

Combination of green and purple hues

A dark, cozy room with deep greens and purples can be classy. You can use another color in the mix to tie the whole room together. This third color should be alongside the green and purple shade that you want.

11 Green And Purple Color Scheme Ideas

In color theory, complementary colors are directly opposite to each other on the color wheel. Matching colors from the opposite sides of the color wheel can create a vibrant look, while the colors balance each other out.

An example of this is green and purple. Only in theory do these two colors not look good together. These two colors often appear together in nature, in our fruits and vegetables. When paired, purple and green can create a lush feel in a natural, outdoor environment.

Bringing these two hues into your home can deliver the same vibrant feel. Using these colors inside may be intimidating, since they’re both strong colors, but if you know how to balance them, you’ll have no trouble including a green and purple color scheme in your home that won’t overwhelm the eye.

Large room with bright accent sofa and cozy armchairs, 11 Green And Purple Color Scheme Ideas

Details For Color

Having a full-on green and purple scheme in a single room might be overwhelming, especially if you’re just trying out the colors for the first time. If you’re looking to spruce up your space with a green and purple color scheme but are afraid to go overboard with it, try putting the two colors in the backdrop of a neutral-colored area.

Grey settee with green cushions and purple blanket in real photo of white living room interior with coffee table with fruits

Take the photo above with the white walls and gray couch. The light colors give way for colors like purple and green to come alive. The designer uses green pillows and a green chair, making the lone purple blanket stand out even when it’s thrown on the side of the gray couch.

Muted Colors

wide bedroom new interior style with frame behind green wall decor

Another option you can try for achieving a room with a green and purple color scheme is to have muted versions of those colors. The dark hues are enough to make the room colorful, but because the brightness of the green and purple tones is muted, it also makes the room cozier.

The photo above is an example that uses muted green for the walls and muted purple for the bed. Everything else in the room, such as the lights and blankets, takes on a neutral color. This allows both purple and green to take center stage in the room.

What Color Do Purple and Green Make? (Updated 2023)

If you’re an artist, then part of your job is to experiment with different colors and designs to see what happens. Without this vital aspect of your creative process, you won’t be able to expand your horizons and discover new things that can help make your designs even better.

One of the purest forms of experimentation is mixing different colors together. Whether it’s paint, watercolor, or some other art form, color mixing is a fantastic way to increase your overall color palette and improve your work.

Today, we’re going to be asking the question “what color do green and purple make?” These are two hues that are usually not mixed, which is why it can be so fascinating to see what happens when they are. Not only are we going to discuss what occurs, but we’ll also see how it relates to color and design in general.

Primary vs. Secondary Colors

primary and secondary colors

Before we get into the actual mixing, we first want to understand as much about these two colors as possible. For that, we’re going to be looking at the color wheel.

This is a method by which we can arrange all of the different hues and shades into an organized shape. The color wheel allows us to understand the relationship between each hue and how they can interact with each other.

At its core, the color wheel is comprised of both primary and secondary colors. The former are hues that exist naturally and can’t be broken down. Secondary colors, however, are a result of two tones mixed together. As such, you can reduce them to their individual components to see how they are made.

In this case, green is a primary color while purple is a secondary one. Thus, we want to break down the color purple to see what elements are contained within.

As you may know, purple is a mixture of red and blue. Along with green and yellow, these are other examples of primary colors. So, right away we know that mixing green and purple is essentially creating a new shade from all three colors.

When you mix a primary and a secondary color together, it’s called a tertiary color. Depending on the mixture, tertiary colors can be either robust and brilliant or dark and muddy. As we will see, mixing green and purple together will create something on the darker side of the wheel.

What Color Do Purple and Green Make?

what color does purple and green make

Now that we have a good foundation on colors, let’s try to answer the question, what color do purple and green make?

When it comes to answering this question, there are a few other variables that we have to determine. First of all, we want to understand the brightness and brilliance of each color involved.

As we mentioned above, purple is a mixture of red and blue. However, there are numerous shades from which we can choose, meaning that our purple can either be bold and bright or it can be dark and foreboding.

