

Minimal summer canvas painting ideas

Minimal summer canvas painting ideas

Dublin Canvas is an inclusive public art project. The project is open to anyone over the age of 18. If you can pick up a brush and paint, we want you to submit an entry. All you need to do is submit an idea and if selected be willing to give up the amount of time it will take you to paint the box. Interested artists and community groups should carefully read below guidelines and criteria and submit their artwork on time and in the correct format to [email protected]

Dublin Canvas runs throughout the Summer months and finishes by early Autumn. This years timeline is as follows:

Callout Commences – Monday 17th April 2023
Submission Deadline – Friday 19th May 2023
Selection process – Monday 22nd May – Friday 2nd June 2023
Artwork Completed – Early June – Late August

Artists unavailable to paint at this time should not apply

Selection Criteria and Guidelines

Artwork will be selected based on the following criteria:

– creativity and innovation of design
– the relevance of the image to the chosen area
– ability to work within the guidelines of the project

Dublin Canvas actively encourage entrants to be as creative as possible, but designs would be ineligible if they
contain the following.

– breach of intellectual property rights (stealing someone else’s idea)
– trademarks, advertisements, brand or business names, logos or copyrighted images,
– images relating to drugs, alcohol and are deemed offensive or contentious
– images/artwork dominated by text, unless relevant to the design

Entrants should bear in mind the following points when conceptualizing designs.

– maximize the use of the 3-dimensional aspects of the boxes, a small logo, entrant’s details and box reference will appear on the bottom of each left and right-hand side panel. This will be added on after the box is completed.
– the finished artwork will be in the public domain, there is a chance that it will be vandalized. Consequently, large areas of the design should not be left open to attack. For example, large areas of blue skies on an image would give vandals the opportunity to deface the artwork.
– photographs of the chosen traffic signal boxes are displayed on the map. It would be recommended that participants visit each site for inspiration and to ensure that their designs integrate with the surrounding area.
– only prior agreed artwork can be used on boxes
– prior to painting each of the allocated units will be painted white by Dublin Canvas
– please review extensive back catalogue at artist-profiles-main for inspiration and an indication of what the council adjudication panel look for in submissions

Submission Specifications

Participants should meet the following specifications to ensure their artwork is considered for the project. All submitted artwork should be clearly labelled. All submissions should contain contact details, a short biography (40 words or less) along with a name for your artwork and a brief description (40 words or less) of the inspiration behind your chosen design. This information will appear on the Dublin Canvas website and all social media should your design be selected. All submitted artwork must be emailed in JPEG or PDF format. You may also be called upon to repair or touch up any damaged pieces. Keep in mind that some of the available boxes are against a wall or railings. This will only allow for 3 sides to be painted

Be sure to include the following in your submission:

DIY Minimalist Abstract Art

We loved Claire’s Minimalist Wall Art Tutorial last Thursday so much we had to get another one of her creations shared! Here is Claire’s DIY Minimalist Abstract Art let me know what you think about us sharing her projects!

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How to Create Minimalist Abstract Wall Art

  • Ikea Rug or any type of cloth canvas
  • Paints
  • Brushes

This wall art was super easy for Claire to create. Ikea had this simple white rug and almost any store carries paints and brushes so she got right to work one evening and finished. Paint some blobs on and call it good. Claire said a lot of her inspiration came from Pinterest so if you’re looking to hand make some decor and need some easy inspiring pieces, Pinterest is the place to be.

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Hygge Style Tips

Hygge style is filled with lots of natural colors. From burnt orange to grays and whites. Claire’s home is filled with cozy natural pieces that make it comfortable. If you want to see more of Claire’s home click here.

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Hand Crafted Decor

Hand crafted decor is so special when you make the pieces yourself. There is always a little story behind each project and it is so inspiring to watch and see others create. I believe it is so good to have something you can do to ease your mind off of busy life, especially since Covid 19! I know for myself it is so easy to get wrapped up and stressed out with what’s going on. But when I can go up into the shop and start painting it just goes away!

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Easy minimalist modern DIY’s

Claire still has this piece hanging in her living room! Just look how nice this looks. We have a bunch more DIY’s here on the blog for you to check out! Thanks for stopping by!

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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