

Adding specks to a painting

Spackle is generally easier to apply than drywall, but is not as strong or durable. Drywall is typically used for larger holes and other damage. However, spackle can still be used to make repairs to walls, but it is generally recommended to use drywall instead for larger openings.

What do you use to create a speckled effect?

To create a speckled effect, you can use various techniques and materials. If you’re working in a digital medium, you may use Photoshop or a similar program to select “noise” or “grain” options, which can be layered over a surface for a speckled look.

If you’re working with paint, you could mix a smaller amount of a contrasting color into another color and apply it with a sponge for a speckled look. If you’re using fabric, you could use tiny appliqués or embroidered accents to add texture.

Bathroom Remodel Ideas

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You could also layer paper or fabric onto a surface to create a speckled effect. For other craft materials such as clay or resin, you could add in flecks of glitter or small beads or objects to add a speckled look.

In some cases, you could even paint or use a splatter technique with a contrasting color over a surface to create speckles. Finally, if you’re working on a project that needs to look truly unique, you could explore other materials such as mini sequins, craft crystals, seed beads, and patterns to create a speckled texture.

How do you speckle a wall?

Speckling a wall is a great way to add texture and interest to a room without having to use a lot of paint. It’s also a relatively easy project that does not require a great deal of artistic ability.

To get started, you will need to select a speckle color, which will be the main color you will use to coat the wall. Once you have chosen a color, you will need to measure the area of the wall you wish to speckle, then mix together the speckling compound, either buying a pre-mixed version or mixing up a combination of paint and water.

Once your compound is ready, you will want to pour it into a paint pan and use either a roller or a paintbrush to spread it over the wall.

Once your wall has been speckled, you may wish to soften the speckles by using a clean paintbrush to blend the color together. If you’re using multiple colors, use a separate brush for each color to avoid tying them together.

If you wish, you can also add interest to the wall by using a sponge. Lightly dabbing it onto the wall after you’ve speckled it will create different patterns and shapes, allowing you to create a more unique look for your wall.

When you’re finished, finish up your project by allowing the speckles to dry completely, and then add a clear topcoat to seal it all in. You should also be sure to clean any brushes or sponges you’ve used properly in order to avoid any buildup or residue.

By following these steps, you will be able to learn how to speckle a wall easily and create a unique look that you can be proud of.

How do you make splatter art?

Making splatter art is a fun and creative way to express yourself through art. The process is fairly simple and uses minimal supplies, making it a great activity for any skill level.

First, gather your supplies. You will need: • Paint (acrylic, tempera, or watercolor paints will work, though water-based paints give the most vibrant colors). • Canvas or paper (any flat surface will do).

• Palette or plate. • Something to use as a paint “splatter gun,” like a straw, brush, or even a spoon.

Next, mix your paint colors on the palette or plate to your desired hues. Dip your “splatter gun” into the paint, and hold it about 8-10 inches away from your canvas or paper. Then, blow or flick the paint onto the surface.

You might need to experiment a bit to get the hang of it. Make sure you wear protective clothing and goggles to keep paint from getting on your skin and clothes. You can also use a paper bag or cardboard box to catch and contain the paint splatters.

Finally, step back and admire your artwork. You can splatter different colors from different angles, or make a gradient of colors that blend together. There are tons of possibilities when it comes to splatter art.

Have fun and get creative!.

DIY Painted Leopard Spots Canvas


I’m a bit of a leopard print lover. I try to keep it simple, sprinkling the pattern here and there (until I find our sofa covered in leopard pillows, a leopard throw, you know … I have no self control.) But this latest ode to leopard is actually kind of subtle, and crafty, which I think qualifies it as pretty much perfect … so I’m going to show you how to paint your own leopard spots … for any project, really.

Say hello to my not-so-artsy-but-still-totally-chic leopard canvas (the perfect addition to my little office space.)


What You’ll Need:

  • Blank Canvas (any size)
  • Acrylic Paint in Black (I used Martha Stewart Crafts Multi-Surface Satin Acrylic Craft Paint in Beetle Black)
  • Paint Brush (with a thin-to-medium tip)
  • Gold Metallic Marker (a paint marker or permanent marker will do)

STEP 1: Gather your supplies! Lay out a work space with your canvas on a flat surface, pour a bit of your black paint onto a palette (or paper plate), and have a clean dry paintbrush read.

STEP 2: Start by drawing rough circle shapes with your gold metallic marker or paint marker. (They don’t need to be perfect, and actually look better a bit misshapen.) I chose to use a metallic marker rather than actual gold paint because I knew it would dry quicker (and I wanted to be able to paint my black over the gold spots without having to wait hours in between.)

STEP 3: Use a paintbrush and your black paint to create rough leopard outlines around and along your gold spots. No two spots are alike, so feel free to get creative and don’t worry if the spots and outlines don’t look perfect. Use thicker amounts of black paint in some spots to add a little bit of texture as well.


In case you’re intimated by hand-painting leopard spots, this leopard spot diagram via Mr. Kate was also super helpful!

DIY leopard canvas office blogger flowers - glitterinc.com

Voilà! You have yourself a funky piece of leopard-spotted artwork! (By the way, after painting my canvas, I was already dreaming up covering a whole wall in leopard spots, though I may keep it small, painting spots on an acrylic tray or a vase. These really would look adorable on just about anything!)

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Step 1:

Start by pouring a small amount onto your palette. Try not to shake or overwork the medium. This could result in it looking cloudy when dry instead of transparent and shiny.

Load your brush with the medium. It will look white, but don’t worry – if you use it gently it will dry transparent!

Step 3:

Add hits of the medium in select spots of your painting in thin, smooth brushstrokes. I like to add it in the same direction as my brushstrokes so that it looks organic and flows with the painting. Make sure not to overbrush it so that you keep the transparent shine!

Continue adding iridescent brushstrokes throughout your painting. The most effective way to use an iridescent medium is to add it to key pieces of your painting that you want to highlight. When these spots catch the light they will shimmer and shine giving your piece that extra pop of vibrancy!

Step 5:

Let the iridescent medium dry and enjoy your painting!

I hope this tutorial inspired you to try something new with your acrylic painting! If you want to learn how to create a brushstroke piece like the one I shared in this tutorial, join me for my Spring Sky acrylic painting class where I share this exact brushstroke technique!

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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