

Individualized paint and sip parties at home

Also, it took me and two of my friends about an hour to set up, between general party prep and getting everything laid out at each painter’s spot at the tables.

How to Host Your own Paint Party

The Palette Muse

I’m convinced this is why the whole social painting scene is taking off. You may have heard of Paint and Sip nights or Coffee and Canvas. It’s also called Social Painting, or Social Creativity, and it’s a great way to get some “girl time” while doing something creative, especially if you think you have no artistic ability and would never attempt to paint a whole painting by yourself.

The only drawback is it can be kind of pricey, and you may not have a studio near you that offers such a thing.

Never fear, I’m here to show you how to host your own paint party, and I’m even going to walk you through the process of creating an aspen tree painting, so you can lead your own group of intrepid artists-in-training.

We recently did this at my church, and it was a blast! It was a great way to spend time together, and the guests all amazed themselves with their paintings. The question I heard the most leading up to the painting party was “Do I need to know how to paint?”

I reassured everyone that even if they’d never held a brush, they’d be able to create their own painting, and I would lead them every step of the way. They all looked simultaneously relieved and skeptical. But it was true! The secret is creating a simple, well-planned project ahead of time. Here’s how we did it.

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First, plan your party:

Party (and Painting) Space

You’ll need a venue with plenty of table space. Each painter will need about two feet of their own space, so don’t try to cram 6 painters around your kitchen table.


Lighting is also important. If you’re having an evening party, consider whether your space will have adequate lighting for each workspace.

These two considerations made our church the perfect location.

Party Decor

When you’re planning your party decorations, make sure to get enough cheap plastic tablecloths to cover the work tables. They’ll look nice with your party decor, but will really serve the purpose of protecting your tables and helping with cleanup later.

You don’t need much for decor because the paintings will make it pretty for you.

Party Food

Make great food! Nothing brings people together like party food. Stick to finger foods that can easily be munched on with one hand, while holding a paintbrush in the other.

(Although we had an amazing chocolate cake which didn’t fit the finger food requirement, but it was so worth it anyway!)

Party Drinks

Don’t forget the drinks! Since we had this shindig at the church, we skipped the wine (although I’m pretty sure Jesus would have been OK with it) in favor of coffee.

Party Invites

Invite your friends, and reassure them over and over again that they’ll have fun, even if they can’t paint a lick. I promise they really will.

Next, plan your painting.

Or just use this one.

For this first go-round, I decided to stick with a limited palette and use a simple composition, so we painted aspen trees in the snow. This allowed us to use a couple of tricks that cut down on the need for special painting techniques.

For this painting, each person will need:

  • A 9 X 12 canvas (Get the kind that’s stapled on the back, not the side, so the finished painting doesn’t need to be framed.)
  • 3 paintbrushes – a fine point, a medium, and a larger flat brush
  • A sheet of palette paper, or a foam plate for mixing paint
  • A solo-cup sized plastic cup of water for washing brushes
  • Acrylic Paint: Cerulean Blue, White, Black
  • Several strips of masking tape
  • A credit card or library card

Here is the step-by-step process for creating your painting:

Tear the masking tape into several strips long enough to reach from the top to the bottom of your canvas and wrap around the edges.

Tape them vertically onto the canvas in a random pattern. These strips will be the trees. You can cross a few to make a falling or leaning tree, or you can leave them straight up and down.

Advanced tip: tear the masking tape into halves longways, and put the irregular torn part on the outside edges of the trees to simulate the natural uneven lines of the tree trunks.

You can make a few small strips for smaller branches and apply them diagonally or horizontally.

Once you like the composition, be sure to smooth your tape down well, so no paint bleeds underneath.

The sky is made by blending the Cerulean Blue with the White, starting at the top with pure blue, and ending at the bottom with lighter blue. To achieve this effect, you’ll use your large or medium brush to mix the paint a little at a time.

First apply some pure blue along the top of the canvas. Then dab your brush into the white paint and add a little to the blue paint on your palette.

Dab this slightly lighter blue all along the bottom edge of the pure blue on the canvas and use your brush to mix the two together, just a little bit, on the canvas.

Keep repeating this step, adding a little more white each time until you get to the bottom of the canvas.

Tip: You can use any kind of brush strokes. Smush it, swirl it, drag it, or try a combination. This is art, it doesn’t have to be perfect!

Be sure to paint around the edges of the canvas too, so when you see it from the side it doesn’t look messy and unfinished.

Carefully lift up the masking tape. You don’t need to wait till the paint is dry, just be careful not to smudge it while you’re working on the tape.

It already looks good!

Now we’re going to add the black stripes to the tree trunks.

Working in small sections, dab a few dots of black along the edge of a tree.

Then place your credit card on the outside edge of the dots and drag it toward the center of the tree trunk.

This helps the bark look more natural by giving it an uneven, mottled look. Be sure to place your dots unevenly (three here, one there, six over here) or your trees will end up looking a little zebra-y.

Great job! You can stop here, or you can use your smallest brush to dab on a few dots of white for falling snow.

There. You just created a painting! Be sure to sign it so it’ll be worth something long after you’re gone.

Cheers! It’s LA Painting Parties done right.

Paint & Sip Studio LA is one of LA’s only and best reviewed MOBILE and VIRTUAL painting studios which offers a fun and unique way to unleash your creativity. Enjoy your favorite beverages and snacks with friends, family, or colleagues while re-creating a featured painting! Paint, canvas and brushes are provided as an experienced local artist leads you step by step through the process of unleashing your inner Van Gogh.

Give us a call and we’ll walk you through everything to setup an awesome painting party.

How to throw an epic Painting Party

Choose Virtual or In-Person.

We’re now offering virtual and in-person Paint & Sip Events for all occasions! Go virtual or let us bring everything to your home, office, or anywhere within the LA and surrounding areas. We provide everything you need to have a successful and FUN Paint & Sip experience.

Let our Instructor take the Lead!

Our experienced and outgoing instructors take your group step-by-step through the painting of your choice while keeping your group engaged, encouraged, and the party going while everyone completes their own masterpieces.

Have one amazing painting party!

Start planning your perfect Paint & Sip event with us! Whether it’s in-person at your location or virtual, our customers experience an engaging and creative event that will be talked about long after the paint has dried. We make it easy from the first contact to clean-up!

Bring the Team together!

Virtual Painting Parties for around town or around the world!

Bring the group, team or office together with our virtual painting parties. These events reduce stress, improve team communication and let them bond together while having tons of fun!

We hand-deliver to your local LA guests and even ship KITS around the country and world! Choose a traditional paint party or create a fun and exciting mural or collaborative canvases where teams work together to create their masterpieces.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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