

Outline drawings for canvas painting

If you are less experienced then I suggest a light outline drawing before you start painting. This helps ensure you have your composition right and all the various angles covered. It is much easier to erase a pencil outline or charcoal than it is to change paint.

Outline drawings for canvas painting

Fillable markers are/were available at Jerrys artorama. I purchased a dozen last year I think. Alfredart uses a liner/script brush that he has allowed to sit in water a few days setting a natural curve to the hairs. He then fills with color and turns it in such a way that the curve is facing down and draws in that manner and he has some absolutely beautiful work. So, that is two options that may work. Worth looking at anyway. There are also some refillable high end markers. They are 20.00 each but might be used with some acrylic ink or acrylic india ink. Another thought is a watercolor refillable brush (Sakura maybe) which can be filled with acrylic ink and it would also create a nice line since it is almost like a japanese caligraphy brush. Will try to scan one into the computer, give me a few minutes. There is also the incredible nib which is really fascinating. It is used for blocking materials but I have used it for ink. Ink needs to be rinsed out thoroughly in an effort to keep it reusable. Another option is a gutta bottle with a stainless steel tip which can be filled with black paint, thinned slightly and then squeezed onto the surface. A Japanese Caligraphy brush might also work if you can thin the paint enough and gain enough control.

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The only person you can’t fool, is yourself! (Oz The Great and Powerful)
“If you think you can, or think you can’t, your right!”
“The thing about art is that life is in no danger of being meaningless,” Robert Genn

June 5, 2007 at 2:31 pm #1086059

Speedball makes a set of acrylic inks which might be of some merit as well. The five color set includes black, white, gold, silver and pen cleaner.

Click here to go to the information kiosk My You Tube Channel 48hlc48
The only person you can’t fool, is yourself! (Oz The Great and Powerful)
“If you think you can, or think you can’t, your right!”
“The thing about art is that life is in no danger of being meaningless,” Robert Genn

June 6, 2007 at 10:40 am #1086064

Hey thanks all of you for your bright ideas, I live here in India and searched the best store in the city for arts but could not find out the pens you are talking about, I don’t use any medium with the acrylic–maybe I need to give it at try. But I got few ideas from you people may be I can search for a pen or bottle which can be filled with the acrylic paint that can help me out. And regarding my work, Actually I replicate the work of artists which I like and would like to know is this legal to do, whether in this forum or outside world. Thanks all of you brothers for your bright ideas………..

June 6, 2007 at 10:46 am #1086063

if there are no good art supply stores in your area, there’s always the internet. look at dick blick, cheap joe’s and I’m sure there are many other websites that sell art supplies. you can order them online and have them shipped directly to your house.

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June 6, 2007 at 11:51 am #1086057

Um, if you mean you copy the paintings for selling or showing, then that’s illegal! – Copyright issues y’know If you do it purely for yourself, then that’s for learning purposes, but you should keep them for yourself …… unless the painter has been dead for 70 years

Cheers, Maureen
Forum projects: Plant Parade projects in the Florals/Botanicals forum , WDE in the All Media Art Events , Different Strokes in Acrylics forum .

June 6, 2007 at 11:58 am #1086060

Sometimes it is dependent on the laws in your country. Where you are working and what the local norm is. In the states you can’t get away with it, in China well, it is China.

Click here to go to the information kiosk My You Tube Channel 48hlc48
The only person you can’t fool, is yourself! (Oz The Great and Powerful)
“If you think you can, or think you can’t, your right!”
“The thing about art is that life is in no danger of being meaningless,” Robert Genn

June 6, 2007 at 12:50 pm #1086065

yes, I don’t mean to sell the paintings, I do painting to reliveve the stress of my work, I am an engineer and a broker and this gives me lots of stress hence painting is like meditation to me …….may be oneday I can paint my original idea……..

June 6, 2007 at 12:57 pm #1086061

What works for me is, right after I make the outline (or any line), I take a clean brush, wet it very well with water, and go alongside both sides of the line. You can move the line, lift up parts of it and “clean it up” a bit with the watered brush.

What do you use for outline painting?

There are many tools you can use for outline painting, these can be anything from pencils to charcoal or even crayons. My tip is a pencil or charcoal stick to start with.

I would recommend starting with a regular pencil that will give you nice light lines and then go over it again in charcoal if needed later on. You can use this same outline for your painting as well until much later when shading comes into play.

I have also used a light wash of paint to paint in an outline. I use a hog hair brush as it is quite stiff and you can apply a wash or outline using hard brush strokes.

The benefit is that this lets me start my painting as a sketch that I can play around with until i’m happy I can start layering colors.

The other benefit of sketching an outline using paint is that you can plan where to add tones or dark and light and make adjustments as you go along.

If you are looking for the outline drawing process then follow the video linked below.

Do you sketch on canvas before painting?

You can sketch on canvas before painting and I always do. Rarely do I just paint directly on a blank canvas. I find the task a little too daunting to just paint.

A painting sketch or underdrawing is a drawing on your canvas that will assist you in deciding where to place your parts of your artwork. It helps break the initial block you may have to starting.

What I do recommend though is before you begin drawing your outline for painting, apply a light-colored wash to the canvas such as light brown wash. Then use either the same color or a darker one and start sketching in the canvas using a brush and paint thinner and work the design out on the canvas.

Having something on the canvas rather than a plain white canvas seems to work mental wonders to break any of those thoughts we as artists have when we start a new artwork.

Some artists even throw charcoal dust on a canvas and start rubbing it to make what seems a mess and then they quickly use their fingers to create an outline of what they want to paint.

The majority of professionally trained artists will follow a proven method of creating an outline drawing before they paint.

I will link to a video below which shows this done perfectly.

Do painters sketch first?

Yes, most painters outline their paintings first. You can either freehand this outline drawing for painting or use a grid system to make it easier on yourself.

The outline drawing acts as your road map and helps you create an even looking piece of art that appears well planned out before the work has begun.

There are no hard rules when creating outline drawings for paintings so if you don’t want to sketch first – go ahead!

Just be sure not to get too caught up in making an exact replica of what is already there if you choose not draw one at all but rather just paint right away without planning anything out first.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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