

How to paint mountains with ease

Clean off your #4 brush, dry it very well and then dip the tip in titanium white.

How To Paint Mountains

Mountain painting

Learn how to paint mountains with acrylics. This online tutorial will show you the techniques for rendering mountains on your canvas.

There are several different ways you can go about doing mountains in paintings.

A popular technique is to use a palette knife. It helps to create the texture of the ridges and shadows.

However, since I don’t prefer using a palette knife, I’m going to show you how to use any size flat brush to do the technique.

Mountain painting

This technique is helpful if you want to paint a landscape with mountains in the background.

You can see an example of what this would look like here.

Also, you can paint these mountains on any surface – canvas, wood board, paper, etc.

I think this would look very pretty on a piece of wood with a quote in the sky!

Mountain painting

For this demonstration, I simply painted it in my sketch book and the focus is on the technique of painting mountains.

See Also:

How To Paint Mountains

Learn this technique for painting mountains with acrylics on canvas.

Active Time 30 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


  • Acrylic Paint
  • Brushes
  • Surface such as a canvas
  • White Chalk


  • 3/4 Flat
  • 4 Bright Brush


  1. Paint the sky a gradient of cerulean blue that lightens to titanium white.
  2. Use a 4 bright brush and titanium white to paint the outline of the mountain shape.
  3. Mix a medium gray on your palette. Then paint the mountain shapes with that gray by stroking downwards.
  4. Let the gray dry then use a piece of chalk to draw the division line of the mountains.
  5. Paint the left side of the mountains with titanium white.
  6. Mix a dark blue gray color on your palette and then paint the right side of the mountains with this color.
  7. Add some white dry brushing on the right side of the mountains.
  8. Add some black dry brushing on the left side of the mountains.
  9. Touch up with this same dry brushing technique on both sides of the mountains.

© Tracie Kiernan All Rights Reserved
Project Type: Acrylic Painting / Category: Mountains

Videos » Easy Painting in acrylic Snowy Mountain Step by step Live stream

1 Hoots

This will go with The Art Sherpa kit but you can get these colors easily if you don’t have them and really any primaries will do.

Yellow Medium Azo

Phthalo Blue (green shade)

Phthalo Green (blue shade)

When you’re looking at mixing colors with primaries, try to remember little changes can have a big impact. Adding the tiniest amount of magenta to your yellow can make it much warmer and brighter. Adding a small amount of white to your magenta can make it much pinker. Primary colors are red yellow and blue. Secondary colors are green purple and orange. You lighten or “Tint” a color using white. You ” Shade” or darken the color using black. In this set Magenta is the red. All of the colors can be a little bit transparent because they’re modern colors. You may ask yourself, “What if I don’t have the exact color I see her painting with?” My answer to you would be don’t worry, use what you have. You get a slightly different result than I do, but you will essentially get the same painting. I include the colors that I use so you can know exactly what is happening. The worksheet above is created to give you a quick reminder about how we get Turquoise using the Phthalo blue Phthalo green. Also how we get Gradients for the sky and the Mountain

The Brush Off

In our Pinners kit we included our Cats Tongue #8 . I wanted to show how one brush can do all of a painting. Of course you can use the brushes you have. That said, whatever you use in this painting the direction and curve of the Brush stroke will help create the illusion of form in your painting. When you interweave the sky, do have a small amount of curve to your back and forth stroke. Don’t over curve and try to avoid being stick straight. Think of your sky as a living, evolving thing. Think about those times as a kid you laid down in the soft grass and gazed up to the clouds. Can you remember the dance and movement. How much life was above you. As artists we don’t actually capture a still moment. We capture the feeling, the life, and the movement in the moment. By adding the curve into the sky we see and wind and meteorology of the day. Gesture in art is the life of the painting.


The term “gestural painting”, also known as “gesturalism”, . In art what we mean is expressive brushstrokes emphasizing the movement within the art and the hand of the artist . This is how the Brushstroke expresses the artist’s emotions and personality just like a person’s gestures reflect their feelings in everyday life.

Look at these gesture Drawings of Dance. Can you See the feeling of the movement? Everything has gesture. Trees, mountains and even a road.

More Materials These are used often in my lessons but may not be use here

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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