

Paintings expressing thanks to teachers

  • Thank you for always being there for me, teaching me, and helping me improve as an artist. You taught me more about art than anyone else could have done. I am now able to create my own art because of the lessons learned from you.
  • Thank you so much for the wonderful time I had taken lessons from you. Because of lessons learned, I am able to create my own art and display it proudly.
  • It is amazing how much I’ve learned about art just because of your teaching. You are amazing, and I am grateful that I got the chance to learn from you!
  • Thank you for making me enjoy art despite my dislike for it in the beginning. From your lessons, I was able to learn what planning, patience, and vision really mean when working on an art piece. I am really enjoying painting now.
  • I am so grateful that I got to learn from you because you have given me so many skills I have not learned elsewhere. These skills have helped me improve my job performance, and it is also your encouragement that has helped me on my way to success.
  • Thank you for taking the time to teach me. Your art is something I have always admired, and I hope that one day I will be able to create something just as inspiring as your art did.

50 Years of Cooperation: Handover of Teacher Appreciation Plaques and Art Event Celebrating Education in Lao PDR

Handover of Teacher Appreciation Plaques and Art Event Celebrating Education at Parkson Shopping Mall in Vientiane, Lao PDR.

Vientiane, 21 October 2023 – Marking a significant milestone in the enduring partnership between the Government of Lao PDR and UNICEF, an appreciation event to highlight the role of teachers in Lao PDR took place at Parkson Laos Shopping Mall today.

The gathering witnessed the presentation of appreciation plaques to teachers by H.E. Dr. Phout Simmalavong, Minister of Education and Sports, and Dr. Pia Rebello Britto, UNICEF Representative to Lao PDR. They were also joined by representatives from key partners including the European Union, USAID, JICA and KOICA among others.

The event took place against the backdrop of a vibrant mural adorned with the drawings created from the contributions of school children from across Lao PDR, which is on display as part of the Lao Art Week event by the XYZ Arts Centre, organised with support from the European Union and UNICEF. This art exhibit is also a testament to Lao PDR’s collective commitment towards education and the vital role played by teachers in nurturing future generations.

(Left to right) The Japanese Ambassador, Minister of Education and Sports, EU Ambassador and UNICEF Representative pose with children in front of the artwork entitled

“The road towards sustainable development begins in the classroom. Thus, today’s event represents a heartfelt gesture of appreciation to all our teachers who continue to mold minds of our children and the nation’s future,” remarked H.E. Dr. Phout Simmalavong, Minister of Education and Sports. “The Government of Lao PDR and our partners remains steadfast in our commitment to enhancing the role of teachers and ensuring quality education for all.”

Over the past five decades, the Government of Lao PDR and UNICEF and partners have worked hand-in-hand to create an inclusive education system that reaches every child. These efforts encompassed constructing schools, enhancing curricula and fostering equitable access to quality education. Recent research, conducted in partnership with the European Union, has shown that teacher quality is a strong predictor of student performance. Schools that excel prioritize learning for all students, with a particular focus on those facing challenges.

As a result of this collaboration, Lao PDR has made notable advancements in improving education: net enrollment rate has risen from 40 per cent in 1973 to over 95 per cent today; The country now has over 33,000 teachers in primary education, representing a significant increase in the total teacher workforce compared to 1973 when there existed only 8000 teachers in primary education, 80 per cent of whom were unqualified.

Nevertheless, despite this significant progress certain challenges in education persist, including the need to allocate more resources to support teachers.

“As we celebrate 50 years of the fruitful partnership between UNICEF and the Government of Lao PDR, the urgent need to invest in quality education becomes clearer than ever,” stated Dr. Pia Rebello Britto, UNICEF Representative to UNICEF Lao PDR. “To invest in our teachers today is ultimately to invest in the future of Lao PDR.”

In partnership with UNICEF, the European Union is currently implementing a budget support programme, further underscoring the importance of augmenting state budget allocation to enhance teacher training, capacity building and the delivery of quality education.

“We are honored to support this initiative that recognizes the pivotal role of teachers,” said Ms. Ina Marčiulionytė, Ambassador of the European Union to Lao PDR. “Quality education is the cornerstone of a thriving society and the European Union reaffirms its commitment to further enhancing education for all in Lao PDR.”

“Art is one of the most powerful mediums of self-expression,” remarked Arlin Manithip, Chief Executive Officer at The XYZ Art Centre. “We are honoured to host Lao Art Week this year and support the Ministry of Education and Sports, UNICEF, and the EU in creating an artistic space for children to express their creativity and gratitude to teachers.”

To pave the way for a future-ready Lao PDR, a comprehensive approach is required, encompassing financial investment, policy adjustments, and a cultural shift recognizing the paramount importance of teachers.

