

Resin pour on glass vase

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Can epoxy resin be used on glass? What To Know First

Can you use resin on glass

If you’ve spent time creating with resin, you may have wondered, can epoxy resin be used on glass? In a short answer, yes. But if you’ve learned anything around here already (besides how to make conversation heart jewelry), you know there’s always more to the story.

Besides being a fun medium to create with, epoxy resin is also an excellent glue. You can use it to bond jewelry findings to your resin charms. It also glues to glass very well, provided the surface is clean. That means if a glass surface is free of dirt and oil, resin will stick to it with no trouble.

This ability to stick to almost anything is why you can’t use a glass baking dish as a resin mold. The resin clings to it, and the glass isn’t flexible enough to release the resin, even when you use a resin mold release.

Should you use epoxy resin on glass?

So here is where things get a little complicated. Just because glass and resin bond easily doesn’t mean bringing them together is a good idea.


Despite joining your resin and glass to create one project, it will expand and contract at different rates. When a resin and glass combo heats up and cools down, it acts as two separate items, not the one design you created.

Resin and glass used together and then kept out of direct sunlight and away from heat generally isn’t a problem. But, add weather elements to it, and the expansion and contraction cause the glass or the resin to crack. For example, a resin and glass window displayed in direct sunlight will break when there is a noticeable temperature change. Like going from hot to cold or vice versa.

Now that you know epoxy resin can be used on glass, how do you do it?

You’ll use your resin as a glue. Apply a bit of mixed epoxy to each piece, then press together. Make sure you wipe off any excess before letting the resin cure. You won’t be able to get it off once dry.

Instead of pouring the resin over the glass, create the window panes with resin by using a resin mold. Then, glue the resin window panes into the frame, using epoxy as glue. If you want to pour resin over window panes, display your resin art where you can protect it from temperature extremes.

⭐️ BONUS: There are a few other details to know. You can learn them in this beach picture display window tutorial.

DIY Resin Vase

Epoxy resin vases can be hand made in a short amount of time. They can be modified according to your wishes with unmaginable objects. From beginners to advanced users, this project is a great way to get creative. An epoxy resin vase is the ultimate gift for Mother´s Day.

This step-by-step guide will teach you how to make one-of-a-kind decorative resin vases with EPODEX products.

What You Need:

  • EPODEX PRO+ System
  • 1 large & 3 small Mixing Cups
  • Glass Vase Set (3 different sizes)
  • Dried flowers, candle, potpourri
  • Nitrile Gloves
  • Kitchen Scale
  • Stir Stick
  • Various EPODEX Drop-In Colour Pigments of your choice

epodex proplus system

How-To Create Decorative Resin Vases


Have all materials ready. Note that you should work at room temperature and the humidity should not exceed 70%. All materials and tools should also be at room temperature.

Step 1
Put the disposable gloves on and mix our EPODEX PRO+ System according to the instructions in a ratio of 2:1. Stir well until there are no visible streaks.

Step 2
Pour the finished resin into three separate containers, for example mixing cups. Thoroughly stir the resin again after repotting.

Step 3
The three clear epoxy resin mixtures can now be combined with the transparent drop-ins. You can freely decide how many drops you want to add according to the desired colour intensity. Stir the drop-ins evenly into the epoxy resin with a stir stick.

Step 4
When everything is thoroughly mixed pour the coloured resin into the vases. Avoid letting the resin run to the edge of the vase, as it is very difficult to remove. If something does run to the edge of the tall vase dip a cotton swab in acetone-based nail polish remover or pure acetone and carefully wipe away the resin stains.

Step 5
After 24 hours, the surface has hardened sufficiently for you to start decorating. There are no limits to your imagination. For example, you can use flowers, candles, potpourri or scattered decorations. After 7 days the epoxy resin is completely hardened and can also be filled with water.

Tip: If you prefer a more colourful result, you can pour several thinner layers with the PRO System up to 2 cm and achieve a colour gradient by adding 3 drops of one colour in the first layer, 2 in the second, and 1 in the third. Then work wet-on-wet, which means not waiting the 12 hours until the next layer, but only 4-6 hours to make a more beautiful and flowing transition.

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10 years ago

upon further thought, I’m thinking your resin may indeed be the problem.
Epoxy is made to stick to stuff, although silicone is the least likely thing it will stick to, maybe that’s the problem: somehow it is.
and I suspect the cloudiness may be caused by the epoxy absorbing whatever mold release/ residue is in the mold.
how long after applying mold release where you casting?
-some releases need to dry before they work properly..

Personally, I’d check out theat crystal clear resin as it is “made specifically for applications that require clarity”

lastly, could it be the pigments you are adding? maybe they are not fine enough?
Have you tried casting one with no pigment just to see?
Though of using some form of liquid tint designed for resin applications?

hope ya find something useful in all that lol

good luck and post back, let us know how it goes!

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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