

Achieving a pastel blue tone with paint

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Pastel Blue

Pastel blue is a light blue shade with an RGB value of 174, 198, 207. The hex code for pastel blue is #AEC6CF. This cold and gentle color is achieved by adding a little blue paint into a white base.

Pastel blue is similar to different shades of blue, for example, powder blue, light blue, or sky blue. Though the color name “pastel blue” is often used as a synonym for “baby blue,” they are considered different colors in the hexadecimal chart. A pastel blue color scheme is more muted than bright baby blue shades .

The meaning behind pastel blue as a color name has to do with pastels, a powdered pigment used to create soft, low saturation hues. Pastels as an art medium became popular among artists in the 18th century.

Pastel blue and other pastel colors were used in art, architecture, and other areas in the Rococo era. For example, Marie Antoinette, the Queen of Versailles, preferred pastel shades . That’s why we often see her in pastel blue gowns in many portraits.

A pastel palette was also popular in the 1980s, due to the hit show Miami Vice, where muted hues were featured prominently. Nowadays, pastel colors are widely used in architecture; many famous instances can be seen in Miami, Cuba, Spain, and Morocco. In addition, pastel blue and other muted hues like pink, lilac, and others are popular in fashion and graphic design .

Type Value
RGB 174, 198, 207
CMYK 0.16, 0.04, 0, 0.19

Application in design

The color meaning of pastel blue is peace, solace, and harmony. Plus, due to its similarity with pale blue shades that babies are traditionally dressed in, pastel blue also represents youth and innocence. It’s a good solution for baby stores and kids’ clothing brands, so use a pastel blue color scheme for social media pages, ads, and website design related to this topic .

Like a huge number of other blue shades , pastel blue is associated with trust, reliability, and honesty. That’s why it is also a good choice for a business logo design .

Pastel blue is a soothing and muted color, and this makes it suitable for usage in large amounts. Add more color to your design without it feeling overwhelming with a splash of pastel blue. Pastel blue is perfectly complementary with neutral and soft colors , like beige, nude, cream, etc. Create a fashion-forward combination by pairing pastel blue with other pastel shades . Liven up this pale color, match it with fresh coral.

Create harmony in your visuals with a pastel blue color scheme .

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Soft and Serene: The Beauty of Pastel Paint Colours

bouquet of flowers against light green wall

Whether you’re planning a luxurious living room or makeover or want to transform your bedroom into a stylish sanctuary, pastel paint colours are the way to go. If you want to keep things stripped-back and subtle, pastel shades are the perfect alternative to off-white hues or lacklustre emulsion.

With the right pastel colours at your disposal, you can turn any room into a stylish and sophisticated space. A soft pink colour is ideal for creating a dream bedroom. Meanwhile, yellow pastel colours can re-energise living spaces and kitchens.

At Tikkurila, you’ll find an unbeatable collection of pastel colours. Whatever painting project you’ve got lined up, our range is packed with inspiring pastel shades to help you on your way.

Is this your first time decorating with pastel colours? Our guide is on hand to help you navigate the rewarding colour palette. We’ve also picked out some of our favourite pastel shades to make your life easier.

The Appeal of Pastel Paint Colours

If you’re looking for a stylish departure from neutrals and off-white paint colours, pastels are the perfect compromise. The best pastels can be used in place of off-white while adding pigment and warmth to your space.

Aside from bringing a gentle pop of colour to your interiors, pastel brings all the benefits of plainer shades. A brighter hue will bounce around light, making them an effective choice in rooms that are short on natural light. This makes them a go-to choice for bathrooms and rooms with small windows.

As well as their reflective qualities, pastel shades are surprisingly versatile. Used sparingly, they can create a soothing and serene interior. However, you don’t have to stick to muted shades when selecting complementary colours.

If you’re planning on using blue pastels to transform a living room, you can use everything from humble grey to sunny yellow to create contrast. If you’re considering yellow pastels, think about using black and white to add some monochromatic flair to your interior.

The most subtle pastel shades can be used liberally, working well on walls and ceilings alike. However, if you want to mix things up with classic design accents, reach for crisp white to pick out things like cornices, sideboards and other room trims.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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