

Chromatic combinations that result in magenta

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‘Viva Magenta’ and the chromatic materialisation of 2023

Colour is an experience generated by the senses. It is defined by the deep feelings it evokes. This time, Pantone has chosen ‘Viva Magenta’ as ‘Colour of the Year 2023’. It is bold, vibrant, fearless and striking and inspires emotions, strength and energy.

Color Pantone-2023

This choice was made by seeking the natural, real and authentic. Bearing in mind that technology predominates in the current world. Inspired by cochineal red, ‘Viva Magenta‘ is a hybrid colour. As such, it is a colour that oscillates between the fine line of light, cold shades based on a combination of carmine red, blue and pink.

It is a dominant colour, arising from events and trends in society. It also gives shape to the colour trend that will develop throughout 2023 in areas such as design, architecture and fashion.

“Rooted in the primordial, PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta reconnects us with the original material. Invoking the forces of nature, it energises our spirit, helping us build our inner strength“.

Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director at the Pantone Color Institute.

Colour, interiors and overriding energy through colour

As a bold and lively colour, painting walls in low energy areas is one option for the most daring decorators. Furthermore, adapting it to interiors will create spaces with real personality. Similarly, where it is combined with other more neutral elements it will create visual harmony, attractive for all the senses.


Image 1 Viva magenta Living room with red wall and japandi style armchair. – Stock photo

Another way to include ‘Viva Magenta’ more discreetly is through ornamental items. These could be paintings, glassware, textiles, lamps, furniture or other decorative pieces. All such items add a touch of joy, spreading this colour’s good energy and positivity in a more subtle way.


Image 2 Armchair in Viva Magenta tone. Fashion creative design 2023 – Stock photos

Vibrant architectural designs

‘Bridging Teahouse‘

FR-EE‘s ‘Bridging Teahouse‘ is one of 17 pavilions located in the Architecture Park of Jinhua Ai Qing City, China. This place is part of the 270,000 m² master plan for the Jindong District Commercial, Cultural and Entertainment Centre.

Both the interior and the exterior are made from a continuous concrete structure. It is arranged on the basis of micro-platforms and different levels. Aside from their striking design, the magenta also stands out, a symbol of prosperity in China.

The house explores the interaction between two traditional structures of ancient Chinese gardens: a teahouse and a bridge. Accordingly, the various platforms have different uses with their micro-atmospheres of privacy. In this way they create visual experiences and emotions for residents and visitors alike.

‘Stack By Step Red Zone Boarding House’

Another work with this colour that is striking for its architecture, creativity and resonance colour is the ‘Stack By Step Red Zone Boarding House‘ by Ismail Solehudin Architecture.


Image 3 – Stack By Step Red Zone Boarding House Ismail Solehudin Architecture.

This building is located in Bogor, Indonesia. With its light structure created with a steel and concrete frame it is finished inside and out with this magical colour.

The architects created an exclusive design by avoiding the typical single or double loading corridor for a multiple occupancy residence. Instead, they focused on the staircase as the only horizontal and vertical passageway between the units. The result was this creation.

The materials this structure is made of also minimise the need for maintenance, as they can be left to age naturally without repainting.

In addition, the materials used for this structure minimise the need for maintenance, as they can be left to age naturally without repainting.

Aside from the staircases, the building has communal areas on the ground floor that appear as an ‘empty space‘. In fact it has been designed as a communal area for residents to use for parking, laundry and storage.


Image 4 – Stack By Step Red Zone Boarding House Ismail Solehudin Architecture.


Pietri Architectes‘ design ‘Redline’, in La Seyne-sur-Mer, France, is another magnificent work worth mentioning. It consists of three separated parts with its base, slabs and sculpted mass of concrete. Two wings were also constructed connecting the building from east to west providing sea views.


Image 5 – Redline building by Pietri Architectes.

Redline is a reconversion to encourage beach tourism in the French town with a 59-apartment complex facing Toulon and the Bay of Vignettes, one of the largest in Europe.

The result is a building that emanates design, light and vitality through the energy of colour.


Image 6 – Redline building by Pietri Architectes.

These architectural examples show the connection and strength shared by the art of architecture and colour in creating emotions and fantastic structures.

The change of era and trends once more make their mark on timelessness. Marking another year in the most creative and perpetuating aspects of our lives: architecture and interior design.

Let’s open the door to creativity and welcome magenta, chosen by the Pantone Color Institute to give life, strength and vitality to 2023.


