

Improving the quality of budget paint

Updated October 20, 2017

Budget-Friendly Home Makeover: Using Paint to Refresh Your

Your house is your haven, hence it should reflect your sense of style and serve as a haven of solace and inspiration. However, remodelling your house frequently can be really expensive. Thankfully, paint is a reasonably priced remedy that can significantly enhance any space. Painting a room may radically change its appearance and atmosphere, transforming it into a place you’ll want to spend time in.

Paint provides an incredible variety of options, enabling you to creatively and affordably update your home. The best tool at your disposal is paint, which can refresh a drab-looking space, create a cosy atmosphere, or add a splash of colour and individuality.

This blog post will explore some cost-effective ways to update your home using paint. We’ll help you turn your area into something genuinely extraordinary by guiding you through the process of selecting the appropriate colours and using various techniques. Roll up your sleeves, pick up a paintbrush, and let’s begin your inexpensive home improvement trip.

Embrace the Power of Color

Choosing the right colours can make a world of difference in your home. Choose paler hues to give the appearance of more space in smaller spaces, or try out bright colours to give a space more individuality. Always remember the general tone you want to create in each location. High gloss paint can establish the mood for the entire home, whether it’s a relaxing blue in the bedroom or a lively yellow in the kitchen.

Create Accent Walls

Accent walls are your best friend if you want to make a statement without painting the entire room. Choose a wall that will naturally capture the eye, such as the one behind your bed or the one near the fireplace, and paint it a contrasting or striking shade. This easy-to-use but effective technique gives your space more visual depth and interest, instantly changing the look of the room.

Anex is a reputable paint provider renowned for delivering premium quality paints that exceed expectations, ensuring stunning and long-lasting results for your painting projects. Consulting Anex’s team of experts will allow you to explore a myriad of paint options and receive personalised advice on selecting the perfect shades and finishes that harmonise with your home decor, ultimately rejuvenating your space with a refreshing and captivating look.

Revamp Furniture and Accessories

Consider giving outdated or worn-out furniture a fresh coat of paint before you decide to replace it. Wooden bookcases, dressers, tables, and chairs may all be updated with some paint and imagination. Select a colour that goes well with your entire design, or go with contrasting tones for a more eclectic appearance. Remember to replace the hardware as well because new knobs and handles can significantly improve the look.

Experiment with Paint Techniques

Explore several painting techniques to give your walls texture and visual intrigue to let your inner artist out. Consider colour washing to create a delicate, aged look, or try sponge painting for a softer, mottled finish. Another great way to decorate your walls with distinctive patterns or motifs and give your room a personal touch is by stencilling. There are countless options, and experimenting with various methods can produce amazing outcomes. Use a good quality matte finish paint when experimenting.

Transform Your Cabinets

A new coat of paint can do wonders when you find replacing kitchen and bathroom cabinets expensive. Select a colour that goes with the design of your kitchen or bathroom, and make sure the surfaces are adequately prepared and primed for a durable finish. As new handles and knobs can give your cabinets a contemporary and polished design, don’t forget to change the hardware as well.

Give Your Ceiling Attention

While focusing on the walls, we often neglect the ceiling. The ceiling can be made brighter and more aesthetically pleasing with a new coat of paint on the ceiling. To achieve a unified and harmonious effect, consider painting the ceiling a lighter shade of the wall colour or use a subtly contrasting colour for a dash of visual charm.

Pay Attention to Details

Pay attention to the finishing touches to wrap up your inexpensive house renovation. Update your drapes or blinds in accordance with the new colour scheme, hang new art that goes well with your newly renovated area, and think about moving your furniture for a new arrangement. These minor adjustments can multiply the effect of the paint makeover and give your house a more elegant and coordinated appearance.


If you are looking for reliable home painting services, look no further than Azura Paints. With our extensive range of high-quality paints and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, we are your go-to choice for all your painting needs.You can give your house a stunning, inexpensive makeover with a little ingenuity and the appropriate paint. Painting gives countless opportunities to renew your living environment, from picking the correct colours to experimenting with techniques. So gather your paint brushes, put on your work clothes, and allow the revitalising force of paint to breathe new life into your house without breaking the bank.

Better paint covers better.

A room painted dark navy black

Dark indigo black like PPG’s Black Flame adds drama to a room. The only way to get dark colors like this to completely cover what’s underneath is to use high quality paints.

Although one coat coverage is mostly a myth unless you’re painting over the same color, a higher quality paint will hide the original wall color in a couple of coats. The cheaper the paint, the more coats it will take to cover, and the more paint you have to buy. Don’t expect cheap paint in a dark color to ever completely cover, no matter how many coats you put on.

High quality paint is easier to apply.

A red accent wall enlivens a space

You can see here how a red accent wall brings a space to life. One can of Benjamin Moore’s Caliente can enliven your room in this way.

Better paint goes on smoothly, levels itself, and minimizes spatter. “Is it spattering?” asks Watson. “That’s a sign of inferior production.”

Good paint gives you a more durable, fade-resistant, and longer-lasting finish.

A warm space instills comfort

Akso-Nobel’s Heart Wood palette instills a sense of warmth and comfort in a living room.

Quality paint can last for 10 years or more. You won’t get that kind of longevity from cheap paint, since the manufacturer skimped on high quality ingredients when it was made.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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