

Monkey advancing gradually step by step

In the drawing you see a simple monkey in a standing position. The monkey looks very funny and evokes pleasant emotions. Pay attention to body proportions. The monkey has a large head, relatively small torso and short limbs. Try to keep these proportions in your drawing.

How to Draw a Monkey

Here are super simple instructions on how to draw a monkey in 9 easy steps with a free PDF file at the end of the lesson.

I think that monkeys are very cute and funny creatures that delight people with their appearance and behavior. This is the cute monkey you will learn to draw today.

Table of Contents

  • Basic information
  • Steps on how to draw a monkey
  • Additional content
  • Alternative drawing techniques
    • Method 1
    • Method 2
    • Method 3
    • Method 4

    I am sure that each of you will enjoy this lesson on how to draw a monkey for children, because the instructions are very detailed and include several simple steps. Beginning artists love to depict this cute animal, so the lesson on how to draw a monkey will not leave you indifferent.

    This drawing shows a monkey in a cartoon style in a sitting position. In the monkey drawing lesson you will start by drawing the head and gradually add all the other parts of the monkey’s body.

    The skills you acquire will be useful for drawing other types of monkeys, because many monkeys have a similar structure. Now grab your art supplies and get started with this fun tutorial.


    • Pencil
    • Paper
    • Eraser
    • Coloring supplies

    Steps on How to Draw a Monkey

    Time needed: 20 minutes

    How to Draw a Monkey

    how to draw a monkey step by step

      Draw the monkey’s head. Depict the top part of the head as an arc and the bottom part as a curved line.

    how to draw a monkey easy

    Add an outline of the animal’s torso. Draw it below the previously drawn head with a curved line.

    how to draw a monkey easy for kids

    Depict facial features. Draw the eyes as ovals, the nose as short straight lines, and the mouth as a curved line.

    how to draw a monkey easy step by step

    Add the monkey’s ears and tail. Outline the ears as two identical arcs that look like semicircles and the tail as a curved line.

    how to draw a monkey for kids easy

    Draw the monkey’s paws. The monkey’s paws look similar to each other and are turned inwards.

    a monkey drawing guide

    Draw two more monkey paws. At the bottom of the monkey’s body, add the animal’s lower paws, using curved lines.

    a monkey drawing tutorial

    Add decorative elements. Draw the inside of the ears, a line on the belly, and a line around the monkey’s face.

    easy way ro draw a monkey

    Erase the auxiliary lines. Take an eraser to remove unnecessary lines from the monkey’s body.

    how to draw a monkey step by step easy

    Color the drawing. You can use brown, beige and black to color the monkey.


    One of the famous yoga philosophy experts, Gerald Larson says that yoga is older than recorded history. Yoga is one of the earliest implementations of scientifically justified research on the relationship between the mind and the human body. In recent days, modern yoga has been seen all over the world. Various yoga studios implement distinctive yoga styles and give teachings to others. The word yoga translates to discipline. Psychosomatic, neo-Hindu, postural and meditational are some modern yoga types. 1 Yoga consists of mudras (gestures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and asanas (postures). Let us look at some of the health benefits of one such asana, hanumanasana.

    Hanumanasana is also called the Monkey pose. It is a yogic name for the front split. Lord Hanuman was famous for his leaps, as he could jump over incredibly long distances. Hanumanasana helps stretch and strengthen the muscle in the thighs, hamstrings, and region of the groin. This hanumanasana depicts the long leap of lord Hanuman. 2


    How to do it?

    Hanumanasana steps are given below:

    Step 1: Half Splits

    It is better to start with half splits, ensure that your hips are square, keep your front leg straight, and your back leg bowed, and keep your weight evenly distributed between both legs. Next, stretch your foot, push away with your heel, and bring your toes toward you to activate your straight leg. Gradually move your body closer to the front leg and with an extending back.

    Step 2: Low Crescent

    Next, move your front foot away and gently bend your front leg. Keep your hips dropping towards the ground but keep them square and aligned with your shoulders. If the pose is tough, you may hold on and take some long deep breaths.

    Step 3: Extend both legs

    You can repeat the above steps till you are perfect with it. Keep your hips square, do not let yourself fall to one side, and have a proper balance. Keep your torso aligned with your hips. Hold in this pose for several breaths and relax.

    Step 4: Hanumanasana


    By doing the steps mentioned above, you are in the hanumanasana pose. Relax in this position and take deep breaths. 2

    From what I’ve seen, Hanumanasana may offer several benefits. One of its advantages is that it may massage the abdominal organs and might also help tone the reproductive system. Additionally, stretching the pelvic area also increases suppleness in that region. These benefits might contribute to improved physical well-being and may also enhance the overall charm of yoga.

    Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

    Do You Know?

    Some of the interesting facts about hanumanasana are:

    • Ravana kidnapped Lord Rama’s wife, Sita. King Ram sent Lord Hanuman to rescue his wife. Lord Hanuman took a gigantic leap from South India to Sri Lanka to rescue Sita. This is the reason why this asana got its name, hanumanasana. 2
    • Hanumanasana is an advanced posture and can be combined with Anjali mudra (prayer gesture)
Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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