

How to unite the shade purple


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(side note: prior to this week I wasn’t a huge fan).

You may have noticed all the Top Women at the inauguration wore a shade of purple!!

Coincidence? I think not!

Word on the street is that the purple statement in fashion this week showed solidarity and inclusion for all! Loved that message!

Some additional info I’ve found about the color Purple:

The calm stability of blue, and the fierce energy of red, combine to create the color purple.
( + ❤️ = )

Purple is one of the three secondary colors. As a combination of red and blue it is neither warm nor cool.

The color purple is a rare occurring color in nature and as a result is often seen as having sacred meaning.

Purple is also associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power and ambition, and represents wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, and independence.

Purple has a variety of effects on the mind and body, including uplifting spirits, calming the mind and nerves, creating feelings of spirituality, increasing nurturing tendencies and sensitivity, and encouraging imagination and creativity.

All in all, purple communicates in a positive way, but too much purple brings out qualities of irritability, impatience and arrogance. Too little purple brings out feelings of powerlessness, negativity and apathy.

Purple helps align oneself with the whole of the universe.

Moral of this story (for me) is that I need to add more purple into my life!

Enter LimeLife! Is it any wonder that we have some amazing shades of purple in our line?!

One in particular has caught my eye. our newly introduced DUO eyeliner called “Pure Gold” & “Powerful”.

By adding this to my cosmetic collection I’m going to Embrace the Beauty and Magic of the color Purple!!

Do you need to add some Calm, some Peace, some Beauty, Some Ambition, or Power in your life? May I recommend some Purple?!

Communities celebrate Spirit Day to show support for LGBTQ youth

By Crystal Cranmore

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Crystal Cranmore has more on GLAAD’s efforts on Spirit Day.

NEW YORK CITY (WABC) — If you noticed a bit more purple walking around on Thursday, it’s not a coincidence, it’s in honor of Spirit Day, a day of recognition by GLAAD to show support for LGBTQ youth.

There was a halo of purple around the Empire State Building, symbolizing a stand against bullying in honor of Spirit Day.

“It’s a day to let young queer youth know that they have a place in this world,” actress and journalist Eva Reign said.

Reign is an actress and journalist and is one of thousands of celebrities wearing purple for this international campaign.

She’s a long-time partner of GLAAD, the media advocacy organization behind the movement.

The non-profit organization aims to ensure LGBTQ stories are seen and heard.

“Trying to find a media that you feel seen by, you feel represented by something that I really struggled with growing up,” Reign said. “I always knew that I was a girl, and I was saying that in a moment that I could speak.”

Originally from St. Louis and now living in New York City, Reign, a transgender woman, overcame bullying in more ways than one.

“People would tease me for being too feminine, but then I would stutter just trying to defend myself,” Reign said.

It was a speech impediment that GLAAD mentors and therapists helped her fight.

Reign was able to find her voice. Now she’s giving one to the voiceless in the transgender community through a Vice News docu-series called ‘Transnational.’

Reign is also uplifting LGBTQ stories in her acting career, making her feature film debut last year.

Her story is one of perseverance.

“I spent a lot of time when I was younger trying to be someone else,” Reign said.

Now communities are uniting in one shade for Spirit Day.

“We all need to wear purple; we all need to say gay, say trans, say queer,” Reign said.

Reign hopes to inspire LGBTQ youth to live their true and authentic lives while fighting hate with love.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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