

Accessible to depict images step by step

BONUS: Alt Text is a great SEO tool, so your website will benefit from having accurate alt text in all images.

Making Images Accessible in 2023 [Easy Step-By-Step Guide]

Creating Accessible Images ></p>
<p>Making Images Accessible in 2023 [Easy Step-By-Step Guide]” width=”1200″ height=”675″ /> Ensuring that your images are navigable by all users, including those with disabilities, you demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity and enhance the user experience on your website or digital platform. Creating accessible images is essential for any professional or business owner who wants to brand themselves or their brand as inclusive and deliver content that lives up to it. This article will explore the distinct varieties of accessible images – complex, ornamental, and operational – and explain how each can be created with access considerations in mind. We’ll also provide guidance on finding stock photo sites that prioritize accessibility features. Additionally, we’ll share some hacks for locating accessible images quickly and efficiently. Finally, our FAQ section will address common questions related to creating accessible images step by step so that you can confidently implement these best practices in your work.</p>
<li>What are Accessible Images?</li>
<li>The Importance of Accessible Images</li>
<li>Key Elements of Accessible Images</li>
<li>Crafting Accessible Images</li>
<li>Stock Photo Sites for Accessible Images</li>
<li>Hacks to Find Accessible Images</li>
<li>FAQ of Accessible Images</li>
<li>Create Accessible Images in a Few Simple Steps</li>

<h2 id=What are Accessible Images?

Accessible images are visual content designed to be easily understood and interpreted by all users, including those with disabilities like vision impairment or cognitive disorders.

Making the digital world more inclusive and usable for all is an essential task, and accessible images are one of the methods to accomplish that.

The Importance of Accessible Images

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses, professionals, eCommerce stores, and other online entities must prioritize accessibility to reach a wider audience effectively. By incorporating accessible images into your website or marketing materials, you can:

  • Improve the overall user experience for ALL visitors
  • Promote inclusivity and demonstrate social responsibility
  • Achieve compliance with web accessibility standards like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Increase search engine visibility through better SEO practices

www.istockphoto.com disability image collection

Original Course View

If you added the image to the text editor in the Original Course View, edit the item that contains the image. Then, right click on the image and click Image in the menu to edit the image properties. Enter an alternative description and click the Save button.

adding an image description in blackboard original course view

Ultra Course View

If you added the image in Ultra Course View, click the three dots in the upper right of the image and select Edit File from the menu. Enter alternative text and click the Save button.

adding alternative text in in Blackboard Ultra Course View

Adding Descriptions to Images in Other Files

You can (and should) add descriptions to images in other files, as well, such as PowerPoint presentations or Word documents. For both PowerPoint and Word, you would right-click on the image and select Edit Alt Text from the drop down menu. Learn more about alternative text in Microsoft Office.

To be effective, your image description should provide a student with the information they are missing without seeing the image themselves. Here are some best practices to write good alternative text descriptions for your images:

  • Describe the image based on the page context. Convey the full meaning of the image.
  • Avoid saying “image of” or “picture of”. Screen readers automatically announce images as images.
  • Be concise.
  • For complex images like charts or infographics, write a narrative description in the text editor. Put this narrative on the page immediately following the infographic.
  • Avoid images of text. If you can’t avoid it, copy the text into the alternative description.
  • Say something new. Each image on the same page should have distinct alternative descriptions that conveys the context of that image. Also, the image description shouldn’t repeat what is already said on the page.
  • Identify images that don’t represent relevant content as decorative.
Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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