


Little person without legs polar express

Billy the Lonely Boy is a major character of the 2004 animated film The Polar Express. He is an eight-year-old who thinks Christmas does not work out for him. He is motion-capped by Peter Scolari and Hayden McFarland and his speaking voice is provided by Jimmy Bennett who also voiced Roo from...


How to spread paint on canvas

How to spread paint on canvas No i did not use Gesso because i learnt it today, too Lol.. However, when i used my acrylics on a normal printer paper, it was smoother on the surface, so you may be


How to paint clouds with watercolor

I was recently asked by Painters-Online to give my advice on pinging sky and clouds in watercolour, something I seem to spend half my life doing - the other half painting water! Here's the article. I hope you find it useful...


Musical Hanukkah water globe with a melody

Facebook Войдите, чтобы воспользоваться всеми преимуществами Marketplace от Facebook. Вход Подробнее Marketplace Декор для праздников Snow Globes в регионе: Rosemont, NJ


Paint with all your heart and soul

Find Joy in creativity! Paint Your Heart And Soul 2021 LIFETIME ACCESS DOWNLOADABLE VIDEOS AND PDFS PRICE FOR ONE PERSON: US $169 (*DUE TO IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO THE CLASSROOM– NO REFUNDS/EXCHANGES) Let's crush the myth that only "talented" people can be artists. The truth is - everybody can became an artist, all you need is the right…

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