
paintingpainting glass

Creative wine glass painting ideas


We Divine Three: The Divining Sisters Book 2

After reuniting in this lifetime, Alex and Izzy begin their search for their long-lost sister from another time who has started appearing in their dreams just as a mysterious stranger arrives in Salem and befriends Esme. Alex and Izzy’s bond intensifies the more they uncover about their shared incarnations, but as a past struggle re-emerges and threatens Izzy, Alex fears losing her so soon after reconnecting. She’s faced with coping with the challenges of her growing gifts and looming threats of her own as Izzy fights for her life. Will Alex and Izzy piece together more clues of their intwined fates as they search for their sister? If they find her, will their sister remember them, and will she be open to combining their gifts to unlock their destiny?

The Divining Sisters is a fictional divination series that follows a group of women who are witches, healers, and diviners in multiple lives, and they reincarnate lifetime after lifetime to reunite with their coven so they can fulfill a mission of keeping their craft of divination, healing, and magic alive for future generations.

The series focuses on reconnecting with past-life gifts, sisterhood, empowerment through facing fears, & learning to step out of the shadows to embrace their intuitive gifts that help them not only heal themselves but each other.

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Dr. Heather Hardison is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Tennessee and is the host of the podcast, Healing Thru Tarot. Heather’s debut novel, The Call of the Cards, was the first installment in her fictional divination book series, The Divining Sisters Series which features her favorite method of divination – tarot. She plans to write in this series as long as she is still captivated and intrigued by these magical characters.

Heather is a tarot reader/consultant and tarot blogger, shining light on the tarot as a healing and therapeutic tool. Her tarot blog and her custom tarot/oracle spread ebooks can be found on her tarot website – healingthrutarot.com – Follow her on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook & Tiktok where she shares tarot tips on how to get the most out of your tarot work – @healingthrutarot on all above platforms. Twitter – @healingthrutaro – For updates on upcoming book releases in The Divining Sisters Series visit the author’s website at author.heatherhardison.com and follow her on her author account – Instagram @heatherhardisonauthor

Follow The Divining Sisters Facebook page that’s dedicated to the series so you can follow all the updates on the series.

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Sahar Alvi says: November 8, 2014 at 7:44 am
what paints do you use on glass that do not wash off.
Marty Hermes says: November 10, 2014 at 10:38 pm

Sahar Hi…..Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply, my laptop died and I have to come to the library to check emails and posts. To answer your question: go to a store that sells crafts or artist supplies, like Michaels’ or Joann Fabric if you have them where you live or google glass paints online and they need to be especially for glass. After painting you bake the painted glass in an oven at 200 degrees for a few hours and they are sealed. I never put mine in a dishwasher but the paint manufacturer says you can. Good luck with your painting….remember Everyone can Paint!

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