
paintingpainting glass

Approaches to painting glass on canvas

Oil painting is a very versatile medium that can be used to create a wide range of effects. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular oil painting techniques, including glazing, sgraffito, impasto, and fresco.

Oil Painting

Are you interested in trying oil painting? Oil painting is a beautiful and popular type of painting that has been around for centuries. It is made by mixing pigments with a drying oil, such as linseed oil, and then applying it to a surface. Oil painting allows for a lot of detail and variation in color, and it is also very durable.

Oil painting became popular in the 15th century, and it was used by famous artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. Today, oil painting is still popular, and many people enjoy painting with oil-based paints. If you’re interested in trying oil painting, there are a few things you should know.

  • First, oil painting takes a bit of practice. It can be messy, and it takes time to get the hang of it. But once you get the hang of it, it’s very rewarding.
  • Second, you’ll need to choose the right supplies. Make sure you get oil-based paints and a good quality brush. You’ll also need a canvas or another surface to paint on.
  • Third, oil painting can be time-consuming. It’s not something you can do in a few minutes. But the results are worth it, and you’ll be able to create beautiful paintings that will last for centuries.

A brief history of oil painting

Oil painting is one of the oldest artistic mediums in the world. The history of oil painting can be traced back to the 12th century, when it first became popular in Europe. The first known oil painting was created by a Chinese artist in the 9th century. However, it was not until the 14th century that oil painting began to be used extensively in Europe.

During the Renaissance, oil painting became the preferred medium for artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. The technique of oil painting was further developed during the 17th century by artists such as Rembrandt, Rubens and Van Dyck. The 18th century saw the rise of Rococo artists such as Boucher and Watteau, who used oil painting to create highly decorative and ornate works of art. The 19th century was a period of great experimentation in oil painting, with artists such as Monet, Cezanne, Renoir and Van Gogh pushing the boundaries of the medium.

Today, oil painting is still widely practiced by artists all over the world. It is considered to be one of the most versatile and expressive mediums available, capable of producing both realistic and abstract works of art.

If you’re an artist, or even if you’re just interested in art, you’ve probably heard of oil painting. Oil painting is a popular medium that has been used for centuries, and for good reason. Oil painting is very versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes. It is also a very durable medium, which means that it can last for a very long time.

So, what are some of the benefits of oil painting?

The benefits of oil painting

As we mentioned, oil painting is very versatile. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating paintings, murals, and even sculptures. It is also a very durable medium, which means that it can last for a very long time.

Oil painting can be used to create both realistic and abstract paintings. It can also be used to create a wide range of effects, from traditional to contemporary.

If you’re thinking about trying oil painting, or if you’re just curious about what it’s all about, we hope this blog post has been helpful. Oil painting is a great medium with a lot of benefits, so it’s definitely worth checking out!

Event Details

People, Place, Process: 50 Years of Glassmaking at WheatonArts Museum of American Glass An ongoing exhibition focusing on the evolution of WheatonArts as a vital arts organization! Presenting highlights of contemporary artworks

People, Place, Process: 50 Years of Glassmaking at WheatonArts
Museum of American Glass

An ongoing exhibition focusing on the evolution of WheatonArts as a vital arts organization! Presenting highlights of contemporary artworks made by our international community of artists and interpreting the people, place, and process that inspired them, the exhibit tells a story of creativity’s exploration specific to WheatonArts. Honoring 50 years of glassmakers at the Center, visitors will discover collaborations that artfully combine vision, artifacts that serve as muse, and the tools that connect skills across time.


April 1 (Saturday) – December 31 (Sunday)

Amber Cowan | Alchemy of Adornment

Amber Cowan | Alchemy of Adornment April 1 to December 31, 2023 in the Museum of American Glass Step into the enchanting worlds of Philadelphia-based artist and educator Amber Cowan! Cowan uses centuries-old

Event Details

Amber Cowan | Alchemy of Adornment
April 1 to December 31, 2023
in the Museum of American Glass

Step into the enchanting worlds of Philadelphia-based artist and educator Amber Cowan! Cowan uses centuries-old flameworking, hot sculpting, and glassblowing techniques to transform pressed glass into exuberantly adorned diorama-like wall installations and free-standing sculptures. Her dense narrative assemblages are often personal and lure the viewer into fantasy worlds rich with symbolism and themes of transformation, femininity, and nostalgia.

Adding highlights

At this point the reflection looks nice but our glass still does not really pop out from the canvas. In order to change that, add a layer on top and paint the highlights in white. At this point I am also worried a bit about the liquid being too dark, so I add an overlay layer and paint in some red in order to create a sense of translucency.

highlights 3d elements alcoholic drink lemon glass masking falling liquid 2d illustration

Adding highlights will make the glass jump out into the viewer‘s eye.

Let‘s paint

Now that we have prepared everything carefully, we reach my favorite step. Turn off the layer with the lines, create a new one at the very top, take your favorite brush and use the color-picker to start shifting around the colors. Most colors you need should be on your canvas by now. Since the glass itself is still transparent I have an easy time to add some additional background.

summer juice alcoholic drink lemon glass masking falling liquid 2d illustration

Not every area needs the same amount of detail. I like to keep my focus on the drink itself, add some bubbles and some swirly effects in order to give some personality.

Effects and final touch ups

Once you are happy with your painting you can add some final touch ups. I now use the hidden glass layer, turn it back on and while setting its fill to 0%, I add an inner glow to create the so-called Fresnel effect. This will pull the last straw and really make the drink stand out from the background. If you group this layer by ctrl+G and add a layer mask to the group, you can mask out the effect around the straw and the lemon. It‘s a small trick that will save you from having to paint on top and fix it manually. I also add some sparkling highlights, and a reflection of the liquid on the ground. A final touch up is the bokeh effect in the background.

alcoholic drink lemon glass masking falling liquid 2d illustration

Play around and add some final effects. Maybe you can even come up with some of your own.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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