplating this hair color trend? Here are 5 things you need to know:

Unicorns are mythical creatures, and in the same vein, Unicorn Hair Color is otherworldly. These hair color shades aren’t found in nature—rather, they span the fantastic realm of the color spectrum—pink, lilac, aqua, pistachio, buttercup. Tonally, they may range anywhere from the softest pastels to vivid and bright or even neon. Design-wise, you might rock a few Unicorn Hair Color balayage highlights, or you may opt to go full Uni with a root-to-tip color melt blend. Unicorn Hair Color can be contrasting or harmonious, and many Unicorn designs are true feats of hair color artistry by hairstylists. What’s more, professional hair color palettes have become so expansive, varied and nuanced, the shade possibilities are now literally endless. The Unicorn Hair Color movement also transcends age, gender and nationality. Anyone can be a unicorn!

Unicorn Hair Color requires several steps of processing, high levels of design acumen and hair color craftsmanship, quality professional hair color, patience and know-how. “I’ve seen so many clients attempt these hair color designs at home,” says Matrix Artistic Director Danielle Keasling, “and wind up in the salon when it’s not at all what they pictured. Why not save yourself the headaches and let a professional create the color properly?

Step two: gather photos.

When it comes to describing hair color, language gets tricky. You say purple hair, but do you mean lilac, lavender, grape or eggplant? Photographs eliminate those gray areas (hah!) of color selection, and ensure that you and your hairstylist are seeing eye to eye. The digital Matrix hair color guide is a great place to find inspiration—it contains hundreds of hair color designs in every color of the unicorn rainbow!

Unless your hair is already pale blonde, it will most likely need to be bleached in order to deposit the Unicorn Hair Color that you and your stylist have selected. And that means your locks must be healthy enough to withstand hair lightening–possibly several rounds of it depending on how dark your natural color is. If your hairstylist checks your strands and feels your hair is too weak, fragile or damaged at the moment, you may have to hold off until you can get it back in shape. Frequent rounds of deep conditioning will help—both in the salon and at home. When you do move forward, the addition of a bond-strengthening formula in your hair color will prevent damage and keep your hair strong.

Step four: set aside plenty of time.

You can’t rush Unicorn Hair Color. As mentioned, the first and most essential part of the process is to get your hair as light as possible. Evenly lightened hair makes all the difference between a successful Unicorn Hair Color and a blotchy Unicorn fail. The hair lightening may have to be done in several stages, and this takes time. Then, once the “canvas” is prepared, your stylist will need more time to carefully place the unicorn color. The more hues you choose, the more deliberate she will have to be in order to keep the colors crisp and defined and exactly where you want them.

In order to lighten your hair to the degree necessary to place Unicorn Color, the outer layer of each hair strand must be opened and raised in order to extract the natural hair pigment. This layer of cuticles remains “ruffled” to an extent, which makes it easier for your new hair color to escape. You can prevent this hair color fading process by:

1. Shampooing with color safe formulas that are free of color-stripping sulfates.
2. Rinsing your hair in lukewarm-to-cool water.
3. Swapping out some regular shampoos with low-detergent cleansing conditioners.
4. Avoiding excessive sunlight, saltwater and chlorine.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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