

Ways to incorporate acrylic paints

The beautiful thing about wood is that it can be cut into almost any shape! How about your state, favorite animal, your anniversary date? Anything your heart desires! Here’s an awesome tutorial on how to do paint pouring on wood. Get creative and get decorating!

Decor Inspo: 4 of Our Fav Ways to Use Acrylic Pour Paint Decor

What is acrylic pour paint decor? You’ll recognize it once you see it even if you didn’t know there was an actual name for it!

Acrylic Pour canvas painting

Recognize it now? There we go!

This style of decor is an increasingly popular method for artists because it gives paint a thin consistency, creates super cool cell effects, and has less of a chance of cracking.The effect creates stunning visuals on canvas, wood, and other mediums.

The perfect way to add a pop of color or creativity, here are some of our favorite ways to include acrylic pour paint decor in your home.

1. Canvas on the Wall

The simplest and most popular way is to just place a painted canvas on the wall! This simple yet intricate design will catch any guest’s eye and make you look oh-so-chic.

While you can always buy super fancy wall art for $1,200 at auctions, a more fun approach is to just do it yourself ! Turn a lazy Sunday into creative bonding time with friends or family. Pro tip: getting the gals together with a couple bottles of Chardonnay makes for some seriously fun times.

Acrylic pour canvas art

Image via Craft-Mart

2. Canvas Letters

If a rectangle is too plain for you, spice it up by plastering that design on some cool letters! You can buy canvas letters at most art supply stores or online, and can follow any DIY technique to reach the final product. Here are some things we would want to spell: “RELAX,” “WELCOME,” “BARN & WILLOW.” What are yours?

Consumer Crafts ART Canvas Letters

Image via Consumer Crafts

You want to use Acrylic Paints on Fabric? Here’s How!

When there is a sale at some (or any) craftshop, I go into all ‘shopaholic’ mode. I have a cupboard full of paints and paraphernalia to prove this. And recently I got these cute acrylic paints set in 24 colors that I exhausted painting on pots and pans and ran out of ideas – so back to fabric again. This is how I converted the acrylic paints to work as fabric paint.

using acrylic paints on fabric

When painting on fabric what you usually want are bold, striking colors that will last through countless washes and wear. And this is possible with good quality fabric paints. Acrylic paints mixed with fabric paints do the same thing.

acrylic paint

At this point, using acrylic paint is very economical, for me. I already have all the shades I want for half the price of fabric paints. I just need a fabric medium to make it all happen.

You may ask, why do I need another medium ? It is paint after all.

The problem with using acrylic paint is that your acrylic painted work may crack or peel when the fabric is stretched or worn. Acrylic on its own on fabric can feel hard and rigid, altering the texture and the fabric’s feel.

Fabric medium is a special additive that helps acrylic paint to bond with fabric and makes the paint more flexible and more durable. It is a clear, liquid substance usually available wherever craft paint is sold.

fabric medium

In this article I will cover:

  • How to mix the Fabric Medium
  • The Ideal Consistency for mixing paint & medium
  • Alternatives to fabric medium
  • How to make your acrylic paint stick on fabric, wash after wash.

How to mix the Fabric Medium

I wing it when I mix the acrylic paint with the medium – I just know enough to stop where the paint flows but still holds its own.

You can mix it up on your palette just before you start the work. No palette? No problem. The lid of an old takeout container would do. The goal here is to get that perfect, slightly runny consistency, which will glide onto the fabric, but not that runny that it will glide past your design.

The Ideal Consistency for mixing paint & medium

What is the consistency you’re aiming for with your fabric paint? If it pools too much when you tilt your palette, it’s too thin. If it barely moves, too thick. Adjust as needed; this isn’t a one-and-done situation. The beauty of acrylics is their flexibility. Too thick? Add more medium. Too runny? More paint will thicken it up.

Work the acrylic paint in thin layers; it’s easier to add more than to fix a too-thick application.

Alternatives to fabric medium

If you absolutely refuse to get the fabric medium here is one solution – Mix a teaspoon of fabric softener with your acrylic paint. It can make the paint more pliable when you work.

But it may not work the same way that the medium does. The fabric medium helps the acrylic paint adhere strongly to fabric but I don’t know if the fabric softener is meant to do that. I have seen it said to use a bit of glycerol in place of fabric medium. This seems to be a better suggestion than the fabric softener.

Whatever medium you use, it should keep your paint flexible and prevent cracking or peeling. Test on a scrap fabric piece to experiment. In my opinion, If you have an accessory or something that doesnot require washing, you can use acrylic paint as such or with these softening agents. If your final product will have to be frequently washed, do not skimp on using a tried and tested commercial medium.

How to make your acrylic paint stick on fabric, wash after wash.

When using acrylic paint mixed with fabric medium, you do not have to do anything extra than the usuall caveats you have when fabric painting

Choose a fabric that’s not too stretchy. Cotton or a cotton blend works well.

Wash and dry your fabric before painting. This will help to remove any dirt or oils that could prevent the paint from adhering properly. Pre-washing the fabric removes sizing and the paint will stick on the fabric better.

Work on a clean, flat surface. Prevent your acrylic paint from bleeding through the fabric by placing a piece of cardboard inside the clothing or textile you’re about to paint.

Use a variety of brushes and sponges to create different fabric painting effects.
Allow the paint to dry completely between coats.
Heat set the paint with an iron or hair dryer afterwards to make it more durable. Use the warm iron on the back of the painting to heat-set the paint

Do not wash the garment or fabric for atleast one full day or preferably a couple of days. This will ensure that your fabric painted artwork will withstand the test of time and the washing inside the washing machine.

And always check for colorfastness, bleeding, and how the dried paint handles stretching on your project and note it down. This will help you make changes to the consistency and proportion of how much paint and medium you are using.

So now you can repaint and remake those bandanas, personalize your pouches, and give those jeans jacket a new look with your creative fabric painted designs.

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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