

Beginner’s guide to drawing mountains with step-by-step instructions

Picture the snow-covered mountain tops. To complete this step, add curved wavy lines to the tops of the mountains.

Inkscape Tutorials

The Inkscape community has produced a vast volume of tutorials over the years. At this writing more than 95% are made by Inkscape users, and scattered hither and yon across the internet. The only truly official tutorials are those packaged with the program, which you can find in the Help menu > Tutorials.

Here we want to make a collection of new official tutorials, officially-endorsed tutorials, and user-recommended tutorials, which have been provided by community members, and reviewed for content and presentation. Inkscape users can depend on them being of high quality.

Official Tutorials

These are tutorials from the Inkscape project. In general, they provide the most basic or most essential information, which is needed by most Inkscape users, at some point. These are recommended for all users. There are three general categories.

Packaged with Inkscape

These tutorials are actually packed with Inkscape, where they are interactive. But we have them linked below as static copies. The first three are highly recommended for beginners, titled Basic, Shapes, and Advanced. (Don’t worry, the one named Advanced isn’t really. It’s an introduction to the most basic elements of vector graphics (paths).) The others cover specific features, which you can use as needed.

  • Basic tutorial
  • Shapes tutorial
  • Advanced tutorial
  • Bitmap Tracing tutorial
  • Pixelart Tracing tutorial
  • Calligraphy tutorial
  • Interpolate tutorial
  • Elements of Design tutorial
  • Tips and Tricks tutorial

Tools or Features

These tutorials teach how to use specific tools or features.

  • What To Do When Tools Are Drawing Invisible Objects (or No Longer Working as Before)
  • Customize Your Inkscape Tools’ Styles
  • Tips to Avoid Performance Issues (slowdowns, freezing, crashing)
  • How to Select an Individual Object
  • Using LaTeX with Inkscape

How to Draw a.

These tutorials show how to draw a specific subject.

  • first (fictional example: How to Draw a Chair)
  • second (fictional example: Draw a Simuilated 3D Box)
  • third (fictional example: Draw a Restaurant Logo)

  • Inkscape Tutorials Series in Full Circle Magazine – by Mark Crutch, published monthly in Full Circle Magazine – beginners should start with the first tutorial
  • A Crash Course in Inkscape – an introductory walkthrough of Inkscape’s interface with tips and tricks written by illustrator Chris Hilbig
  • 10 Good Inkscape Tutorials for Vector Graphic Designers
  • Creative Nerds Inkscape Tutorials
  • Inkscape forum’s tutorials section
  • User-uploaded tutorials

If you would like to participate in providing tutorials for this page, or even to join the Documentation team, please read on here.

Inkscape является свободным ПО с открытым исходным кодом, лицензия предоставляется в соответствии с GPL.

How to Draw Mountains

So, I am very happy to offer you an exciting new drawing guide in which I will tell you how to draw mountains. With this simple step-by-step instruction, you will depict beautiful mountain scenery. By following my instructions carefully, any child or beginner will be able to do a great job with this drawing.

I’m sure that all of you have ever seen mountains. Most geologists classify a mountain as a landform that rises at least 1,000 feet or more above its surrounding area. A mountain range is a series or chain of mountains that are close together. Mountains are very beautiful landscape objects.

With the help of this lesson, you will depict two mountains next to each other. By learning how to draw mountains, you can easily depict them in any other landscapes you will ever draw in the future. Have fun drawing!

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw Mountains

how to draw mountains step by step

    Draw the auxiliary line. Outline a long straight horizontal line that will help you mark the ground level in the drawing.

how to draw mountains easy

Depict the outline of the mountain. Draw two curved lines that converge at one point on the right side of the picture.

how to draw mountains easy for kids

Add the outline of the second mountain. Picture this mountain on the left side of the drawing using curved lines.

how to draw mountains easy step by step

Picture the outline of the ground in the drawing. Above the straight horizontal line draw two curved lines of different lengths.

how to draw mountains for kids easy

Draw the stones. Below the mountains depict three stones of different sizes using curved lines.

mountains drawing guide

Add the relief of the mountains. Depict long thin curved lines on the surface of the two previously drawn mountains.

mountains drawing tutorial

Picture the snow-covered mountain tops. To complete this step, add curved wavy lines to the tops of the mountains.

easy way to draw mountains

Erase unnecessary lines. Use an eraser to remove auxiliary lines that appeared during the drawing process.

how to draw mountains step by step easy

Color the drawing. Use green and shades of blue to color this drawing.

This lesson is over and now you know how to draw mountains. Hope you are happy with the result. I would be glad if you share your impressions in the comments. Also, don’t forget to download the PDF version of the lesson. This will help you come back to this tutorial anytime you feel like drawing.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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