  • 1 Rules
  • 2 Floor A Chromatic Doors
  • 3 Floor B Chromatic Doors
    • 3.1 After Magenta Door
      • 3.1.1 Ally
      • 3.1.2 Betray
      • 3.2.1 Ally
      • 3.2.2 Betray
      • 3.3.1 Ally
      • 3.3.2 Betray

      As with the numbered doors, the Chromatic Doors have their own set of rules in order to be opened that are different from the numbered doors:

      1. The Chromatic Doors will open automatically, and stay open for 5 minutes. Participants can check the time left until the Chromatic Doors open by pressing both buttons on the side of their bracelets simultaneously.
      2. Only 3 people are allowed to enter the Chromatic Doors.
      3. The colors of the participants’ bracelets must make up the Chromatic Door’s color.
      4. Anyone who is outside of a Chromatic Door when they close will be penalized.
      5. Once a group has escaped a room, the Chromatic Doors will allow anyone to enter them at their leisure.

      There are nine Chromatic Doors in total: 3 on Floor A, and 6 on Floor B. The colors of the Chromatic Doors are:

      • Round 1: Magenta , Yellow and Cyan
      • Round 2: Red , Blue and Green
      • Round 3: Three White doors.

      Floor A Chromatic Doors [ ]

      The three doors on Floor A are Magenta , Yellow , and Cyan . As such, the bracelets participants have in order to create these colors are Red , Blue , and Green .

      • Red : Sigma and Phi (PAIR), Alice (SOLO)
      • Blue : Dio and Quark (PAIR), Luna (SOLO)
      • Green : K and Clover (PAIR), Tenmyouji (SOLO)

      Because of these set ups, the groups can be as followed:

      • Magenta Door: Sigma and Phi ( Red PAIR) + Luna ( Blue SOLO)
      • Cyan Door: Dio and Quark ( Blue PAIR) + Tenmyouji ( Green SOLO)
      • Yellow Door: K and Clover ( Green PAIR) + Alice ( Red SOLO)
      • Magenta Door: Dio and Quark ( Blue PAIR) + Alice ( Red SOLO)
      • Cyan Door: K and Clover ( Green PAIR) + Luna ( Blue SOLO)
      • Yellow Door: Sigma and Phi ( Red PAIR) + Tenmyouji ( Green SOLO)
      • Magenta Door: K and Clover ( Green PAIR) + Tenmyouji ( Green SOLO)
      • Cyan Door: Sigma and Phi ( Red Pair) + Alice ( Red SOLO)
      • Yellow Door: Dio and Quark ( Blue PAIR) + Luna ( Blue SOLO)

      Options A and B uses a combination of the color bracelets in order to open the door with that color ( Red + Blue = Magenta ) while Option C uses the same color in order to open the door of the complementary color ( Red + Red = Cyan ).

      Beyond the Magenta Door is the Lounge. Beyond the Yellow Door is the Infirmary. Beyond the Cyan Door are the Crew Quarters.

      Floor B Chromatic Doors [ ]

      There are six Chromatic Doors on Floor B: Red , Blue , Green , and three White Doors. The Red , Blue , and Green doors are just on the other side of the elevator connecting Floor A and Floor B, while the White Doors are in the Floor B Warehouse which can only be found after escaping the rooms beyond the other three doors.

      Unlike the Floor A Chromatic Doors, the Floor B Chromatic Doors each have three rooms beyond them. However, depending on who Sigma is in a group with, only one door will open each time. This is determined by a lever similar to the one in front of the Number 9 Door, which scans the bracelets of the participants in the vicinity of it and opens the corresponding door. Because what door Sigma enters on Floor A determines the path taken for the rest of the game, it will be divided accordingly.

      After Magenta Door [ ]

      Colors each person has:

      • Magenta : Tenmyouji and Quark (PAIR), K (SOLO)
      • Cyan : Sigma and Alice (PAIR), Clover (SOLO)
      • Yellow : Dio, Phi (PAIR), Luna (SOLO)

      Because of this, these are the options for the Chromatic Doors:

