

Beginner painting classes conducted online

There are three foundation courses to get you started and give you fundamental drawing techniques and strategies. Each course has a series of straightforward steps, showing you how to draw in line, tone and colour. You will find more information on each course in the drop down menu under ‘Courses’ and in the ‘Details’ section in the boxes below.

Online Art Courses

We offer online drawing courses in Line, Tone and Coloured Pencil, with do it yourself (DIY) and tutored options and DIY online water-colour painting courses. Everyone can learn to draw and paint and take time out from the busy mind syndrome that has become such a hall mark of our modern world.

Are you wondering about learning to draw, remembering the joy you felt as a child creating your first tree with all the red apples, your very own house with the chimney and the shiny sun?

I vividly recall learning how to put curtains on the windows of my house and drawing myself as a princess gazing out onto the garden at the grass stalks and the red and pink flowers all in a row. This is my adult version!

Online Art courses

Yours might have had a boat on the lake or a car in the driveway! What about that super hero; what about your favourite cartoon or film character?

We all drew when we were kids, we loved it. We shared our discoveries with one another, admired each new encounter, explored new media; we became completely absorbed… remember those big, fat school crayons, the oil pastels, felt-tip pens and that marvel of marvels, the graphite drawing pencil.

If I enjoyed it so much, why did I stop?

At some age, usually about ten, you stopped; someone may have said something critical about your horse. “That doesn’t look like a real horse!” “You can’t draw.” You might have agreed and thought your drawing looked dumb.

It wasn’t your fault. Nobody knew you weren’t doing anything wrong. You had simply reached an age when you were no longer satisfied with the simple symbols of your early childhood.

You wanted to draw a real horse – you wanted it to look like a real horse. At this stage in your cognitive development you needed to be taught how to “see” with your artist’s eyes, so you could draw a horse that looked like a real horse, not the symbol horse of your early childhood.

How wonderful it would be to draw a real horse!

You can learn how to draw a real horse.

Yes, you can learn to draw that horse, the flower, the fruit, the landscape, the portrait. Everyone can learn to draw – it’s no different than learning any other skill, if you apply and consolidate the techniques and strategies you can do it.

You can do it by learning how to see with your artist’s eyes. You already have them, you look through them every day, everyone does; you just need to know how to activate them. In these courses I share simple techniques which enable you to access your right hemisphere; your artist’s eyes.

“The amazing thing this course is doing for me, is teaching me to see! I walk the gardens here at Parkward almost every day. It now takes me about five times as long because I keep stopping to marvel at the contours of the plants and I have noticed that each duck in the flock has different colours and patterns on it’s feathers. It is beautiful. Thank-you Kimbra” Marg Schrader

Online drawing courses

But do I have the skills?

Yes! If you can throw a ball, drive a car or write your name, then you have all the skills to learn how to draw.

I teach people how to draw, interactively online and face to face in private classes and workshops. I’ve taught for many years in tertiary institutions and with private students, and have built up an extensive repertoire of, techniques, strategies and skills.

“Joining Kimbra’s “Drawing for Absolute Beginners” private class was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Her classes are the highlight of my week.”

My courses include all the professional secrets that have made me an award-winning artist. They’re here in easy-to-follow, step-by-step progressions that take you through the fundamentals of realistic drawing.

I took the long road but you can take the short road because I’ve used my years of experience to devise a course that targets and solves the issues, taps into your creative centre and gives you a transformational experience of moment-by-moment artistic discoveries.

“I’m REALLY enjoying drawing, I know I’ll get better. Thank-you Kimbra”

Watercolor Painting Online Course – For Beginners (Weekday sessions)

Watercolor Painting Online Course - for beginners

We commence an 8-sessions in-depth watercolor course that will help you to master this unique medium completely. Learn watercolor techniques, understand the medium and pigment behavior, and much more in this course with us.

Who would benefit from this course?
This course is an introduction to watercolor painting practice for those who are new to the medium. If you are interested in building a relaxing creative hobby that can help with your creative skills, do join in.
This course will introduce you to the techniques and creative skills you need to get started.

Course curriculum:

Day 1

  • Introduction to watercolor
  • Tools we need to get started
  • Subjects that are done in watercolor
  • Three types of washes: Flat, Graded, and Variegated
  • A landscape with one of the washes
  • Assessments and Discussion
  • Assignment

Day 2

  • Colour theory
  • Color wheel
  • Color mixing
  • Making greens
  • Making grey and browns
  • Analogous painting
  • Assignment

Day 3

  • Techniques and textures
  • Brushstrokes
  • Creating Values and tones
  • Understanding light and shadow
  • Monochrome painting
  • Assignment

Day 4 and 5

  • Floral
  • Layering
  • Wet in wet
  • Wet in dry
  • Lifting color

Day 6 and 7

  • Still life
  • Dry brush stroke
  • Washes
  • Glazing
  • Underpainting

Day 8

  • Landscape
  • Washes
  • Glazing
  • Colour perspective

– Watercolours Cakes or Tubes
– Watercolour paper (Has to be watercolor, not regular paper – Brustro, canson, chitrapat, or any other watercolor paper brand)
– Round brushes and flat brush (8,12 round brush and 1/2 or 1inch flat brush)
– Closed palette for tube colors OR regular palette for watercolor cakes
– 2 Water cups or bowl
– Rag cloth
– Masking tape (if you don’t have it then transparent cello tape)

Age: Adults and Children above 10 years

Classes will commence on Tuesday, 10th Oct
Time: 4.00pm to 5.30pm (IST)

(Ping us if you are keen to attend on alternate days/timings)

Fee: Rs 4000 per person for 8 classes
Venue: Online classes on Zoom

For registrations and details, WhatsApp on 9900052747

About Bloom and Grow:

Bloom & Grow facilitates artist-led online and offline workshops for individuals and for corporates across the world.

To stay updated with the upcoming sessions, join WhatsApp group with the link https://chat.whatsapp.com/HKDsGqJSWGgBtDENOcMVea

Add to calendar

  • Google Calendar
  • iCalendar
  • Outlook 365
  • Outlook Live
Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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