

Strategies for sprucing up garden fences

Autumn is arguably the best time of the year to get outside and start tackling some big yard work and maintenance projects. Summer is over, there’s clean up to do, and it’s only a matter of months (maybe weeks, depending on where you live) until the snow starts falling and you’ve missed your window of opportunity. This is especially true in the high Rockies, where we can expect the white stuff to start blanketing the streets of Summit County within the next month or so. So strap on your gardening gloves and get the rakes ready – Strategic Fence and Gate Company has compiled a must-needed list of essential fall yard work tasks. With a spruced up yard, you can peacefully enjoy the changing leaves this seasons, and rest easy through winter knowing your gardening is prepped and ready for spring!

The summer clean up – tips to spruce your garden up in time for autumn

With evenings drawing in, kids going back to school and the barbeques being packed away, autumn is slowly creeping up on us and summer is nearly over!

For many of us, getting ready for autumn means looking forward to curling up with a cosy blanket and a steaming mug of tea. But before you head indoors you should do a little bit of outdoors housekeeping to prevent overgrowth and to make it easier to resume gardening again come the spring.

Not sure where to start? Don’t fret, as outdoor cleaning specialist, Jeyes has put together some useful tips on how to get yourself and your garden autumn ready this year. From trimming to pruning, mowing to cleaning – prep your garden for the season ahead.

Tidy up from the ground up!

You may have returned from holidays to find long grass, bedraggled plants, an overgrown lawn and lots of unattractive moss or weed, thanks to the mixed weather we’ve had this summer. While grass will grow more slowly over the autumn and winter months, it won’t stop completely. So be on the lookout for a dry day to tick this one off the list before the frost sets in and it’s too late.

If you haven’t already, make sure any all weeds are cleared and if there is fallen fruit around a tree, or dead heads and leaves from plants or vegetables, now is the time to remove this. By doing this you make sure your garden is disease free and the sunlight is getting through to the grass and plants below.

Hose down the patio and decking

The glorious spells of sunshine this past summer meant a lot of time has been spent on that patio with your family and friends. Now is a good time to make sure you get rid of the left-over debris, algae and mould that could have appeared. Jeyes 4 in 1 Decking Power helps to remove and prevent re-growth of mould, algae and mildew on all wooden outdoor surfaces from decking to fences and could be a useful product to use when hosing down your outdoor area. What’s more, cleaning your garden patio and decking at this time of the year, will make sure neither deteriorate over winter.

Store away garden furniture

It might sound obvious, but some of us can neglect this step until it’s too late. Left outside, your sun umbrellas can get discoloured and barbeques rusted. If you don’t have enough space to store them, it may be a good idea to invest in some protective covers to save your precious products.

Cleaning the barbeque

Working hard this summer? Your barbeque undoubtedly had its work cut out this summer too! So, whether or not you plan to have another barbeque this winter, its probably a good idea to give it a nice clean before you pack it away. Remember to take the necessary safety precautions like disconnecting the gas canisters before you start on this as well.

Jeyes Smart Brush Barbecue Cleaner has a fast acting powerfully concentrated gel formula which cleans your barbecue in just 10 minutes. This barbecue cleaner with a brush applicator gets to work quickly helping to remove 99.99% of barbecue germs and will be an invaluable item to have in your cleaning basket!

It’s all about maintenance

Fallen leaves and increased rain during autumn can be a recipe for clogged gutters and drains, so make a point of removing any built-up debris now to avoid the hassle later.

Worms can do their good to your garden, however during September you may notice the little piles of earth they leave behind, left alone these could make a real mess so use a stiff broom on a dry day and make sure you get rid of them quickly.

Once you have ticked these jobs off your checklist, you can happily sit back, curl up and relax, knowing that your garden is sparkly clean and ready for the seasons ahead!

Getting Prepared

Prepping: Think of fall yard work like preparing Thanksgiving dinner. Before you start cooking, you need to make sure that all your utensils and cookware are cleaned and ready to go. You should prep for yard work the same way you prep for a big meal. Make sure you have all the equipment necessary (rakes, shovels, lawnmower, etc.) and they are cleaned and well oiled. Once your tools are ready, its time to prep your gardening ingredients. There are some things you may want to consider purchasing:

  • Mulch
  • Spring bulbs
  • Fence cleaner
  • Paint
  • Lights

Clean-up Leaves and Weeds

Raking and Weeding: The first step to fall gardening is making your yard accessible. If trees surround your home, this likely means you’ll have to rake and bag fallen foliage in order to clear out the area and expose the grass. The next step is to weed your garden spaces if you have any, and turn the soil while it’s still soft (this will save you quite a bit of work come spring). Fertilize the areas, and cover with mulch to keep protected from frost.

Planting Bulbs

Think Spring: Planting spring bulbs is always a fall favorite. You can purchase a variety of mixed spring bulbs, such as tulips and daffodils, fairly cheap. The best time to plant the spring bloomers is generally around October for the Colorado high country. When done properly, your spring awakening will be bright and colorful with dozens of flowers blossoming in your yard! The best part is, once they’re plated, all you have to do is wait!

Trim: Trimming shrubs and bushes in the fall might not be high on your list of gardening priorities, but it saves you work to do come spring and helps with the aesthetics of your yard. Just because you’ll have to wait a season for flowers to start blooming and leaves to start growing doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautiful yard all throughout winter. In fact, it’s the stark contrast between green and white that make wintertime in the Rocky Mountains so appealing. So, spruce up your hedges and trim your bushes so your yard looks well kept throughout the year.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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