

How to sketch a valentine gnome

9. Left arm is drawn

Valentine Art: Draw a Cute Valentine Gnome

In this one-time art course, students will learn to draw a cute Valentine’s Day themed gnome with hearts and a rose.

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year old learners
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45 minute class

In this one-time course, students will learn how to draw a cute Valentine's Day themed gnome holding a rose and dressed in Valentine themed colors and a heart patterned hat (with hearts and xoxo for the background). We will draw the gnome from the top of his heart hat, to the bottom of his fluffy beard (full body). Class will be spent sketching an outline of the Valentine gnome and coloring him with fun Valentine themed colors. I will demonstrate each step for the students. Students will.

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Learning Goals

Students will be able to put together simple shapes to create a gnome drawing. Students will be able to use a variety of colors to create a cohesive art piece. Students will be able to manage their time to finish their art piece.


If students do not finish their gnome drawing during class, it is encouraged that they finish it outside of the designated class time.

Supply List

REQUIRED: -Paper -Colored Pencils OR Markers (light pink, dark pink, purple, red, grey, and your choice of skin tone) (I will be using both colored pencils and markers.) -Pencil -Eraser -Pencil sharpener OPTIONAL: -Fine liner pen -White gel pen

External Resources

Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.


Students will demonstrate their understanding by following directions throughout class and showing the teacher their completed gnome artwork at the end of class.

Time Commitment

45 minutes per week in class, and maybe some time outside of class .

What you need for your DIY Valentine gnome

I used a basswood block that is 1 x 1 x 3 inches (2.5 x 2.5 x 7.6 cm). Feel free to make a much larger DIY Valentine gnome. Just increase all the dimensions to fit your wood block.

If you prefer using a bandsaw for your roughout, use the free pattern at the end of this page. Want to get the same look as this gnome? Follow the free painting guide that is provided later.

I primarily carve with just a knife, however, I did use a soft V tool and a micro V-tool to carve the beard and a micro U-gouge that I love for carving nostrils. If you don’t have these tools, don’t stress over it. I’ll tell you what cuts you can use instead. You will also want something to sketch with and a ruler.

Always use a safety glove when you carve and protect the precious arteries in your lap with a piece of wood or a protective cutting board.

DIY Valentine gnome carving tutorial at-a-glance

Before you start carving, take a minute to view this short overview. It will help you understand how the tutorial comes together.

Draw a guideline that is about 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) from the top all around to mark the top of the legs (photo 1). Make stop cuts to separate the legs from the body, removing wood from underneath (photo 2).

Carve off the corners on the front and back of your wood block (completed on front in photo 3). Also, slightly carve off the corners on the sides.

Now, loosely sketch the shape of the hat and mark wood to remove (photo 3). Make the back of the hat lower than the front (about 1.5 inches [3.8 cm] at the widest point).

Remove wood to carve the hat (photo 4), shaping it as you go. Tip: Use the corner of the wood block to your advantage to create the curved hat point (photos 5,7).

Once you have the desired shape on the right side of the hat, make a wide V-cut on the left side (photo 6) to refine the shape (visible in photo 7).

Guideline for wood carved valentine gnome

1. Guideline is drawn all around

Separating wood on wood carved valentine gnome

2. Making stop cuts all around

Hat is sketched on wood carved valentine gnome

3. Hat is sketched

Shaping back of wood carved valentine gnome hat

4. Removing wood to shape the hat

Narrowing point on top of wood carved valentine gnome hat

5. Narrowing point of hat

Making a V-cut on wood carved valentine gnome

6. Starting a wide V cut

Start the nose on your DIY Valentine gnome carving

You’re going to give this gnome a large nose, which adds the “cuteness” factor. Sketch a half moon line about 1/2 inch (0.6 cm) down from the bottom of the hat—at the widest point in the middle (photo 7)— to mark the bottom of the nose. Draw another guideline 1/2 inch (0.6 cm) lower than that to mark the bottom of the beard (photo 14).

Sketch the arms on each side (photos 8,9). Make the arms wider than you need to—about 1/2 an inch (0.6 cm) wide.

Front guidelines are drawn on wood carved valentine gnome

7. Front guidelines are drawn

Right arm is drawn on wood carved valentine gnome

8. Right arm guideline is drawn

Left guidelines are drawn on wood carved valentine gnome

9. Left arm is drawn

Back guidelines are drawn on wood carved valentine gnome

10. Back of arms

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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