      • Blue Door: Tenmyouji and Quark ( Magenta PAIR) + Clover ( Cyan SOLO)
      • Green Door: Sigma and Alice ( Cyan PAIR) + Luna ( Yellow SOLO)
      • Red Door: Dio and Phi ( Yellow PAIR) + K ( Magenta SOLO)
      • Blue Door: Sigma and Alice ( Cyan PAIR) + K ( Magenta SOLO)
      • Green Door: Dio and Phi ( Yellow PAIR) + Clover ( Cyan SOLO)
      • Red Door: Tenmyouji and Quark ( Magenta PAIR) + Luna ( Yellow SOLO)
      • Blue Door: Dio and Phi ( Yellow PAIR) + Luna ( Yellow SOLO)
      • Green Door: Tenmyouji and Quark ( Magenta PAIR) + K ( Magenta SOLO)
      • Red Door: Sigma and Alice ( Cyan PAIR) + Clover ( Cyan SOLO)

      After escaping the Lounge and participating in the first AB Game, Sigma has a choice of ‘Ally’ or ‘Betray’. Choosing ‘Ally’ will allow Sigma the choice to go through the Green or Blue Doors. Choosing ‘Betray’ forces Sigma to choose the Red Door.

      Ally [ ]

      If Sigma chooses Ally in the AB Game against Luna, he will eventually get the choice between the Green Chromatic Door and the Blue Chromatic Door. Trying to choose the Red Chromatic Door will have K refuse to go with that choice, and stand in front of the door in order to block Sigma, as he would be stuck with Tenmyouji (who has 1 BP, has expressed open distrust of K due to his previous betrayal of Clover, and is highly likely to choose Betray).

      Here, beyond the Green Door is the GAULEM Bay and beyond the Blue Door is the Rec Room.

      Betray [ ]

      Choosing to Betray Luna causes Sigma to be forced to go through the Red Chromatic Door. This is because Alice insists that she not go with K, while Dio wishes for Luna to go with him and Phi. Due to there being a time limit before the doors close, there is no time for objections.

      Here, beyond the Red Door is the Pantry.

      After Yellow Door [ ]

      Colors each person has:

      • Magenta : Clover and Sigma (PAIR), Quark (SOLO)
      • Cyan : Phi and Luna (PAIR), Tenmyouji (SOLO)
      • Yellow : Alice and K (PAIR), Dio (SOLO)

      Because of this, these are the options for the Chromatic Doors:

      • Blue Door: Clover and Sigma ( Magenta PAIR) + Tenmyouji ( Cyan SOLO)
      • Green Door: Phi and Luna ( Cyan PAIR) + Dio ( Yellow SOLO)
      • Red Door: Alice and K ( Yellow PAIR) + Quark ( Magenta SOLO)
      • Blue Door: Phi and Luna ( Cyan PAIR) + Quark ( Magenta SOLO)
      • Green Door: Alice and K ( Yellow PAIR) + Tenmyouji ( Cyan SOLO)
      • Red Door: Clover and Sigma ( Magenta PAIR) + Dio ( Yellow SOLO)
      • Blue Door: Alice and K ( Yellow PAIR) + Dio ( Yellow SOLO)
      • Green Door: Clover and Sigma ( Magenta PAIR) + Quark ( Magenta SOLO)
      • Red Door: Phi and Luna ( Cyan PAIR) + Tenmyouji ( Cyan SOLO)

      After escaping the Infirmary and participating in the first AB Game, Sigma has a choice of ‘Ally’ or ‘Betray’. Choosing ‘Ally’ will allow Sigma the choice to go through the Blue or Red Doors. Choosing ‘Betray’ forces Sigma to choose the Green Door.

      Ally [ ]

      If Sigma chooses to Ally against Tenmyouji, he will get a choice between the Blue Door and the Red Door. Attempting to choose the Green Door will have Phi and Alice both tell Sigma no, as Phi doesn’t want to pair up with Tenmyouji and Alice doesn’t want to pair up with Dio.

      Here, the Blue Door leads to the Pressure Exchange Chamber and the Red Door leads to the Laboratory.

      Betray [ ]

      If Sigma chooses to Betray Tenmyouji, this will cause Sigma to be forced to go through the Green Door. This is because Tenmyouji doesn’t want to pair with Sigma, and Alice doesn’t want to pair with Dio. While Option B is the first option considered under these conditions, but Tenmyouji refuses this as well, as he cannot trust Luna or Phi, and that someone would have to carry Quark. He says that he only trusts Clover, which brings Option C to light. Despite Alice and Dio’s objections, there was a vote and Option C was the one chosen, and Sigma goes through the Green Door.

      Here, the Green Door leads to the Treatment Center.

