

Art and libations in Michigan

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Craft Libations for Collective Liberation

Donations will be earmarked for Title Track’s work for Racial Equity, including training programs for BIPOC facilitators, scholarships for the “Understanding Racial Justice” program and support for our partnership with Northern Michigan E3, which focuses its efforts on how to educate, elevate and engage the community around anti-racism.

Michigan’s Craft Beverage Industry is known for its imagination, vision, and commitment to community. This is a group of creative problem-solvers who have historically provided leadership and offered community spaces for building local culture that is vibrant and resilient.

All donations are tax-deductible and appreciated as we pursue t he $25,000 goal! If you are able to donate a minimum of $50, please see below for what you will receive for your donation.

Donate a minimum of $50 now and get thanked in Title Track’s newsletter and social media.

  • You, and anyone who works for your organization are invited to join the Community Conversations Programming on our 5 city tour.

Donate $100 or more and become a member of Title Track’s Racial Equity Team

  • You, and anyone who works for your organization are invited to join the Community Conversations Programming on our 5 city tour.
  • This will support Title Track’s ongoing work:
    • Facilitating educational programs for schools, businesses, non-profit orgs and individuals
    • Working in solidarity with frontline Environmental Justice leaders in communities of color
    • Supporting Native Justice through Indigenous Mutual Aid and Support for Native Elders
    • Developing new curriculum to offer to the many new people interested in taking action
    • Growing our organization’s capacity to scale up our ongoing efforts

    In addition to our industry goal of $25,000 to host five Community Conversation Programs across the state of Michigan, Title Track has two separate program offerings that allow for your organization to dig deeper into anti-oppression training. If you are interested in the $1000 or $5000 dollar level please contact us for more information.

    Donate $1000 or more and Title Track will bring a Community Conversation on Racial Justice to your pub or establishment hosted by Seth Bernard (bio below) with special guests rotating regionally.

    • You, and anyone who works for your organization are invited to join the Community Conversations Programming on our 5 city tour.
    • These community conversations are open to the general public and will help folks understand the basics of Racial Justice by:
      • addressing FAQs
      • defining common terms and concepts
      • dissecting the five faces of oppression and
      • offering critical tools and analysis toward action in resistance and solidarity.

      Donate $5000 or more and Title Track will facilitate a staff training that will take place for a full day, 9am-5pm, and will serve a full staff of up to 75 people.

      • You, and anyone who works for your organization are invited to join the Community Conversations Programming on our 5 city tour.
      • Before the training, Title Track will provide support in the form of:
        • A one hour zoom call between one of the facilitators and brewery leadership.
        • An outline of the training and what folks can expect,
        • A PDF packet offering guidance and tools to leadership in handling potential fears and reservations from staff, based on previous experience.
        • Historical context for the racial construct in the U.S.
        • Unpacking and understanding power, privilege, identity, and oppression.
        • Resistance, solidarity, and collective liberation.
        • Case studies of frontline community leaders and organizations.
        • DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) practices.
        • Forming accountability partnerships within the staff.
        • Forming supportive partnerships with frontline organizations in communities of color.
        • Continued community learning.
        • Organizing and lobbying for antiracist policies at the local, state, and federal level.
        • A one-hour zoom call with the full staff, checking in.
        • Reading list for continued community learning.
        • Custom media bundle w/ podcasts, films, and music.
        • Self-guided exercises and activities for the team.

        Seth Bernard is the Founder and Co-Executive Director of Title Track. He has curated, facilitated and participated in workshops and panels related to Racial Justice through the Anishinaabe Racial Justice Conference, the Michigan Music Alliance, the Earthwork Harvest Gathering, the Deep Winter Men’s Retreat, the Youth Empowerment and Sustainability Summit (YESS), the Earthwork Songwriters Retreat, and SXSW.

        In 2019, Seth was awarded a Rotary Charities Changemaker Fellowship to support Anti-Oppression work in Northern Michigan and his ongoing project “Collaborative Songwriting for Collective Liberation”, in which Seth guides groups in the creation of original songs built around anti-oppression themes.

        As a result of his years of work in collaboration and solidarity with community leaders in Detroit and Flint, Seth was invited to member of PolicyLink’s Water Equity and Climate Resilience Caucus, a national network of Environmental Justice leaders working to address water equity and climate resilience, centering frontline communities of color and low-income communities.

        Seth is also the host of “State of Water”, a podcast on clean water issues and their relationship to policy, equity, community, and climate, featuring in-depth conversations with some of Seth’s mentors at the forefront of Michigan’s Environmental Justice movement.

        Born and raised in rural Northern Michigan, Seth is also a musician and arts educator, bringing a unique orientation to place and creativity into the work to build antiracist community in our region. Over the past several years, Seth has guided many entry-level conversations about Racial Justice with fellow white folks, cultivating spaces that nurture compassion, courage, and community building.

        Libations: The Art Therapy within the Art of Adult Coloring

        Libations: The Art Therapy within the Art of Adult Coloring

        Libations: The Art Therapy within the Art of Adult Coloring

        At this critical turning point in society — with the magnified intersections of health, psychological and physical well-being, and systemic violence, prejudice, and injustice — the Chicago Brewseum is all the more committed to our communities.

        This August, we are pleased to join efforts with the social service nonprofit Sacred Transformations to host Libations, an innovative four week series that addresses the ceremonial and celebratory functions of beverages and drinking as well as the negative consequences of over consumption and addiction.

        Presented in conjunction with The Libations Exhibition opening in Michigan City, Indiana on August 1st, this series of talks compliments the exhibition which features over 60 works of art produced by a diverse body of artists throughout Northwest Indiana and the greater Chicagoland area. As beer is more than just a beverage that has the power to bring people together and the ability to make change, creating art has the power to heal, transform, and build community. We invite you to join us.

        The Art Therapy within the Art of Adult Coloring

        In our first conversation of the Libations series, art therapist Eric Dean Spruth discusses the themes of The Libations Exhibition and explores how creating art has the power to heal, transform, and build community.

        Eric Dean Spruth MA, ATR, is a co-curator of The Libations Exhibition and the founder and executive director of Sacred Transformations where together with a small army of volunteers they are dedicated to helping people who are tattooed, scarred, branded or burnt from negative experiences to transform those marks into art pieces that celebrate one’s individuality. The experience empowers the individual to express in their own terms who they are inside. It is our goal for those marks to be converted into a source of daily inspiration to maintain sobriety, to be committed to the welfare and betterment of children, family, community and self. Our organization believes that these transformative tattoos will provide a historically qualified link to spirituality and culture and deliver the individual a new rite of passage – a symbol of evolving consciousness and personal evolution.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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