

Wishing well garden transformation inspiration

Wishing well garden transformation inspiration

Project EverGreen

“New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of. There’s nothing you can’t do.” The lyrics from the Alicia Keys song, New York, speak to the inspiration Big Apple residents draw from living in the city.

Project EverGreen and its donor and volunteer partners delivered a similar inspirational gift to Bronx residents with a GreenCare for Communities initiative renovation of Wishing Well Community Garden in the Bronx.

NYC Wishing Well Garden - Project EverGreen

New pavers are installed at NYC’s Wishing Well Community Garden.

The two-day renovation project took place August 3-4 and revitalized the 15,000 sq. ft. garden that serves as a vibrant community gathering space, vegetable garden, outdoor classroom and oasis from the heat of the city. The donation was valued at $50,000.

“Project EverGreen and its partners were pleased to be able to provide the Wishing Well gardeners and visitors with easy entry and access from the front to the back of the garden,” said Cindy Code, executive director of Project EverGreen. “Pavers were provided to the garden in 2019 but remained unused because of lack of resources to install them. Professional volunteers stepped up to share their knowledge and skills and complete the walkway.”

Project EverGreen volunteers worked in partnership with NYC Parks Green Thumb to renovate, improve and expand access to the garden. Accessibility is particularly important at Wishing Well as several gardeners are wheelchair users.

Both gardeners and neighbors were amazed at the single-day transformation. One 98-year-old neighbor living in the apartment building next to the garden said the Wishing Well community garden brings her joy. “It’s my green oasis and reminds me of home (in Puerto Rico),” she added.

Volunteers – including Brian Tauscher from Artisan Gardens in Ridgewood, New Jersey and Mike Darling of Mike Darling Construction in Albany, N.Y. – provided crews to excavate the existing entrance, install base material and then seal the pavers in place. Existing diamond grid was repurposed adjacent to the pathway to create level areas for picnic tables, grills and chairs.

Wishing Well Community Garden - Project EverGreen

A volunteer plants new bushes at NYC’s Wishing Well Community Garden.

Donated plants were installed at the entrance and along the walkway to enhance the garden and attract neighborhood residents to the thriving garden featuring an assortment of fruits and vegetables. Neighborhood residents are responsible for maintaining the planters.

The garden’s trees were pruned, and new perennials and shrubs were added to the landscape.

Project Scope

  • Excavate new walkway
  • Lay base material and compact it
  • Cut and install pavers to create new, accessible path from front to back of the garden
  • Level and re-install Diamond Grid throughout garden
  • Prune trees
  • Install perennials and shrubs
  • Mulch

This is the seventh GreenCare for Communities project in New York City and New Jersey since 2014. Previous projects have included Liberty Island (2014), Neighbors of Vega Baja (2017), Steven B. Paterson Filed, Hazlet, N.J. (2017), Clinton Community Garden (2019), Jackie Robinson Community Garden (2020) and Carolina Community Garden (2020).

“Community gardens are labors of love. Having highly skilled volunteers build paths and patios makes a huge difference in helping these valuable public spaces become accessible to all New Yorkers,” says Carlos Martinez, deputy director of GreenThumb. “We are happy Project EverGreen supported the vision of the gardeners at Clinton Community Garden who have worked hard for years to transform this site into a place for the entire community.”

Artisan Gardens’ Tauscher said he was thrilled to once again participate with Project EverGreen to improve public gardens and green spaces.

“Because it’s the right thing to do. We have the skill and resources, and we owe it to the city’s residents to provide healthy, cooler areas that provide a respite from the city’s traffic and heat,” said Tauscher.

Project EverGreen, a national non-profit devoted to creating a greener, healthier, cooler Earth that has renovated nearly 60 community parks and green spaces totaling more than 100 million square feet of living green space since 2008.

Photo/Video Credits: Aaron Dawson and Project EverGreen

Blenheim Palace Head Gardener reveals ambitious plans to transform gardens

blenheim palace italian garden

The newly-appointed Head Gardener of Blenheim Palace has announced ambitious renovation plans, marking the biggest proposed change to the world-famous gardens in over 100 years.

Andy Mills was appointed in 2022 and has since been researching the rich history of the gardens, helping to formulate his bold 10-year vision to restore and transform the Formal Gardens.

“Our aim is to strengthen Blenheim Palace’s place on the World Garden map,” says Andy. “We are blessed with 90 acres of inspirational gardens; these plans will make them even more stunning than ever and truly blow people away.”

Andy’s vision will see the reintroduction of many lost features and elements which have disappeared across the last three centuries.

One of the key changes planned is to bring back the sharp 1920s-inspired lines of The Italian Garden and Water Terrace, returning their original grandeur and majesty by drastically reducing the hedging.

water terraces at blenheim palace

Blenheim Palace

The Cascade – a manmade waterfall – will be restored to its original splendour, with new planting, seating and bridges, as well as the installation of an octagonal summerhouse.

New herbaceous beds will also be planted, flanking the path through Churchill’s walk by the Temple of Diana. This will renew the scenic path, running from the Rose Garden down to the Temple of Flora, which was originally introduced in the late 1700s.

temple of diana at blenheim palace


“There are a number of very well-written historical reference books about Blenheim with some amazing anecdotes about the different Dukes and their preferred garden styles; a large part of my role is to identify who did what, why, when and who removed it and if it is feasible, sensible and worthwhile restoring it,” adds Andy.

Despite these advancements, there have been some challenges during the restoration process. “One of the largest challenges that any gardener faces now is climate change. In addition, new threats to plant health crop up all the time. However, gardeners have always had to respond to such challenges which is why we have such fabulous gardens and gardeners on the planet.”

An exciting renovation that has already taken place is the excavation of the ‘lost’ ponds in the Walled Garden and the Rose Garden.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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