      After Cyan Door [ ]

      Colors each person has:

      • Magenta : Tenmyouji and Dio (PAIR), Phi (SOLO)
      • Cyan : K and Quark (PAIR), Clover (SOLO)
      • Yellow : Luna and Sigma (PAIR), Alice (SOLO)

      Because of this, these are the options for the Chromatic Doors:

      • Blue Door: K and Quark ( Cyan PAIR) + Phi ( Magenta SOLO)
      • Green Door: Luna and Sigma ( Yellow PAIR) + Clover ( Cyan SOLO)
      • Red Door: Tenmyouji and Dio ( Magenta PAIR) + Alice ( Yellow SOLO)
      • Blue Door: Tenmyouji and Dio ( Magenta PAIR) + Clover ( Cyan SOLO)
      • Green Door: K and Quark ( Cyan PAIR) + Alice ( Yellow SOLO)
      • Red Door: Luna and Sigma ( Yellow PAIR) + Phi ( Magenta SOLO)
      • Blue Door: Luna and Sigma ( Yellow PAIR) + Alice ( Yellow SOLO)
      • Green Door: Tenmyouji and Dio ( Magenta PAIR) + Phi ( Magenta SOLO)
      • Red Door: K and Quark ( Cyan PAIR) + Clover ( Cyan SOLO)

      After escaping the Crew Quarters and participating in the first AB Game, Sigma has a choice of ‘Ally’ or ‘Betray’. Choosing ‘Ally’ forces Sigma to choose the Blue door. Choosing ‘Betray’ allows Sigma the choice to go through the Green or Red Doors.

      Ally [ ]

      Choosing to Ally with Alice in the AB Game will force Sigma to go through the Blue Door. This is because the players who only have 1 BP–Sigma, Phi, and Tenmyouji–are asked for which option they wanted. However, Alice doesn’t like this idea and instead proposes a vote. She wants Option C. Even though Sigma himself doesn’t want that option, both K and Quark agree with Alice, putting Option 3 at three votes. Phi wants Option B, both Sigma and Luna agree with Phi, bring that also to three votes. Dio wants Option A, which Tenmyouji doesn’t mind going with, bring it to two votes. Clover is the deciding vote. She agrees with Option C, and Sigma goes through the Blue Door.

      Here, the Blue Door leads to the B. Garden.

      Betray [ ]

      Choosing to Betray Alice in the AB Game will allow Sigma the choice to choose between the Green Door and the Red Door. Alice feels she deserves to choose the option, as she only has 1 BP left. She wants the Green Door with K and Quark (Option B). When asked how the others feel about it, they are either indifferent or agree. When the question comes to Sigma, he can say “Yes” or “No”. Saying “Yes” would allow him to go through the Red Door with Phi and Luna, and saying “No” allows him to make a choice between the Blue Door or the Green Door. However, attempting to choose the Blue Door will have Alice berate Sigma, as he had betrayed her in the last round. Because of time limits, Sigma was forced to settle for the Green Door.

      Here, the Red Door leads to the Control Room, and the Green Door leads to the Archives.

      Combination of triadic colours

      They are built with three families of colours that are evenly spaced on the chromatic circle (see illustration.) These combinations maintain the contrast of complementary colour combinations, while they create the harmony these colours do not have.

      The best use of this combination is to take a dominant colour and use it more than the other colours. These colours are strength and vibrant.


      Combination tetradic colours

      It is known as double complementary colour scheme, as it uses 4 colour families, two pairs of complementary colours. This results in very vibrant and high contrast and intensity combinations.

      It is a harmonious composition, but the only downside is that by holding more varieties of colours, its use is also more complicated than the others. Thus, we can do a good work by taking one predominant colour.


      Combination analogous colours

      This colour scheme uses three or more families place next to each other on the chromatic circle. It is a colour scheme that we can find in nature which makes it comfortable and calm.

      It creates more contrast than monochromatic schemes, but not as much as complementary colours. When this range is used, it is best to take a dominant colour, a colour of the range of the first colour, and a colour to complement and create contrast.


      With these guidelines will be no range of colour you cannot beat! Remember that the important thing is to experiment, and above all to know what we want to achieve with our colours.

      Once we have the colours from which we begin, pure colours, we can go by changing contrast, intensity … to the tone of colour that best suits what we are looking for.

      If we want to make a triad of analogous colours and these are green, greenish yellow and blue, we know that there will be many possible combinations with these tones, as it is not the same porcelain and cobalt blue or emerald and green bottle.

      So with the choice of a triad we are opening a range of possibilities and here is where we must choose the one that best fits our project!

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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