

Took a sip from a styrofoam cup

Перевод “styrofoam cup” на русский

One burger sold in Las Vegas will cost you several thousand dollars, though it is thankfully served with a bottle of wine, not just Diet Coke in a styrofoam cup like you’d get at a drive-thru.

Например, бургер, продаваемый в Лас-Вегасе, обойдется вам в несколько тысяч долларов, хотя его, правда, подают с бутылкой вина, а не с диетической колой в пластиковом стакане.

I’m driving down the highway at highway speeds. I’m just gone to a drive-in, And I’ve gotten a soda in a styrofoam cup,

Я еду по шоссе с большой скоростью, только что выехал из магазина, с газировкой в пластиковом стаканчике, но это не та газировка.

Only me and a styrofoam cup.
Только я и пластиковый стаканчик.
You have the emotions of a styrofoam cup!
У тебя эмоции пластмассовой чашки!
Unlike the Styrofoam cup of instant I got.
В отличие от растворимого в одноразовом стаканчике, который получил я.
This is 60 miles an hour, Styrofoam cup with slush drink in three.
Это 95 км/ч, пластиковый стакан со слашем на три.
Because you only ever deserved a Styrofoam cup.
Поскольку тогда вы будете достойны только стакана Styrofoam».
If I drink out of a Styrofoam cup, you give me a two-hour lecture.
Почему, если я пью не из той чашки, ты пилишь меня два часа.
All you need to do is freeze five centimetres of water in a Styrofoam cup.
Все, что вам нужно сделать, это прокипятить пять палочек корицы в стакане воды.
If I drink out of a Styrofoam cup, you give me a two-hour lecture.

Почему, если я пью не из той чашки, ты пилишь меня два часа. а когда в доме появляется этот супермен с боевым оружием, всё нормально.

Better bring my cappuccino in a Styrofoam cup, then.
Тогда лучше принеси мне капучино в плексигласовом стакане.
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We only deserve a styrofoam cup

As a response to a post on power recently, Ashay shared the following story from Simon Sinek. It is one I’ve thought about it a few times since and I thought I’d share.

I heard a story about a former Under Secretary of Defense who gave a speech at a large conference. He took his place on the stage and began talking, sharing his prepared remarks with the audience. He paused to take a sip of coffee from the Styrofoam cup he’d brought on stage with him. He took another sip, looked down at the cup and smiled.

“You know,” he said, interrupting his own speech, “I spoke here last year. I presented at this same conference on this same stage. But last year, I was still an Under Secretary,” he said.

“I flew here in business class and when I landed, there was someone waiting for me at the airport to take me to my hotel. Upon arriving at my hotel,” he continued, “there was someone else waiting for me. They had already checked me into the hotel, so they handed me my key and escorted me up to my room. The next morning, when I came down, again there was someone waiting for me in the lobby to drive me to this same venue that we are in today. I was taken through a back entrance, shown to the greenroom and handed a cup of coffee in a beautiful ceramic cup.”

“But this year, as I stand here to speak to you, I am no longer the Under Secretary,” he continued. “I flew here coach class and when I arrived at the airport yesterday there was no one there to meet me. I took a taxi to the hotel, and when I got there, I checked myself in and went by myself to my room. This morning, I came down to the lobby and caught another taxi to come here. I came in the front door and found my way backstage. Once there, I asked one of the techs if there was any coffee. He pointed to a coffee machine on a table against the wall. So I walked over and poured myself a cup of coffee into this here Styrofoam cup,” he said as he raised the cup to show the audience.

“It occurs to me,” he continued, “the ceramic cup they gave me last year . . . it was never meant for me at all. It was meant for the position I held. I deserve a Styrofoam cup.”

“This is the most important lesson I can impart to all of you,” he offered.

“All the perks, all the benefits and advantages you may get for the rank or position you hold, they aren’t meant for you. They are meant for the role you fill. And when you leave your role, which eventually you will, they will give the ceramic cup to the person who replaces you. Because you only ever deserved a Styrofoam cup.”

What We Can Learn From A Styrofoam Cup


I heard a story about a former Under Secretary of Defense who gave a speech at a large conference. He took his place on the stage and began talking, sharing his prepared remarks with the audience. He paused to take a sip of coffee from the Styrofoam cup he’d brought on stage with him. He took another sip, looked down at the cup and smiled.

“You know,” he said, interrupting his own speech, “I spoke here last year. I presented at this same conference on this same stage. But last year, I was still an Under Secretary,” he said. “I flew here in business class and when I landed, there was someone waiting for me at the airport to take me to my hotel. Upon arriving at my hotel,” he continued, “there was someone else waiting for me. They had already checked me into the hotel, so they handed me my key and escorted me up to my room. The next morning, when I came down, again there was someone waiting for me in the lobby to drive me to this same venue that we are in today. I was taken through a back entrance, shown to the greenroom and handed a cup of coffee in a beautiful ceramic cup.”

“But this year, as I stand here to speak to you, I am no longer the Under Secretary,” he continued. “I flew here coach class and when I arrived at the airport yesterday there was no one there to meet me. I took a taxi to the hotel, and when I got there, I checked myself in and went by myself to my room. This morning, I came down to the lobby and caught another taxi to come here. I came in the front door and found my way backstage. Once there, I asked one of the techs if there was any coffee. He pointed to a coffee machine on a table against the wall. So I walked over and poured myself a cup of coffee into this here Styrofoam cup,” he said as he raised the cup to show the audience.

“It occurs to me,” he continued, “the ceramic cup they gave me last year…it was never meant for me at all. It was meant for the position I held. I deserve a Styrofoam cup.”

“This is the most important lesson I can impart to all of you,” he offered. “All the perks, all the benefits and advantages you may get for the rank or position you hold, they aren’t meant for you. They are meant for the role you fill. And when you leave your role, which eventually you will, they will give the ceramic cup to the person who replaces you. Because you only ever deserved a Styrofoam cup.”

The above is a passage about the Ceramic and Styrofoam cup from Simon Sinek’s masterful work Leaders Eat Last, which I consider one of the fundamental texts regarding a path to authentic, sincere, sage leadership for our generation. It is in my top 3 books of all time along with the Holy Bible and the Tao Te Ching.

This parable is a sobering reminder to appreciate the accoutrements we’re afforded in different roles, use positions of power to benefit others, and not let the trappings of titles or status cloud our judgement.

If anything, it encourages the following as a best practice — Stay humble. Stay hungry.

Thanks for reading. I’m glad you’re here. // jm

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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