

Graphic of a painter’s palette

Painter’s Palette

An illustration of a painter’s palette. This palette has a decent amount of the rainbow.

This is a completely free image Painter’s Palette that you can download, post, and use for any purpose.

Image License: CC0 No Rights Reserved
You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission, and at no cost. This picture is completely free.

SVG files are the highest quality rendering of this drawing, and can be used in recent versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and other office tools.

PNG files are the most compatible. Use this on your web page, in your presentation, or in a printed document.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, this clipart is completely free to use, including for commercial purposes. You may use, distribute, or even sell this image without paying any royalties nor giving any credit. Because there is no fee attached to using the image, it’s perfect for use in advertising and marketing materials, classrooms, and as part of your product.

Yes, this clip art is 100% compatible with Microsoft Office including Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. You can download this graphic as a high quality SVG file that scales to any size without becoming blurry. The SVG can then be imported into your office software whether that be Microsoft Office, Apple Pages, or LibreOffice.

Can I print the Painter’s Palette clip art?

Yes, this picture is suitable for printing, and will look great on posters, flyers, and handouts. These images scale without loss of quality, and will even look great on large-format posters and in high DPI.

Yes, you may download and use Painter’s Palette pic on your website. This image is compatible with Squarespace, Wix, WordPress, Webflow, and all the popular website publishing suites that allow for you to post pics.

Highlights below. For the full collection click here.

Art History Photography

#painting #portraits

May 15, 2015

Kate Sierzputowski


Palette of Marc Chagall

Since 2007 photographer Matthias Schaller has photographed raw, abstract paintings. The paintings however are not found on canvas, but rather smeared onto the tools used to craft each work of art—the palettes. His series, Das Meisterstück (The Masterpiece), claims these behind-the-scene objects as portraits of the artist, while also giving a direct insight into the detailed techniques performed by each painter.

Schaller was first inspired to begin his photographic collection during a visit to Cy Twombly’s late studio. During the visit he stumbled upon the artist’s palette, which he discovered to be an accurate reflection of the artist’s paintings. Encouraged to further discover the similarities between palette and painting, Schaller has gone on to photograph over two hundred of these historic portraits. His search has led him to collect palettes from all across Europe and the United States, finding the objects in major museums and private foundations and in the custody of artists’ relatives and collectors. The palettes he’s photographed so far in the series belong to seventy painters from both the 19th and 20th century, and include such artists as Monet, van Gogh, Matisse, and Picasso. To accurately analyze the details from paint hue to brushstroke, Schaller presents the images in large format, each work existing at approximately 190 x 150 cm.

Schaller’s practice focuses on non traditional portraits, which he considers “indirect portraits.” Other subject matter has included children’s rooms in Naples, Italy, 150 Italian opera houses, astronaut suits, and early punk vinyls. Through June 8, the Giorgio Cini Foundation will present Schaller’s Das Meisterstück alongside the Venice Biennale, an exhibition that will focus on 20 of Schaller’s palette photographs. (via Hyperallergic)


Palette of Paula Modersohn-Becker / Palette of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec


Palette of Wassily Kandinsky, 2007, 190x156cm, Copyright: Matthias Schaller,Lenbachhaus, München


Palette of Claude Monet / Palette of Édouard Manet


Palette of Edgar Degas


Palette of Eugene Delacroix / Palette of Georges Seurat

Turner - Royal 004

Palette of J.M.W. Turner, 2013, 190x156cm, Copyright: Matthias Schaller, The Royal Academy of Arts, London

Niemeyer 302

Palette of Francis Bacon, 2007, 190x156cm, Copyright: Matthias Schaller, Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane, Dublin

Niemeyer 451

Palette of Cy Twombly, 2007, 190x156cm, Copyright: Matthias Schaller, Collezione Nicola del Roscio, Gaeta


Palette of Pablo Picasso / Palette of Henri Matisse


Palette of Vincent van Gogh, 2007, 190x156cm, Copyright: Matthias Schaller, Musée d’Orsay, Paris

#painting #portraits

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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