

Appealing aquatic beings to sketch

You may demonstrate your knowledge by writing informative essays. They all focus on educating the reader without attempting to convince or express an opinion. Let’s look at some good essay topics catering to all age groups and preferences.

This Application for Consent was given conditional approval on January 21, 2020, was extended to April 27, 2021 due to O. Reg 149/20 (COVID-19), and further amended on April 26, 2021. A new condition was added. The provisional Consent will now lapse April 26, 2022.

This consultation was open from:
October 25, 2019
to November 24, 2019

Decision summary

59-C-195806 was amended on April 26, 2021. A new condition was added. Applicants have one (1) year to satisfy conditions otherwise approval will lapse. The last day to appeal this decision under the Planning Act is May 17, 2021.

Site address

territory without municipal organization, ON

Site location details

PIN 56066-1408, PIN 56066-3571, PIN 56066-3574, PIN 56066-3578, PIN 56066-3579, PIN 56066-2381, PIN 56066-1233, PIN 56066-1355, PIN 56066-2387, PIN 56066-3569 and PIN 56066-3570 Lobstick Island, Rainy Lake, unsurveyed territory, District of Rainy River.

Site location map

The location pin reflects the approximate area where environmental activity is taking place.


Windeau Investments
771 Hilldale Road,
Thunder Bay, ON
P7G 2J1

Decision on instrument

This application 59-C-195806 was approved on January 21, 2020 and was amended on April 26, 2021. The last day to appeal this decision under the Planning Act is May 17, 2021.

A new condition was added for the applicants to develop and comply with an Effectiveness Monitoring and Contingency Plan, to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s ( MNRF ) satisfaction, for the rare aquatic plants that were transplanted; and, to monitor and document the sand spit for erosion for 3 to 5 years post construction.

All other conditions as noted below remain unchanged. The provisional Consent will now lapse April 26, 2022. The approval can be appealed using the procedure outlined below. Notice to appeal the decision to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal must be filed with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on or before May 17, 2021.

Application 59-C-195806 was approved subject to the following conditions:

1. A Consent Agreement with (MNRF) to its satisfaction addressing the use and potential development of the lots;

2. Confirmation from (MNRF) of the following:

A Public Lands Act ( PLA ) Work Permits for the construction of roads and a water crossing has been issued; A PLA O. Reg. 161/17 Agreement for the bridge liability, maintenance, and monitoring has been issued; Confirmation from Hydro One that the road on Crown land can cross the Hydro One Land Use Permit ( LUP ); An (MNRF) Class Environmental Assessment for Resource Stewardship and Facility Development (disposition) Projects has been completed, which may include further studies/surveys in order to properly evaluate the project; and Indigenous consultation requirements have been met.

3. That (MNRF) are satisfied with the EIS for the natural heritage features, and any proposed mitigations and recommendations;

4. That a permit has been obtained by (MTO) for the construction of the road and bridge per PTHIA ;

5. Written confirmation is received from the holder of ECA for an approved septage disposal facility confirming that the disposal facility has sufficient reserve capacity to accept hauled sewage from the lots.

6. Confirmation is received from MECP that that plans which indicate existing and proposed best management practices to improve and maintain local water quality have been provided and accepted.

7. The Ministry is satisfied that Indigenous rights and interests have been addressed to their satisfaction.

8. The applicant shall provide an undertaking to comply with all the recommended actions as proposed in the Environmental Impact Statement and as approved by (MNRF) and MECP .

9. Acknowledgements are signed by transferor and transferees for, among others, that the use of best management practices for development on shorelines is used; and mitigation measures and best management practices implemented for Species at Risk.

10.Written confirmation of approval (if required) is received under the Navigable Waters Protection Program.

11. Written confirmation of permits issued for projects in and around water involving fish habitat is received by (DFO) if required.

Other information

The approval can be appealed using the procedure outlined below. Notice to appeal the decision to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal must be filed with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on or before May 17, 2021.

Ideas for Essay by Category

Based on your study area, you may likely face various writings in school. However, the most typical essay topics are these four. You’ll probably need to produce at least a few of these pieces, particularly if you finish your undergraduate coursework.

Persuasive Writing

As the name suggests, a persuasive essay’s main objective is to persuade the reader. Challenging, compelling, and rational writing should be used to convince readers. Contrary to expository essays, which may also advocate a viewpoint or particular cause, persuasive essay topics include opinion-based writing that focuses less on specific facts.

Expository Writing

In expository essays, facts are presented. They mandate that students conduct research, look into a subject, and provide a position based only on factual data instead of an opinion. Expository essay topics are written with solid reasoning and employ factual, scientific articles.

Descriptive Writing

The main goal of descriptive writing is to create a mental image of the subject. While writing descriptive essay topics, be prepared to discuss your primary subject and utilize several adjectives. You can describe an individual, a site, an event, or even a feeling. Here you won’t be asked to write in the first person like you would in a narrative essay.

Narrative Writing

The purpose of narrative essay topics is often to convey a tale built on the author’s personal experiences. Usually, a narrative essay uses a story to illustrate an idea. They adhere to a common essay structure (introduction, body, and conclusion) and have a motif. Characters and action are also present.

