

What primary colours make purple

Text with blue. 6 color


Mantine uses open-color in default theme with some additions. Each color has 10 shades.

Colors are exposed on the theme object as an array of strings, you can access color shade by color name and index (0-9), colors with larger index are darker:

theme.colors.red[5]; theme.colors.gray[9]; theme.colors.blue[0];

Colors are also exposed as CSS variables:

--mantine-color-red-5; --mantine-color-gray-9; --mantine-color-blue-0;

Adding extra colors

You can add any number of extra colors to theme.colors object. This will allow you to use them in all components that support color prop, for example Button, Badge and Switch.

Ocean blue button Bright pink button

import < Group, Button, MantineProvider > from '@mantine/core'; function Demo( ) < return ( MantineProvider theme= colors: < 'ocean-blue': ['#7AD1DD', '#5FCCDB', '#44CADC', '#2AC9DE', '#1AC2D9', '#11B7CD', '#09ADC3', '#0E99AC', '#128797', '#147885'], 'bright-pink': ['#F0BBDD', '#ED9BCF', '#EC7CC3', '#ED5DB8', '#F13EAF', '#F71FA7', '#FF00A1', '#E00890', '#C50E82', '#AD1374'], >, >> > Group> Button color="ocean-blue">Ocean blue button Button> Button color="bright-pink" variant="filled"> Bright pink button Button> Group> MantineProvider> ); >

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10 shades per color

Colors override must include at least 10 shades per color. Otherwise, you will get a TypeScript error and some variants will not have proper colors. If you only have one color value, you can either pick the remaining colors manually or use the colors generator tool.

You can add more than 10 shades per color: these values will not be used by Mantine components with the default colors resolver, but you can still reference them by index, for example, color=”blue.11″ .


theme.primaryColor is a key of theme.colors , it is used:

  • As a default value for most of the components that support color prop
  • To set default focus ring outline color

Primary button Blue button

import < Group, Button, MantineProvider > from '@mantine/core'; function Demo( ) < return ( MantineProvider theme= primaryColor: 'bright-pink', colors: < 'bright-pink': ['#F0BBDD', '#ED9BCF', '#EC7CC3', '#ED5DB8', '#F13EAF', '#F71FA7', '#FF00A1', '#E00890', '#C50E82', '#AD1374'], >, >> > Group> Button>Primary button Button> Button color="blue">Blue button Button> Group> MantineProvider> ); >

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CSS color values at theme.primaryColor

Value of theme.primaryColor must be a key of theme.colors object. For example, blue , orange or green . You cannot assign CSS color values, for example, the following code will throw an error during theme merging:

import < MantineProvider > from '@mantine/core'; function Demo( ) < return ( MantineProvider theme= primaryColor: '#CEFEDC', // This will throw an error >> > App /> MantineProvider> ); >

What Colors Make Purple?

The colors red and blue make purple. The key is finding the right tube of red and blue to give you the hue of purple you want.

In elementary school, we were taught that mixing red and blue makes purple. Likewise, yellow and blue make green, and red and yellow make orange. In other words, if you mix any two primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) you get a secondary color (orange, green, and purple).

The reality however is very much different- blue and red don’t really make purple, or so it seems. As it turns out, there are at least 50 shades of red and even more shades of blue. Depending on which shade of blue you mix with any red, the result may not exactly be purple.

So, how do you make purple? And what colors do you need to make purple?
Whether you are an artist looking to mix colors to make purple, or a painter striving to get that perfect purple color, there are two things you need to know;

1. Every primary color carries a color bias. This is the additional color that you can’t see but affects the shade of the color. For example, cadmium red carries a color bias of yellow, and so does magenta. Mixing any of these colors will not give you an exact purple.

2. The amount of blue or red you add to the mixture determines the shade of purple you get. If you put more red than blue, you get predominantly red tints like magenta, orchid, red-violet, merlot, and fuchsia. Conversely, if you add more blue than red, you will get bluer tints like periwinkle, lavender, indigo, blue-violet, mauve, and lilac.

The Secret

The secret to making a perfect purple is to mix a blue shade that has a bias of red and a red shade with a bias of blue.

• blue-red shades include permanent rose, primary magenta, and quinacridone magenta.

• The best red-blue shade is ultramarine blue.

