

Step-by-step guide for sketching easy clouds

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Xbox Cloud Gaming in Microsoft Edge with Steam Deck

This article is for Steam Deck device owners interested in getting Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) and Microsoft Edge installed and set up on your device. It provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for the entire process and includes official art from Microsoft Edge and Xbox to make your new shortcuts stand out.

Note: This article uses Microsoft Edge via a community maintained Flatpak package. We are grateful to the community of contributors who have maintained and improved this Flatpak package and made this experience possible.

These instructions are intended for enthusiasts who are comfortable making system modifications on your Steam Deck device. Microsoft does not actively maintain the Microsoft Edge Flatpak package and does not provide official support Microsoft Edge on SteamOS at this time.

Before you begin

We recommended you have a mouse and keyboard connected to your Steam Deck when following this article for setup. Alternatively, you can use STEAM+X to bring up the touch keyboard along with the touch display or trackpads.

How to set up Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta)

  1. Press the Steam button to bring up the Steam Menu, then select Power >Switch to Desktop.
  2. Select the Discover Software Center icon on the taskbar.

Finding the Discover Software Center icon on the Steam Desktop taskbar.

  • In Discover Software Center, select Applications >Internet >Web Browsers.
  • Find Microsoft Edge in the list of apps and select Install.
  • Once it’s installed, close Discover Software Center, return to the Desktop, and select Application Launcher.

    Finding the Application Launcher icon on the Steam Desktop taskbar.

  • Select Internet, then right-click on Microsoft Edge and select Add to Steam.
  • In the Add a Game window, scroll to find Microsoft Edge, check the box next to it, and select Add Selected Programs.
    Finding and checking Microsoft Edge in the Steam Add A Game list.
  • Back on the Desktop, select Application Launcher >System >Konsole (terminal window).
  • Edge will need to be able to access your Steam Deck controls with udev, so we need to give it override access. Set it by entering this command and pressing Enter:

    flatpak –user override –filesystem=/run/udev:ro com.microsoft.Edge

    Finding the Steam Desktop client icon.

  • Select the Library tab, navigate to Microsoft Edge in the list, and then right-click it and select Properties.
  • Make the following changes to the Microsoft Edge shortcut:
    1. Change the name (next to the icon) to Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta)
    2. Scroll down to LAUNCH OPTIONS and append the following (after @@u @@ ):

    –window-size=1024,640 –force-device-scale-factor=1.25 –device-scale-factor=1.25 –kiosk “https://www.xbox.com/play”

    Where to add the additional arguments to the Launch Options on the Microsoft Edge Beta shortcut in Steam.

    Close this window when you are done.

    Adding custom artwork to your shortcut

    At this point your shortcut will work; you can close the Steam window, select the Return to Gaming Mode icon on the desktop and find your shortcut in your game library in the NON-STEAM section. However, we’ve got some artwork for you that will make look it a little nicer. Here’s how to add that:

    1. Download the supplied artwork from here. There is art here for Xbox Cloud Gaming and the Microsoft Edge browser. We are going to be using the Xbox Cloud Gaming files here:
      • Xbox_Cloud_Gaming_Banner.jpg
      • Xbox_Cloud_Gaming_Capsule.jpg
      • Xbox_Cloud_Gaming_Icon.jpg

    Note: You can use a USB thumb drive to copy the files on to your Steam Deck, via Desktop mode. One place to store the files is in the “Documents” folder.

    The Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) blank capsule in the Steam Library.

    Tip: An easy way to make this happen is to launch it within the Steam desktop client, move your mouse cursor to the upper left corner to present your windows, and close the Xbox Cloud Gaming window from there. At that point it should be in RECENT GAMES.

    At this point your Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) shortcut is ready to go! You can return to Gaming Mode via the icon on the desktop.

    How to set up Microsoft Edge (from scratch)

    If you just want to set up Microsoft Edge as a browser to use on your Steam Deck without setting up Xbox Cloud Gaming, you’re in the right place. Here’s what you do:

    1. Press the Steam button to bring up the Steam Menu, then select Power >Switch to Desktop.
    2. Select the Discover Software Center icon on the taskbar.

    Finding the Discover Software Center icon on the Steam Desktop taskbar.

  • In Discover Software Center, select Applications >Internet >Web Browsers.
  • Find Microsoft Edge in the list of apps and select Install.
  • Once it’s installed, close Discover Software Center, return to the Desktop, and select Application Launcher.

  • Select Internet, then right-click on Microsoft Edge and select Add to Steam.
  • In the Add a Game window, scroll to find Microsoft Edge, check the box next to it, and select Add Selected Programs.
    Finding and checking Microsoft Edge in the Steam Add A Game list.
  • Back on the Desktop, select Application Launcher >System >Konsole (terminal window).
  • Edge will need to be able to access your Steam Deck controls with udev, so we need to give it override access. Set it by entering this command and pressing Enter:

    flatpak –user override –filesystem=/run/udev:ro com.microsoft.Edge

  • Select the Library tab, navigate to Microsoft Edge in the list, and then right-click it and select Properties.
  • Scroll down to LAUNCH OPTIONS and append the following (after @@u @@ ):

    –window-size=1024,640 –force-device-scale-factor=1.25 –device-scale-factor=1.25

    Adding custom artwork to your shortcut

    At this point your shortcut will work; you can close the Steam window, select the Return to Gaming Mode icon on the desktop and find your shortcut in your game library in the NON-STEAM section. However, we’ve got some artwork for you that will make look it a little nicer. Here’s how to add that:

    1. Download the supplied artwork from here. There is art here for Xbox Cloud Gaming and the Microsoft Edge browser. We are going to be using the Microsoft Edge Beta files here:
      • Microsoft_Edge_Beta_Banner_Animated.png
      • Microsoft_Edge_Beta_Capsule.png
      • Microsoft_Edge_Beta_Icon.png

    Note: You can use a USB thumb drive to copy the files on to your Steam Deck, via Desktop mode. One place to store the files is in the “Documents” folder.