Next, we’ll discuss comprehensive essay topic ideas that will serve as a source of inspiration for your upcoming assignment.

Topics for Technology Essay

In today’s environment, technology is the driving force. Both cultural changes and technological improvements have significantly influenced the growth of human civilization. Thus, picking good essay topics about technology will provide you with plenty of material to draw on. Let’s explore some effective essay topics recommended by our custom essay writing service.

  1. The Ethical Implications of Quantum Computing: A New Era in Information Security.
  2. Neuromorphic Engineering: Mimicking the Human Brain in Silicon.
  3. The Role of 5G in Revolutionizing Telemedicine and Remote Healthcare.
  4. The Environmental Impact of Cryptocurrency Mining: Beyond Energy Consumption.
  5. Bioinformatics and the Future of Personalized Medicine.
  6. Blockchain and the Decentralization of Social Media Platforms.
  7. The Potential of Swarm Robotics in Disaster Relief and Search & Rescue.
  8. Human Augmentation and the Ethical Dilemmas of Cyborg Technology.
  9. Advancements in Brain-Computer Interfaces: Bridging the Gap Between Mind and Machine.
  10. The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Predicting and Preventing Wildfires.
  11. 3D Printing Organs: A Revolution in Transplant Medicine.
  12. Quantum Internet: Unbreakable Security and the Future of Communication.
  13. The Dark Side of Smart Cities: Privacy Concerns in the Age of IoT.
  14. Space Debris: Challenges and Solutions for Managing Earth’s Orbital Junkyard.
  15. The Intersection of Virtual Reality and Therapy: Healing Through Immersion.
  16. The Rise of Drone Swarms: Applications and Ethical Concerns.
  17. The Impact of 3D Holography in Education and Training.
  18. Bioluminescent Technology: Illuminating the Path to Sustainable Lighting.
  19. The Evolution of Self-Replicating Nanobots in Medicine and Industry.
  20. Innovations in Sound Technology: From Bone Conduction to Sonic Weapons.
  21. Quantum Cryptography: Unhackable Communication for the Digital Age.
  22. The Future of Food Tech: Lab-Grown Meat and Sustainable Agriculture.
  23. Machine Learning in Judicial Systems: Bias, Fairness, and Accountability.
  24. Cryonics and Digital Immortality: Freezing Bodies and Uploading Consciousness.
  25. The Holographic Universe Theory: Exploring the Nature of Reality through Technology.

Cause and Effect Essay Ideas

To write on cause and effect essay topics, you should primarily identify a situation in which an action has effects or consequences. The next step is for you to describe what happened. If you’re having trouble coming up with interesting essay topics, have a look through this list.

  1. The Ripple Effect of Kindness: How Small Acts Can Create Lasting Changes.
  2. Silent Killers of the Ocean: The Causes and Effects of Ocean Acidification.
  3. Echo Chambers in the Digital Age: How Online Algorithms Shape Our Beliefs and Behaviors.
  4. From Pixels to Insomnia: How Screen Blue Light Affects Sleep Patterns.
  5. The ‘IKEA Effect’: Psychological Causes and Economic Consequences of DIY Furniture Assembly.
  6. Antibiotic Overuse: Creating Resistant Superbugs and Impacts on Human Health.
  7. Lost in Light: How Light Pollution Affects Astronomy and Biodiversity.
  8. The Influence of Social Media on Political Polarization: Causes and Effects.
  9. Urban Sprawl: Causes, Consequences, and the Decline of Green Spaces.
  10. The Domino Effect of Misinformation: From Social Media to Real-World Consequences.
  11. The Butterfly Effect of Climate Change: Small Actions with Global Consequences.
  12. The Psychology of Color in Marketing: How Hues Impact Consumer Choices.
  13. The ‘Joy of Missing Out’ (JOMO): Causes and Effects in the Age of FOMO.
  14. The ‘Viral’ Effect of Social Media Challenges: Causes and Impacts on Youth Behavior.
  15. The High Cost of Cheap Fashion: Environmental and Ethical Consequences.
  16. Overparenting: Causes and Effects on Child Development and Independence.
  17. The Power of Habit: How Routines Shape Our Lives and Goals.
  18. The ‘Gig Economy’ Phenomenon: Causes and Effects on Job Security.
  19. The Paradox of Choice: How an Abundance of Options Impacts Decision-Making.
  20. Digital Nomads: Causes and Consequences of a Remote Work Lifestyle.
  21. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Causes and Effects on Mental Well-Being.
  22. ‘Helicopter Parenting’: Its Origins and Effects on Children’s Independence.
  23. The Psychological Impact of Personalized Advertising: Causes and Consequences.
  24. The Decline of Bookstores: Digitalization’s Effects on Reading Habits.
  25. The Influence of Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity: Causes and Consequences.
  26. Perfectionism in the Digital Age: Causes and Impacts on Mental Health.
  27. The ‘Selfie Culture’: Its Origins and Effects on Self-Esteem.
  28. The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Function: Causes and Consequences.
  29. The Psychology of Hoarding: Causes and Effects on Mental Health and Relationships.
  30. ‘Cancel Culture’: Causes and Impacts on Free Speech and Public Figures.
Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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