If you mix these two colors, you will get a perfect shade of purple. The trick is knowing how to recognize the color bias in a primary color. For example, does it have a green, yellow, white, blue, or red bias?

Knowing this will help you predict your end result because certain colors affect how the purple will come out. For example, blues with a yellow bias result in a dirty/muddy purple that’s not pleasing to the eye.

Tints and Shades

color bias aside, there is another way to alter the color purple. You can make it lighter or darker. The tint is when you make a certain color lighter by mixing in some white to it and shade is making a color darker by adding some black to it. For example, lavender has a purple tint because it’s diluted with white. Conversely, aubergine is a shade of purple because it’s diluted with black. You can also make a tone of color by adding grey, but the result will be a muddy-looking color.

Often, we use the term violet to refer to the color purple. However, these are two completely different colors in the color spectrum. In fact, they are on the far end opposite sides of each other. While purple is a mixture of blue and red, violet is a spectral color that appears on its own. Therefore, though the two colors are placed next to each other on the color wheel, purple is right next to red, while violet is next to blue on the color spectrum.

Colour psychology

Colours have a psychological effect on people by triggering moods and emotions. They can have a calming or stimulating effect, foster concentration or give us orientation. Every colour has a different effect, because every shade has its own wavelength and energy that are transferred to our bodies, our thoughts, feelings and actions. According to colour psychologists in the field of colour psychology, the individual perception of colour depends on our specific culture, experience, mindset and instincts, as well as the “archetype” in us.

In chromo (colour) therapy for example, the effect of colour is used in colour baths, colour acupuncture or colour irradiation in order to have positive effects on our health.

Primary colours and their symbolic meaning

Colour psychology refers to between four and six colours as so-called “base colours” according to the European colour system. In addition to black and white as the achromatic colours, the base colours also include the chromatic colours red, yellow, green and blue. Colours differ in symbolic meaning and significance from one culture to the next.


Red has a meaning in every culture. In colour theory it stands for energy, love, fire, power and sensuality. Depending on intensity and context, red can also be perceived as “aggressive”. In nature, red stands for both warning and attraction. According to colour psychology, it has a stimulating, dominant effect; it enhances self-esteem and gives vitality.


People see green as a symbol of life, nature and naturalness. We frequently associate green with luck, hope and contentment. Green has a recuperative, balancing effect on the psyche, it is said to harmonise body and soul. As the colour of nature, green is particularly relaxing to the human eye.


Already Goethe’s colour theory says that yellow has “a bright, cheerful, softly exciting character”. On the psychological level, yellow has a stimulating effect on people and is said to promote sharing and interpersonal communication. Yellow is very effective particularly in the dark and is therefore also used as a warning colour (e.g. yellow hi-vis vests, taxis).


As a symbol colour, blue stands for trust, harmony and constancy and is often associated with calm and concentration. Blue is also the most popular colour in Germany as it implies objectivity and reticence. In psychological terms, blue has a relaxing effect: it alleviates stress and is said to stimulate the unconscious mind and people’s own intuition.

Black, white and grey: what is the effect of achromatic colours?

Colour psychology refers to colours as “achromatic” if they have neither a certain colour shade nor saturation. They differ from each other solely in terms of their brightness value. The degree of brightness results in greyscales. These include black, white and all grey shades.

Black is a “non-colour” because it absorbs all the frequencies of light. Black divides people’s opinions and can have different effects and trigger different emotions, depending on the culture. Black stands for darkness and grief, but also for sophistication, seriousness and discipline. Depending on the context, black can appear elegant, sublime and timeless and make a very bright colour look more elegant.

White symbolises peace, clarity, purity and innocence. In physical terms, the light spectrum of white consists of many different colours in a colour range. It is therefore often associated with divinity and perfection. Western cultures have no negative associations with white. But in China, white has another significance, where it is the colour of grief and death. White can therefore also stand for new beginnings and rebirth, as every beginning is as white as a blank sheet of paper.

Grey is the colour of objectivity, neutrality and reticence and is often associated with boredom and insecurity. Grey appears distinguished, subtle and purist; in combination with other colours, it can also be elegant. Grey can make other colours appear brighter and is therefore an ideal combination colour.

KEIM Creative Design

Experience KEIM colours Mineral colours that are ecological and extremely colour stable. For a healthy indoor climate and long-lasting facades.

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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