

Clear coating for acrylic painting

A good sealant will protect the paint from moisture, dust and other elements.

How To Seal Acrylic Paint On Ceramic?

You must heat the ceramic surface to cure paint before applying a baked piece as a sealant. Clear acrylic coats are best faced with heat and a wet occurrence for best results when using Modge Podge as a water-based polyurethane varnish.

Baked pieces can be used as sealants, but clear acrylic coatings should only be applied after heating them in order to create better adhesion between the coat and the substrate. If you have an oily or dusty job site, use clear Acrylic Coats overcoated with primer then sealed with a layer of Modge Podge instead of painting directly onto the wood

How To Seal Acrylic Paint On Ceramic?

You must heat the ceramic surface to cure paint if you want to use a baked piece as sealant. Clear acrylic coats are best faced with heat and a wet occurrence for the best results.

Modge Podge can act as a water-based polyurethane varnish, depending on your application needs. Make sure that you apply clear coat correctly in order to avoid any imperfections or bubbles appearing on your finished project later on down the road.

How To Seal Acrylic Paint On Ceramic

Ceramic Surface Must Be Heated To Cure Paint

First, clean the surface with a mild soap and water mixture to remove any oils or dust. Next, heat the ceramic until it reaches its desired temperature according to the paint’s instructions- usually around 250 degrees Fahrenheit for latex paints and 350 degrees Fahrenheit for oil paints.

Once heated, carefully place the painting onto the ceramic while pressing down evenly – do not use too much pressure as you could damage both surfaces. Allow the painting to cure at room temperature for two hours minimum before handling or moving it in order to ensure maximum adhesion between coats of paint and ceramic; longer curing times will also result in a more durable finish.

If your project requires multiple layers of paint, wait at least 48 hours after applying each coat before proceeding to the next step so that all ingredients have had time to fully mix together and dry completely

Baked Piece Is Suitable For Sealant Applications

Acrylic paint is a popular choice for decorating ceramic items, but it can easily become damaged. Baked pieces are an ideal solution because they provide a permanent sealant that will protect your ceramic from damage and staining.

You’ll need to preheat the piece before applying the sealant, and make sure to apply evenly across the surface. Once you’ve applied the sealant, let it dry completely so that your ceramic item will be protected from future scratches or stains.

Be certain to follow all safety guidelines when using this type of sealant; improper application could lead to serious injury or even death

Clear Acrylic Coats Are Best Faced With Heat And A Wet Occurrence

Clear acrylic coats are best faced with heat and a wet occurrence. This will help the paint to adhere better and reduce the chance of peeling or chipping.

You can use a hairdryer, oven, or microwave to speed up this process. Make sure that you don’t overheat the acrylic; it should only reach temperatures of 220 degrees Fahrenheit (104 degrees Celsius).

Clear Acrylic Coats Are Best Faced With Heat And A Wet Occurrence

Always test an inconspicuous area first before applying too much heat to your entire piece of artwork

Modge Podge Can Act As A Water-Based Polyurethane Varnish

Acrylic paint can become scratched and damaged if not properly sealed with a water-based polyurethane varnish. Modge Podge is an easy, affordable way to seal acrylic paint on ceramic surfaces without having to use a more permanent product.

Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your ceramic painting tool for proper application of Modge Podge as a water-based polyurethane varnish. Results will vary depending on the type and brand of acrylic paint used, but using Modge Podge as a water-based polyurethane varnish should help keep your artwork looking new for years to come.

Always read the label before applying any products, including Modge Podge, in order to ensure that you are using safe and effective techniques

How do you treat acrylic paint with ceramic?

If you are having trouble cleaning your acrylic paint with a ceramic tile, there are a few things that you can do. First, make sure that the surface is clean and free of any oils or other substances.

Next, mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution over the ceramic tiles and scrub with a brush or sponge until all of the paint is removed. Finally, rinse with cold water to restore the tiles to their original condition.

How do you treat acrylic paint with ceramic?

Properly Treat Acrylic Paint With Ceramic

Since acrylic paint is made of oil and water, it can be difficult to remove the paint completely with traditional painting techniques. However, ceramic can be a great tool for removing unwanted paint from your painted items. To treat acrylic paint with ceramic, first bake the item in a cool oven. This will help to softens the surface area so that you can easily remove the paint using a scrubbing brush or sponge.

Bake Painted Item In A Cool Oven

If you don’t have access to a cool oven, baking your painted item in an ordinary oven at low temperatures will also work well for treating acrylic paints with ceramic. Just make sure that the temperature is not too high as this could damage your painted object

Crown Transeal Acrylic Clear Finish

Transeal can be applied to unpainted concrete, brick, stone etc, to produce an attractive, eggshell or semi-gloss clear finish which will be more dust-resistant and more easily cleaned than the bare substrate. Transeal can also be applied over matt emulsion paint to produce a semi-gloss finish or over wallpapers to render them more washable. This versatile product can also be mixed with PVA emulsion paint to increase the sheen level of the finish.

An attractive finish can be obtained by applying Transeal to quarry tiles prior to the application of wax polish.

Transeal is designed for interior use and should not be applied to exterior surfaces subjected to strong sunlight.

Characteristics: A unique formulation based on a special PVA Co-polymer emulsion which has a white opaque appearance in the container, but produces a clear film after application.

Advantages: Transfers a matt finish into an eggshell or semi-gloss, washable surface. Enhances the features of the substrate. Seals porous surfaces prior to the application of wax polish. Easy to apply and economical. Water thinnable.

Finish: Eggshell or semi-gloss. The sheen level can be varied by the amount of water added, increased thinning will reduce the sheen level.

Application: By brush, roller or spray. When coating porous surfaces such as brick, stone, quarry tiles etc, application by brush is recommended to improve penetration and adhesion.

Thinning: Transeal should be thinned with clean water to ease brushing consistency. Considerable thinning will be required when coating porous surfaces. Stir well before use.

Drying times: Transeal dries extremely quickly, especially when applied to porous surfaces and can be recoated in 3-4 hours.

Spreading capacity: 12-16 m 2 /l when applied to a smooth, non-porous surface Spreading capacity will be considerably reduced when coating unsealed, porous and textured surfaces.

Equipment cleaner: Water.

Colour range: Clear

Pack sizes: litre, 4 litres and 20 litres

Availability: From Crown Depots in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu and, by arrangement, through Crown Stockists.


Brick, stone, concrete, quarry tiles etc: Prepare surface (refer data sheet (sp 3). Apply by brush 1 coat of Transeal, thinned with clean water to brushing viscosity. If necessary apply a 2 nd coat after 3-4 hours in dry conditions.

Stone, concrete, quarry tile floors should be immediately protected with several applications of wax polish.

Matt emulsion and textured painted surfaces: Ensure the surfaces are thoroughly clean and apply by brush, roller or spray, 1 or 2 coats of Transeal. To ease brushing on textured surfaces, thin with clean water. When mixing Transeal with PVA emulsion paint, thorough dispersion is necessary to obtain a uniform sheen level.


Do not apply any type of varnish on timber floors if:

  1. the timber is known to have been fixed with a bitumen-based adhesive which could react with the solvent in the varnish and/or
  2. the timber or floor structure is damp or is known to have a history of rising damp due to faulty structure, absence of damp-proof course or for any other reason.

In these circumstances, sealing of the floor with a single or two-pack varnish could cause the complete floor to lift.
For health & safety information, please refer to our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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