

How to create paint splatter without a brush

Use when: you want to control exactly where your splatter paint falls

How to Make a Splatter Brush for Free

I love the Tim Holtz® Splatter Brush and use it often. But, sometimes I’m out and about and forget to bring it along. I’ve found many alternatives that work as a great substitute, so if you’ve forgotten your splatter brush, or you just don’t feel like buying yet another thing for your stash of art supplies, then read on.

splatter brush

Tim Holtz® Splatter Brush
The Tim Holtz® Splatter Brush is designed to work with his Distress ink line, but can be used with watercolor, gelatos, acrylic paint, and other ink lines. It creates speckles, splatters, and texture on your Bible journaling art. I use mine every time I create a galaxy painting in my Bible.

Making a Splatter Brush for Free

There are so many things you can use as a splatter brush. Here are a few ideas. You can also watch the video that shows you how to use some of these items.

  • Fan brush – The fan brush is the original splatter brush. I learned how to create splatters using this paint brush. Just dip the tip of the fan brush into the paint. Then, using your hand as a stopper, tap the handle across your hand to fling it onto the paper.
  • Toothbrush – Using an old toothbrush, load the paint onto the bristles and run your finger along the base or even across the bristles to get the paint to spray.
  • Bristle Brush – A bristle bottle brush or hairbrush will work the same way as a toothbrush. But, once you’ve used it for paint, you can’t use it for anything else!
  • Zuru balloons – I love using the leftover part of my kid’s Zuru balloon sets. Yes, you can buy kits to refill them, but if you’re too busy, don’t throw them away. You can use them as a splatter brush too!
  • Paint brush – You can always use a regular paint brush to splatter paint. If it’s a flat brush, flick it with your finger.

What other supplies do you use to create splatter effects? I’d love to read about them in the comments below!

How to Splatter Paint

Level: Easy

What You Need

  • Acrylic or watercolor paints
  • A brush (or brushes) with stiff, sturdy bristles
  • A canvas
  • An old toothbrush (optional)
  • Gloves (optional)

Use Two Paint Brushes

Use when: you want to cover a large surface with splatter paint

Fill the bristles of a paint brush with pigment. Gently tap it with a second brush (or stick, or even your fingers) with your opposite hand. This will give the paint enough force to travel across your canvas.

Use a Toothbrush and Your Fingers

Use when: you want to cover smaller areas and have smaller flecks of splatter paint

Fill the bristles of a toothbrush or a stiff-bristled brush with pigment. Hold it at a downward angle, so the bristles are pointed toward the ground. With your opposite hand, run your fingers along the edge of the brush. (You may want to put on gloves first.) Go slowly and pull the bristles back so they launch paint onto the canvas.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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