

Step-by-step tutorial for sketching the moon

Learning how to draw a crescent moon with markers isn’t as hard as you might think. And there’s really only a few things you need to keep in mind.

How to Draw a Crescent Moon Step by Step


Learning how to draw a crescent moon is easy and fun. We’ll show you how to draw, outline, and color your crescent moon drawings with markers. And there’s a lot of cute drawings you can do with them too. Art and drawing are skills anyone can learn. The more you practice the better you will get. And the more you enjoy your creative time, the more you’ll look forward to it. So let’s grab some supplies and get ready to have some fun learning how to draw a crescent moon.

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Art Supplies

  • Thin black marker
  • Paper or cardstock
  • Markers
  • Pencil
  • Click Eraser, Pink Pearl Eraser
  • White Gelly Roll pen

About Crescent Moons

There are over 200 moons in our solar system. However, the Earth only has one moon. The moon orbits the Earth, meaning it circles our planet. This process takes roughly 27 days to complete.


The moon consists of metal and rock, just like the Earth. Although it appears to be a variety of colors, it’s actually gray. The moon reflects the light from the sun. The Earth’s atmosphere is what creates the appearance of the moon being different colors.

There are eight phases of the moon. You can see all eight phases over the period of a month.These phases are the different levels of reflection of the light from the sun.

If less than half of the moon is lit, it’s called a crescent moon. There are two different types of crescent moons. They are waning and waxing. This is determined by which side is lit. A waning crescent is lit on the left side, and a waxing crescent is lit on the right side.

This information is good to know because it means you can draw your crescent moon facing either direction, and it will still be accurate. If that sort of thing is important to you.


Crescent Moon Sketch Practice

Doing a crescent moon sketch practice exercise is a great way to warm up your drawing muscles and work through some rough ideas.

And it’s really easy to do and only takes a few minutes. Here’s how…

  • Get some paper and something to sketch with
  • Pull up some reference photos
  • Set a timer for three or five minutes

Then just simply do as many crescent moon sketches as you can before the timer goes off.


Another option is to sketch until your paper is filled and you’re out of room.


Either method is fine. Just be sure to keep your sketches quick and loose. And don’t spend more than a few minutes on the exercise.

How to Draw a Crescent Moon Step by Step

Learning how to draw a crescent moon is really easy. We’ll start with some simple shapes, just like we always do.

Begin by drawing a circle. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect.


Then draw the shape of your crescent moon inside that circle.


For our crescent moon drawing we’re going to be adding a face. Let’s start by drawing the nose.

We’ll be drawing a profile view of the face.

Now draw the eye by making a sideways V-shape with a curved line for the eyeball.

Then draw the iris and pupil of the eye.


Next, draw the upper lip and mouth.

You can add lips to your drawing or leave the mouth as is without the lips. Either way looks good.


Finish up the face by adding an eyebrow and any other details you want to include in your drawing.

There are many different ways you can draw the face. You could make a female face, or maybe try something less friendly. It just depends on what look you’re going for.


Add in some clouds, stars, or anything else you want to include in your crescent moon drawing.


Learn How to Draw a Wolf Step by Step

How to Draw a Wolf Howling at the Moon

Photo: Stock Photos from zef art/Shutterstock

It’s good practice to do a bit of research before beginning any drawing. In the case of a wolf howling at the moon, try and collect a few images from different angles to better understand the shape of the wolf’s open mouth. Be very selective and find high-quality photos with no obstructions of the wolf’s head, legs, and especially paws (as these are often hidden by grass). For this reason, it’s smart to collect a couple of images, as it’s hard to find one perfect photo that will show you everything that you need.

As you start drawing, keep in mind that there are different species of wolves whose coats will vary in appearance depending on the time of the year the photo was taken. Due to this, always look to your own reference photo first, as it may differ from the example shown.

Step 1: Lightly sketch the basic shapes

How to Draw a Wolf Howling at the Moon

Photo & Art: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met

First, using your pencil of choice, lightly sketch the basic shapes of the head, chest, and hindquarters. At this stage, we are just measuring out the proportions, so consult your reference photo often to see if it roughly matches up to your wolf of choice. After drawing the circle for the head, you can add a rectangular shape protruding from the side—this will be the open mouth.

Step 2: Connect the body

How to Draw a Wolf Howling at the Moon

Photo & Art: Margherita Cole | My Modern Met

Once you feel satisfied with the basic shapes, you can begin connecting them to create the body of the wolf. If your model has a thick winter coat, keep the neck rounded as it connects to the chest. Next, add a triangle-shaped ear where the head meets the back, keeping in mind that wolves have fairly large ears. Before moving on, carefully place a thick line where the bridge of the nose meets the wolf’s head, indicating a closed eye.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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