
painting wood

paintingpainting wood

Painting with birch wood as canvas

In this painting we see she has found her song, her song came to her. Acrylic on birchwood canvas round. 36 x36” She's singing and she is celebrating because she found her voice again. She found the rhythm and she found the drum. That's the result of the seeking, all the hard work you do in working on yourself and

paintingpainting wood

Painting techniques for pumpkins on wood

Guys, can you believe this pumpkin is that ugly foam pumpkin from Dollar Tree?! This is completely FAKE.. or FAUX if you wanna be chic & fancy. haha. I truly didn't expect the pumpkins to come out THIS GOOD. Sorry I'm using so many caps in this post. Can you tell I'm so excited? This blog post won't just cover one, but TWO designs!! Oh yeah.

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