25+ Thank you messages for art teachers – Wishes from Students

50+ Retirement Wishes for Doctor

Thank you messages for art teachers: The effects of art teachers are enormous and lasting, impacting not only how students feel about their work but also their understanding of the world. Like any profession, it is important to thank your favorite teacher for all that they do for you by sending them a personal message that tells how their teaching style is different from other artists, or why they are so special.

Thank you messages for art teachers

  • How do you thank an art teacher?
  • How do you compliment an art teacher?
  • How do you write an appreciation message to your art teacher?

How do you thank an art teacher?

  • I am writing this message to express how grateful I am for the wonderful time I had taken lessons from you. I learned so much about art and life and had fun doing it. Your patience, attention to detail, and willingness to help me learn whatever I needed making taking lessons under you worth every penny! Thank you so much for everything!
  • I would like to take this time to thank you for all that you did for me. I know that art is not an easy class, but your patience and kindness enabled me to become the artist that I am today. You are a really great art teacher.
  • Thank you. Your passion and talent allowed me to overcome my fear. I learn really a lot from the way you teach; I look forward to taking more lessons from you.
  • I am very lucky to meet such an inspiring teacher like you Mr. (Miss) (Mister). It has been a pleasure learning art with you.
  • I have never had a teacher who was so encouraging, funny, and kind. As a result of your teaching styles I have been able to explore my interests in art, and I am certain that I would not be where I am today if it was not for your guidance.
  • I knew that I would not be able to do what you allow me to do without your teachings. Your positive outlook, guidance, and skills have helped me create my own work.
  • Thank you for inspiring me with your art, for letting me learn from it, and for encouraging me to continue with my own mistakes. You taught me dedication is the key to success.
  • Your teaching is just what I needed in order to learn how to create inspiring art. You taught me so much and with such patience and encouragement. It was an honor to learn from you, and I hope you will continue to teach me in the future.
  • I am so grateful for how much you helped me with my art skills. I will never forget how you were kind and patient with me. I am glad that I got to work with you and look forward to continuing working with you in the future.
  • Thank you for always being there for me, teaching me, and helping me improve as an artist. You taught me more about art than anyone else could have done. I am now able to create my own art because of the lessons learned from you.
  • Thank you so much for the wonderful time I had taken lessons from you. Because of lessons learned, I am able to create my own art and display it proudly.
  • It is amazing how much I’ve learned about art just because of your teaching. You are amazing, and I am grateful that I got the chance to learn from you!
  • Thank you for making me enjoy art despite my dislike for it in the beginning. From your lessons, I was able to learn what planning, patience, and vision really mean when working on an art piece. I am really enjoying painting now.
  • I am so grateful that I got to learn from you because you have given me so many skills I have not learned elsewhere. These skills have helped me improve my job performance, and it is also your encouragement that has helped me on my way to success.
  • Thank you for taking the time to teach me. Your art is something I have always admired, and I hope that one day I will be able to create something just as inspiring as your art did.

How do you write an appreciation message to your art teacher?

  • Thank you for all the time you spent working with me on my project! I know that my final piece would not have looked so great without your hard work. You are truly special to me, and I am grateful to have met you.
  • Dear Ms. Smith, Thank you so much for your guidance in art! Having lessons from you was the best thing that ever happened in my life. You are an amazing artist and I am so grateful for everything.
  • Thank you for always being there when I needed help, even when you were very busy. Your patience with me makes me want to do better with my art. I am glad that you shared your knowledge with me. Your lessons went incredibly well, and I learned a lot from them.
  • Thank you for being my teacher. I will never forget any lesson you have taught me.
  • Your teachings have opened my eyes to how much art really means to me. I am so grateful that I got the chance to learn from you!
  • Thank you for always giving me constructive criticism and advice when needed. It is because of your guidance that I am now able to create art on my own.
  • Thank you for all that you did for me. You were kind and patient and put up with my bad habits. I am glad that we had the time we did together, it really helped me improve my art skills.
  • I am so thankful that I got to learn from you because I feel as though you have inspired me to be better than ever before as an artist. Your positive attitude has made such a huge difference in how I work on my art. Thank you so much.
  • I am writing this message to thank you for your teaching. You have always been very professional. I enjoyed your lessons greatly.
  • Thank you for guiding me step by step on my first art project. It was very nice of you to jump in and help me like that.
  • Thank you so much for the lessons of artistry. You have always been incredibly kind, positive, patient, and encouraging during my lessons with you.

Now we come to the end, we hope the above example of Thank you messages for art teachers will help you write a good letter. If we can be of further assistance to anyone who has not found what they were looking for on our website, then please contact us and we’ll do our best to help out.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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