Our green can also be a wide range of shades. On the one side, it can be almost neon in its brilliance, and on the other, it can remind us of a dark emerald or a pine tree in the dead of winter.

Thus, when mixing purple and green together, the results can either be a form of brown or they can be a muddy gray color.

Overall, brown and gray are created when you mix primary colors together, so that makes sense. Because we are using three of the four primary hues, it’s obvious that the result would be on that spectrum.

The other thing to consider is the amount of each color you use. If we add more green to the mix, then our results will seem like more of a greenish gray. However, if we go heavy on the purple, then brown starts to come out more.

Beyond that, we also need to pay attention to the amounts of blue and red in our purple. If the shade is bluer, then we are going to get a darker, duller color in the end. However, if red is dominant, then our final result can be brighter and more welcoming.

what color does purple and green make

Color and Design

Now that we know what color purple and green make, what can we do with them? As an artist and designer, it’s imperative that you understand what you can achieve will all of the colors on the wheel.

In this instance, because we’re looking at something that is more neutral, we can utilize it as a means of enhancing other, brighter color elements. Also, since it’s more of an earthy, muted tone, we can use it as a base, which can make it seem like negative space.


Overall, when it comes to mixing green and purple together, the result is going to be hard to define. Unlike other tertiary colors that can be easy to classify, our shade is harder to put into a box. As such, we have to care about how to use it so that it will be effective in our project.

What kind of designs and images comes to your mind when you see purple and green mixed? How would you make it work for your next piece?

Hope you found this article about what color purple and green make helpful. Cheers!

How to use greenish brown and muddy grey in art

Greenish brown can be used to represent forest landscapes and muddy grey to tone down colors.

Muddy grey strokes and texture

If your brown appears greenish, you could easily use it to represent scenery in landscapes. But if it leans more toward brown, you could use it to mix with any other color to create an earthly shade.

On the other hand, using muddy grey is a much easier way to create tones of any color. If you have an extremely saturated color but you want it to look slightly dull, then mixing it with muddy grey is your best bet.

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Use these 5 copic sketch markers for creating grayscale artworks. It also includes a multiliner pen.

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How to use greenish brown and muddy grey in design

Browns and greys create a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere.

Circles containing hints of green, purple and brown

Greenish brown and muddy grey can be used together to create a natural and relaxing touch.

  1. For jam-packed spaces, light values of neutral colors make the room look more open.
  2. When using brown and grey together, remember to keep contrast in mind. If one of the colors is dark, the other one must be lighter. Unless you want an all-dark or all-light look to compensate for the largeness or tiny size of a space.

add bronze objects

Dark bronze can look very good with a greenish brown or muddy grey backdrop. Since it is reflective, even the darkest of metallic objects could shine against colors having dark shades.


So mixing green and purple would give you either a greenish-brown or a muddy grey. If you add more green, you will more likely get grey and if you add more brown, you would most probably end up with a greenish-brown or dark brown. Since both of these are neutral colors, you could mix them with other colors to create lighter and darker values. And when it comes to design, browns and greys can be used as is with multiple values or even paired with any other color at all.

Do you want to learn more about color mixing? Have a look at this awesome color you can get by mixing pink and yellow !

what-does-pink-and-yellow-make Thumbnail

What color does Pink & Yellow make? Absolutely Stunning!

Pink and yellow – two happy colors that evoke a warm and cozy feeling. But what do you get when you mix them together?

Jimena & Iñigo Picture

By Jimena & Iñigo

The Navarro-Rubios

My husband and I are learning how to draw and paint. We wanted to share this learning process with the world and have fun! That’s why we created this blog. We’ll have drawing contests every week and you’ll decide who won that week! Follow along and learn with us!

Jimena & Iñigo Picture

Jimena & Iñigo

My husband and I are learning how to draw and paint. We wanted to share this learning process with the world and have fun! That’s why we created this blog. We’ll have drawing contests every week and you’ll decide who won that week! Follow along and learn with us!


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