

Creating a glowing quality in acrylic painting

Creating a glowing quality in acrylic painting

The most glow I have achieved is through building up layers of titanium white or titanium white plus a tiny bit of colour if I need a tint. My sister gave me a tube of a pearl irididescent colour (Golden) last year. I have only used it once, it put such a “glow” on water that I had to paint over it.

“None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.” – Henry David Thoreau Moderator Acrylics Forum ~~~ Reference Image Library

August 8, 2015 at 10:04 am #1231734
I agree with Julian! Wine
August 8, 2015 at 11:43 am #1231729

I like using gloss glazing medium. A different “glow” can use metal leaf as a base. Pearl can create a different glow. Depends on what you are looking to accomplish.

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The only person you can’t fool, is yourself! (Oz The Great and Powerful)
“If you think you can, or think you can’t, your right!”
“The thing about art is that life is in no danger of being meaningless,” Robert Genn

August 8, 2015 at 12:04 pm #1231742

Ok, thanks so much! I’ve never used a glaze before and i’m excited to try it I would have never thought of wine and I’ll definitly look into that book too.

August 8, 2015 at 6:57 pm #1231733
August 8, 2015 at 10:37 pm #1231745


August 9, 2015 at 9:16 am #1231740

I drink a glass of wine if I want my paintings to glow…..not only does it make the paints glow,but me too !! :wink2:

And if you have enough wine you don’t care if your painting glows. R/Mike
Practice religion freely and freedom religiously.
August 9, 2015 at 9:56 am #1231731

I suggest trying metallic underpainting, as well as iridescent colors. Layering of transparent colors over both of these improves luminosity. Then there’s that wine…

August 9, 2015 at 1:29 pm #1231741

I glaze with acrylics quite a lot and its important to get the base color correct but lighter than the eventual color you imagine…not all acrylics glaze well… some of the best are yellow ochre, burnt sienna, raw umber and raw siennas for example….for glaze I use Jo Sanja which is normally used for pottery glazes…hope this helps.

August 9, 2015 at 3:53 pm #1231732

Jerry Yarnell says that for the paint to keep it’s glow, you have to put it on thick. Acrylics darken as they dry, so thick paint dries slower and it will keep the glow. Jim

Thanks in Advance
August 9, 2015 at 3:55 pm #1231735

I’ve been trying to find out how to make paint look like its glowing, and I’ve found plenty of things about oil, but I’m wondering if the same techniques would work with acrylic….with using transparent paints to using certain kinds of glazes..etc. Thanks, Tessa

Phosphorescent Glow in the Dark Paint – Aqua

Phosphorescent Glow in the Dark Paint - Aqua-GLO Effex

GLO Effex Phosphorescent Glow in the Dark Paint is a transparent when dry acrylic paint that when charged with light can glow for hours.

Expose the paint to sunlight or bright light for at least one full minute or up to 15 minutes to fully activate the paint. The Strontium Aluminate based paint goes on milky white and dries transparent and durable.

GLO Effex Premium high quality acrylic glow paints have been used in a variety of theme parks, movie sets, haunted houses. etc.


  • Dries clear and nearly invisible on lighter surfaces with excellent adhesion to most surfaces and is extremely durable when dry.
  • Extremely Bright Long Lasting Glow! If charged with a full charge it will glow hours and will continue to recharge over and over again endless times.
  • UV Reactive. No need for black lights to make the paint glow but they can charge the paint and make the paints act as black light reactive paint.
  • Completely non-toxic premium acrylic paint. It’s safe and cleans up with water.
  • Can be brushed on or thinned out with water and sprayed.
  • Excellent for marking, fishing lures, party decorations, gun sights, or really anything you wish to use it for.
  • Made with the highest grade Europium doped Strontium Aluminate glow pigments for the brightest and longest lasting glow available.

Sample Uses:

  • Gun Sights
  • Ceiling Star Murals
  • Nail polish
  • Jewelry decoration
  • Party decorations
  • Hobbies, game pieces, models
  • Arts/Crafts
  • Halloween decor or costumes
  • Computer systems
  • Product Marking
  • Product Tracking
  • Room Decoration
  • Automotive interior
  • Really anything you can think of glowing

Professional Top Quality Products

Our glow in the dark and UV reactive dyes, powders and paint is of the highest quality available on the market. We guarantee the longest glow and brightest glow products in each category. We test and compare all our products with competitors worldwide to make sure we only supply you the latest generation product and the best of the best.

Top Notch Customer Service

We are dedicated to provide you with excellent customer service and make sure to provide you with the products you need. Your time and money is valuable and we will do our best to help and support you.

We Service All Industries

Glo Effex supply and service some of the world’s most famous adventure parks, theater shows, movies, special events, artists, manufacturers, government agencies and educational organizations. We welcome businesses of all sizes. And most importantly we value every customer.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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