

Can acrylic paint repulse water?

Both gouache and normal acrylic paints will change color to some extent after they dry. However, the color change is also different between the 2 types. Some colors become lighter and some become darker in gouache paint. While you will not clearly see the color change in acrylic paint when dry, especially with professional acrylics. When you use normal acrylics, the colors tend to get a little bit darker when dry.

What Is The Difference Between Gouache And Acrylic?

If you have just entered the world of art and are unsure whether to start painting with gouache or acrylic. You have come to the right place. Because of their gorgeous colors and finishes, these two water-based paint mediums are quite popular among artists and beginners. They do, however, have a different color change after drying and a distinctive surface finish. So, gouache vs acrylic: which is the most suitable option for you? What is the difference between gouache and acrylic?

What is gouache paint?

what is gouache paint

Gouache paint is a type of paint that combines natural or synthetic pigments, water, and gum arabic as a binding agent to keep the paint together. It can also include chalk or other varieties to make a firm texture and flexible over a long time.

Gouache paint combines the interesting qualities of watercolor and acrylic paints so that people consider it a brilliant medium. It is well-known for its colorful results. It dries rapidly and has a matte surface that does not reflect light. Similar to watercolor, gouache paint is combined with water. Because it can be easily altered in this manner, it may be utilized for a wide range of art, from whole paintings to concepts and backgrounds in cinema and animation. Gouache painting is a lot of fun, easy to do, and produces stunning results.

Gouache has been around for 700 years. It was used from the 15th century as an early form by an artist named Albrecht Durer. Until the 19th century, it was produced industrially and started to be adopted widely by landscape artists and later commercial artists to make poster art, letter comic books, etc. because of its medium’s precise, flat color and quick-drying qualities.

What is acrylic paint?

Acrylic paint is another type of paint with a simple formula combining water, acrylic polymer, and particles of pigment. Acrylic paint is mostly water-based but becomes water-resistant when dry. Besides, acrylic paint is characterized by its shiny and satiny finish. Acrylics are versatile because they may be used with a variety of textures and features. Acrylic paints can also be made to dry more slowly.

It was first introduced by Germany in 1934 and has developed and gained popularity until today. Acrylic paints dry quickly and are incredibly flexible. Acrylics can be virtually used on any surface that is free of wax or oil such as paper and cardboard, plastic and metal, glass, wood, and stone in addition to canvas.

Downloading the reference photograph

The photo above can be ‘clicked’ and ‘Save image as’, so you can use it as a reference image, print it out and follow along with the video.

  • RGM Classic Line, Mediumsize 45, Diamond-shaped, cranked (angled) handle. I use an RGM 45 for mixing the paint.
  • Montana Acrylic Paint Maker (Iron Curtain 0.7mm)
  • Gesso (Golden)

Watery layers are best used onto an absorbent ground, so the paint ‘grabs on’. The more water you use the quicker the paint dries and it dries very matte. Because of the inclusion of water, you’ll find the pigments tend to temporarily lighten in colour and then dry matte as the water evaporates.

  • Kitchen roll/paper towel
  • Clean water
  • Metal double dipper (you could use two small pots)
  • Tear-off palette or stay-wet palette (In this tutorial I demonstrate on an A3 size Grey Pad from New Wavetear-off palette)

Acrylic Paints – The Colour Palette

  • Titanium White (Golden)
  • Yellow Ochre (Golden)
  • Phthalo Blue – Red Shade (Golden)
  • Hansa Yellow Light (Golden)
  • Raw Sienna (Winsor & Newton)
  • Ultramarine Blue (Golden)
  • Cobalt Blue Hue (Golden)
  • Titanium White (Cobra)
  • Yellow Ochre (Cobra)
  • Ultramarine Blue (Cobra)
  • Cobalt Blue Hue (Duo Aqua)
Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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