    Tip: An easy way to make this happen is to launch it within the Steam desktop client, move your mouse cursor to the upper left corner to present your windows, and close the Microsoft Edge window from there. At that point it should be in RECENT GAMES.

    At this point your Microsoft Edge shortcut is ready to go! You can return to Gaming Mode via the icon on the desktop.

    How to set up Microsoft Edge (after Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta))

    If you’ve already set up Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) and would like to add the Microsoft Edge browser to Gaming Mode, good news: you’ve already done most of the work, and what you do need to do will look very familiar! Here it is:

    1. On the Steam Desktop, select Application Launcher >Internet, then right-click on Microsoft Edge and select Add to Steam.
    2. In the Add a Game window, scroll to find Microsoft Edge, check the box next to it, and select Add Selected Programs.
    3. Open Steam by selecting the Steam icon on the desktop.
    4. Select the Library tab, navigate to Microsoft Edge in the list, and then right-click it and select Properties.
    5. Scroll down to LAUNCH OPTIONS and append the following (after @@u @@ ):

    –window-size=1024,640 –force-device-scale-factor=1.25 –device-scale-factor=1.25

    Adding custom artwork to your shortcut

    Adding custom artwork is the same process as before. Just in case you didn’t do it with your Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) setup, though, we’ll give you the whole walkthrough here:

    1. Download the supplied artwork from here. There is art here for Xbox Cloud Gaming and the Microsoft Edge browser. We are going to be using the Microsoft Edge Beta files here:
      • Microsoft_Edge_Beta_Banner_Animated.png
      • Microsoft_Edge_Beta_Capsule.png
      • Microsoft_Edge_Beta_Icon.png

    Note: You can use a USB thumb drive to copy the files on to your Steam Deck, via Desktop mode. One place to store the files is in the “Documents” folder.

    Tip: An easy way to make this happen is to launch it within the Steam desktop client, move your mouse cursor to the upper left corner to present your windows, and close the Microsoft Edge window from there. At that point it should be in RECENT GAMES.

    At this point your Microsoft Edge shortcut is ready to go! You can return to Gaming Mode via the icon on the desktop.

    Video Tutorial

    Here is the step-by-step tutorial. I used thin marker pens and watercolour pencils to create this drawing (full list of materials later in the post), but you can use any materials you like! It will still work.

    If you want to save this tutorial for later, use the red “Pin It” button to save it to Pinterest, or download a printable PDF. I hope you enjoy drawing these cuties.

    How to draw kawaii clouds 4 different ways step-by-step tutorial

    Printable PDF

    Please enjoy it for personal use, and remember give me credit and link back to this post if you share it with others.

    • Sketch lightly in pencil first. Then erase the pencil lines before adding the final outlines and colours. This way you won’t see the pencil lines in your finished artwork.
    • Notice how I left some white space around the edges (between the blue outline and the light-blue fill). This makes the clouds look round and puffy.
    • You can play around with the shapes of the clouds. They never stay the same anyway. This is a good opportunity to practice sketching without a huge concern for accuracy.
    • Experiment with different faces and expressions. Clouds are fun and loose. They can take on many kinds of personality.
    • Use these simple and easy designs in your DIY and craft projects. I’ll include a few ideas below.

    Materials I Used

    Kawaii clouds drawing tutorial materials

    • Derwent Inktense watercolor pencils
      • Sun Yellow 0200
      • Poppy Red 0400
      • Iris Blue 0900

      Light Strokes

      When you paint with your brush, make sure your strokes are not too hard. Gentle strokes will make your clouds look soft. On the other hand, when you paint with hard strokes, the clouds look unnecessarily prominent and loud. If you don’t want that to happen, have control on your brush when you paint. Here we have some Tips to Paint Galaxies with examples.

      Image Source

      The edges of the clouds should not be too sharp and distinct. Use leftover paint to create edges. When you use less colour to paint the edges, you get a dreamy effect. If you don’t want to use any extra paint to create the edges, then use the existing paint on the canvas to create them, by pushing it outward.

      ow, Comes Shading

      Image Source

      Shading is extremely important if you want to make your clouds look realistic. Now, the question is- how to do the shading part. Well, for that, you will need some grey paint. Create grey by mixing white and black if you don’t already have it. Now, use this grey to make semi-circular strokes here and there on the cloud, especially at the bottom of each mass. This creates a magical effect.

      Smaller Clouds Farther

      This makes the last point of the “Painting Clouds: Step by Step Guide For Beginners.” Make sure your painting doesn’t have equal sized clouds. The bigger ones are going to indicate they are at the front, and the smaller ones indicate distance.

      Image Source

      Image Source

      The above details that entail a Painting Clouds: Step by Step Guide For Beginners sum it up all. So, the next time you are ready with your canvas and brushes for a cloud painting, make sure you have these steps registered in your mind. They are easy to follow and will help you create the best cloud painting. You can check out all the Useful Acrylic Pour Paintings Tips for Beginners dished out here-

  • Colin Wynn
    the authorColin Wynn

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